Haskell Fast & Hard (Part 4)

As of March 2020, School of Haskell has been switched to read-only mode.


Dali, the madonna of port Lligat

Too long; didn't read:

  • type Name = AnotherType is just an alias and the compiler doesn't do any difference between Name and AnotherType.
  • data Name = NameConstructor AnotherType make a difference.
  • data can construct structures which can be recursives.
  • deriving is magic and create functions for you.

In Haskell, types are strong and static.

Why is this important? It will help you greatly to avoid mistakes. In Haskell, most bugs are caught during the compilation of your program. And the main reason is because of the type inference during compilation. It will be easy to detect where you used the wrong parameter at the wrong place for example.

Type inference

Static typing is generally essential to reach fast execution time. But most statically typed languages are bad at generalizing concepts. Haskell's saving grace is that it can infer types.

Here is a simple example. The square function in Haskell:

square x = x * x

This function can square any Numeral type. You can provide square with an Int, an Integer, a Float a Fractional and even Complex. Proof by example:

import Data.Complex

square x = x*x

main = do
  print $ square 2
  print $ square 2.1
  print $ square (2 :+ 1)

x :+ y is the notation for the complex (x + ib).

Now compare with the amount of code necessary in C:

int     int_square(int x) { return x*x; }

float   float_square(float x) {return x*x; }

complex complex_square (complex z) {
    complex tmp;
    tmp.real = z.real * z.real - z.img * z.img;
    tmp.img = 2 * z.img * z.real;

complex x,y;
y = complex_square(x);

For each type, you need to write a new function. The only way to work around this problem is to use some meta-programming trick. For example using the pre-processor. In C++ there is a better way, the C++ templates:

#include <iostream>
#include <complex>
using namespace std;

template<typename T>
T square(T x)
    return x*x;

int main() {
    // int
    int sqr_of_five = square(5);
    cout << sqr_of_five << endl;
    // double
    cout << (double)square(5.3) << endl;
    // complex
    cout << square( complex<double>(5,3) )
         << endl;
    return 0;

C++ does a far better job than C. For more complex function the syntax can be hard to follow: look at this article for example.

In C++ you must declare that a function can work with different types. In Haskell this is the opposite. The function will be as general as possible by default.

Type inference gives Haskell the feeling of freedom that dynamically typed languages provide. But unlike dynamically typed languages, most errors are caught before the execution. Generally, in Haskell:

"if it compiles it certainly does what you intended"

Type construction

You can construct your own types. First you can use aliases or type synonyms.

type Name   = String
type Color  = String

showInfos :: Name ->  Color -> String
showInfos name color =  "Name: " ++ name
                        ++ ", Color: " ++ color
name :: Name
name = "Robin"
color :: Color
color = "Blue"
main = putStrLn $ showInfos name color

But it doesn't protect you much. Try to swap the two parameter of showInfos and run the program:

type Name   = String
type Color  = String

showInfos :: Name ->  Color -> String
showInfos name color =  "Name: " ++ name
                        ++ ", Color: " ++ color
name :: Name
name = "Robin"
color :: Color
color = "Blue"
-- show
main = putStrLn $ showInfos color name
-- /show

It will compile and execute. In fact you can replace Name, Color and String everywhere. The compiler will treat them as completely identical.

Another method is to create your own types using the keyword data.

data Name   = NameConstr String
data Color  = ColorConstr String

showInfos :: Name ->  Color -> String
showInfos (NameConstr name) (ColorConstr color) =
      "Name: " ++ name ++ ", Color: " ++ color

name  = NameConstr "Robin"
color = ColorConstr "Blue"
main = putStrLn $ showInfos name color

Now if you switch parameters of showInfos, the compiler complains! A possible mistake you could never do again. The only price is to be more verbose.

Also remark constructor are functions:

NameConstr  :: String -> Name
ColorConstr :: String -> Color

The syntax of data is mainly:

data TypeName =   ConstructorName  [types]
                | ConstructorName2 [types]
                | ...

Generally the usage is to use the same name for the DataTypeName and DataTypeConstructor.


data Complex a = Num a => Complex a a

Also you can use the record syntax:

data DataTypeName = DataConstructor {
                      field1 :: [type of field1]
                    , field2 :: [type of field2]
                    , fieldn :: [type of fieldn] }

And many accessors are made for you. Furthermore you can use another order when setting values.


data Complex a = Num a => Complex { real :: a, img :: a}
c = Complex 1.0 2.0
z = Complex { real = 3, img = 4 }
real c ⇒ 1.0
img z ⇒ 4
  1. Declare the data type Knight in the following program:

data Knight = undefined

galaad = Knight { name = "Galaad, the pure"
                , quest = "To seek the Holy Grail"
                , favoriteColor = "The blue... No the red! AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" }

showCharacter :: Knight -> String
showCharacter knight = "What is your name?\n"
    ++ "My name is " ++ name knight
    ++ "\nWhat is your quest?\n"
    ++ quest knight
    ++ "\nWhat is your favorite color?\n"
    ++ favoriteColor knight

main = do
  putStrLn $ showCharacter galaad
  1. Somebody changed the showCharacter to make it more readable. Unfortunately he mades some mistake. Change the type declaration such that the compiler complains, and then correct the showCharacter function.

data Knight = Knight { name :: String
                     , quest :: String
                     , favoriteColor :: String }

showNameQuestion :: String -> String
showNameQuestion someName = "What is your name? My name is " ++ someName

showQuestQuestion :: String -> String
showQuestQuestion someQuest = "What is your quest? " ++ someQuest

showColorQuestion :: String -> String
showColorQuestion someColor = "What is your favorite color? " ++ someColor
showCharacter :: Knight -> String
showCharacter knight = showNameQuestion (favoriteColor knight) ++ "\n"
                       ++ showQuestQuestion (name knight ) ++ "\n"
                       ++ showColorQuestion (quest knight)

galaad = Knight { name = "Galaad, the pure"
                , quest = "To seek the Holy Grail"
                , favoriteColor = "The blue... No the red! AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" }

main = do
  putStrLn $ showCharacter galaad

Recursive type

You already encountered a recursive type: lists. You can re-create lists, but with a more verbose syntax:

data List a = Empty | Cons a (List a)

If you really want to use an easier syntax you can use an infix name for constructors.

infixr 5 :::
data List a = Nil | a ::: (List a)

The number after infixr is the priority.

If you want to be able to print (Show), read (Read), test equality (Eq) and compare (Ord) your new data structure you can tell Haskell to derive the appropriate functions for you.

infixr 5 :::
data List a = Nil | a ::: (List a)
              deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord)

When you add deriving (Show) to your data declaration, Haskell create a show function for you. We'll see soon how you can use your own show function.

convertList [] = Nil
convertList (x:xs) = x ::: convertList xs
infixr 5 :::
data List a = Nil | a ::: (List a)
              deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord)
convertList [] = Nil
convertList (x:xs) = x ::: convertList xs
-- show
main = do
      print (0 ::: 1 ::: Nil)
      print (convertList [0,1])
-- /show


Magritte, l'Arbre

We'll just give another standard example: binary trees.

import Data.List

data BinTree a = Empty
                 | Node a (BinTree a) (BinTree a)
                              deriving (Show)

We will also create a function which turns a list into an ordered binary tree.

treeFromList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> BinTree a
treeFromList [] = Empty
treeFromList (x:xs) = Node x (treeFromList (filter (<x) xs))
                             (treeFromList (filter (>x) xs))

Look at how elegant this function is. In plain English:

  • an empty list will be converted to an empty tree.
  • a list (x:xs) will be converted to a tree where:

    • The root is x
    • Its left subtree is the tree created from members of the list xs which are strictly inferior to x and
    • the right subtree is the tree created from members of the list xs which are strictly superior to x.
import Data.List

data BinTree a = Empty
                 | Node a (BinTree a) (BinTree a)
                              deriving (Show)
treeFromList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> BinTree a
treeFromList [] = Empty
treeFromList (x:xs) = Node x (treeFromList (filter (<x) xs))
                             (treeFromList (filter (>x) xs))
-- show
main = print $ treeFromList [7,2,4,8]
-- /show

This is an informative but quite unpleasant representation of our tree.

Just for fun, let's code a better display for our trees. I simply had fun making a nice function to display trees in a general way. You can safely skip this part if you find it too difficult to follow.

We have a few changes to make. We remove the deriving (Show) from the declaration of our BinTree type. And it might also be useful to make our BinTree an instance of (Eq and Ord). We will be able to test equality and compare trees.

data BinTree a = Empty
                 | Node a (BinTree a) (BinTree a)
                  deriving (Eq,Ord)

Without the deriving (Show), Haskell doesn't create a show method for us. We will create our own version of show. To achieve this, we must declare that our newly created type BinTree a is an instance of the type class Show. The general syntax is:

instance Show (BinTree a) where
   show t = ... -- You declare your function here

Here is my version of how to show a binary tree. Don't worry about the apparent complexity. I made a lot of improvements in order to display even stranger objects.

-- declare BinTree a to be an instance of Show
instance (Show a) => Show (BinTree a) where
  -- will start by a '<' before the root
  -- and put a : a begining of line
  show t = "< " ++ replace '\n' "\n: " (treeshow "" t)
    -- treeshow pref Tree
    --   shows a tree and starts each line with pref
    -- We don't display the Empty tree
    treeshow pref Empty = ""
    -- Leaf
    treeshow pref (Node x Empty Empty) =
                  (pshow pref x)

    -- Right branch is empty
    treeshow pref (Node x left Empty) =
                  (pshow pref x) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "`--" "   " left)

    -- Left branch is empty
    treeshow pref (Node x Empty right) =
                  (pshow pref x) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "`--" "   " right)

    -- Tree with left and right children non empty
    treeshow pref (Node x left right) =
                  (pshow pref x) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "|--" "|  " left) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "`--" "   " right)

    -- shows a tree using some prefixes to make it nice
    showSon pref before next t =
                  pref ++ before ++ treeshow (pref ++ next) t

    -- pshow replaces "\n" by "\n"++pref
    pshow pref x = replace '\n' ("\n"++pref) (show x)

    -- replaces one char by another string
    replace c new string =
      concatMap (change c new) string
          change c new x
              | x == c = new
              | otherwise = x:[] -- "x"

The treeFromList method remains identical.

treeFromList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> BinTree a
treeFromList [] = Empty
treeFromList (x:xs) = Node x (treeFromList (filter (<x) xs))
                             (treeFromList (filter (>x) xs))

And now, we can play:

data BinTree a = Empty
                 | Node a (BinTree a) (BinTree a)
                  deriving (Eq,Ord)

-- declare BinTree a to be an instance of Show
instance (Show a) => Show (BinTree a) where
  -- will start by a '<' before the root
  -- and put a : a begining of line
  show t = "< " ++ replace '\n' "\n: " (treeshow "" t)
    -- treeshow pref Tree
    --   shows a tree and starts each line with pref
    -- We don't display the Empty tree
    treeshow pref Empty = ""
    -- Leaf
    treeshow pref (Node x Empty Empty) =
                  (pshow pref x)

    -- Right branch is empty
    treeshow pref (Node x left Empty) =
                  (pshow pref x) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "`--" "   " left)

    -- Left branch is empty
    treeshow pref (Node x Empty right) =
                  (pshow pref x) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "`--" "   " right)

    -- Tree with left and right children non empty
    treeshow pref (Node x left right) =
                  (pshow pref x) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "|--" "|  " left) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "`--" "   " right)

    -- shows a tree using some prefixes to make it nice
    showSon pref before next t =
                  pref ++ before ++ treeshow (pref ++ next) t

    -- pshow replaces "\n" by "\n"++pref
    pshow pref x = replace '\n' ("\n"++pref) (show x)

    -- replaces one char by another string
    replace c new string =
      concatMap (change c new) string
          change c new x
              | x == c = new
              | otherwise = x:[] -- "x"

treeFromList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> BinTree a
treeFromList [] = Empty
treeFromList (x:xs) = Node x (treeFromList (filter (<x) xs))
                             (treeFromList (filter (>x) xs))
-- show
main = do
  putStrLn "Int binary tree:"
  print $ treeFromList [7,2,4,8,1,3,6,21,12,23]
-- /show

Now it is far better! The root is shown by starting the line with the < character. And each following line starts with a :. But we could also use another type.

data BinTree a = Empty
                 | Node a (BinTree a) (BinTree a)
                  deriving (Eq,Ord)

-- declare BinTree a to be an instance of Show
instance (Show a) => Show (BinTree a) where
  -- will start by a '<' before the root
  -- and put a : a begining of line
  show t = "< " ++ replace '\n' "\n: " (treeshow "" t)
    -- treeshow pref Tree
    --   shows a tree and starts each line with pref
    -- We don't display the Empty tree
    treeshow pref Empty = ""
    -- Leaf
    treeshow pref (Node x Empty Empty) =
                  (pshow pref x)

    -- Right branch is empty
    treeshow pref (Node x left Empty) =
                  (pshow pref x) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "`--" "   " left)

    -- Left branch is empty
    treeshow pref (Node x Empty right) =
                  (pshow pref x) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "`--" "   " right)

    -- Tree with left and right children non empty
    treeshow pref (Node x left right) =
                  (pshow pref x) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "|--" "|  " left) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "`--" "   " right)

    -- shows a tree using some prefixes to make it nice
    showSon pref before next t =
                  pref ++ before ++ treeshow (pref ++ next) t

    -- pshow replaces "\n" by "\n"++pref
    pshow pref x = replace '\n' ("\n"++pref) (show x)

    -- replaces one char by another string
    replace c new string =
      concatMap (change c new) string
          change c new x
              | x == c = new
              | otherwise = x:[] -- "x"

treeFromList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> BinTree a
treeFromList [] = Empty
treeFromList (x:xs) = Node x (treeFromList (filter (<x) xs))
                             (treeFromList (filter (>x) xs))
-- show
main = do
  putStrLn "\nString binary tree:"
  print $ treeFromList ["foo","bar","baz","gor","yog"]
-- /show

As we can test equality and order trees, we can make tree of trees!

data BinTree a = Empty
                 | Node a (BinTree a) (BinTree a)
                  deriving (Eq,Ord)

-- declare BinTree a to be an instance of Show
instance (Show a) => Show (BinTree a) where
  -- will start by a '<' before the root
  -- and put a : a begining of line
  show t = "< " ++ replace '\n' "\n: " (treeshow "" t)
    -- treeshow pref Tree
    --   shows a tree and starts each line with pref
    -- We don't display the Empty tree
    treeshow pref Empty = ""
    -- Leaf
    treeshow pref (Node x Empty Empty) =
                  (pshow pref x)

    -- Right branch is empty
    treeshow pref (Node x left Empty) =
                  (pshow pref x) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "`--" "   " left)

    -- Left branch is empty
    treeshow pref (Node x Empty right) =
                  (pshow pref x) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "`--" "   " right)

    -- Tree with left and right children non empty
    treeshow pref (Node x left right) =
                  (pshow pref x) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "|--" "|  " left) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "`--" "   " right)

    -- shows a tree using some prefixes to make it nice
    showSon pref before next t =
                  pref ++ before ++ treeshow (pref ++ next) t

    -- pshow replaces "\n" by "\n"++pref
    pshow pref x = replace '\n' ("\n"++pref) (show x)

    -- replaces one char by another string
    replace c new string =
      concatMap (change c new) string
          change c new x
              | x == c = new
              | otherwise = x:[] -- "x"

treeFromList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> BinTree a
treeFromList [] = Empty
treeFromList (x:xs) = Node x (treeFromList (filter (<x) xs))
                             (treeFromList (filter (>x) xs))
-- show
main = do
  putStrLn "\nBinary tree of Char binary trees:"
  print ( treeFromList
           (map treeFromList ["baz","zara","bar"]))
-- /show

This is why I chose to prefix each line of tree display by : (except for the root).

Yo Dawg Tree

data BinTree a = Empty
                 | Node a (BinTree a) (BinTree a)
                  deriving (Eq,Ord)

-- declare BinTree a to be an instance of Show
instance (Show a) => Show (BinTree a) where
  -- will start by a '<' before the root
  -- and put a : a begining of line
  show t = "< " ++ replace '\n' "\n: " (treeshow "" t)
    -- treeshow pref Tree
    --   shows a tree and starts each line with pref
    -- We don't display the Empty tree
    treeshow pref Empty = ""
    -- Leaf
    treeshow pref (Node x Empty Empty) =
                  (pshow pref x)

    -- Right branch is empty
    treeshow pref (Node x left Empty) =
                  (pshow pref x) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "`--" "   " left)

    -- Left branch is empty
    treeshow pref (Node x Empty right) =
                  (pshow pref x) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "`--" "   " right)

    -- Tree with left and right children non empty
    treeshow pref (Node x left right) =
                  (pshow pref x) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "|--" "|  " left) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "`--" "   " right)

    -- this shows a tree using some prefixes to make it nice
    showSon pref before next t =
                  pref ++ before ++ treeshow (pref ++ next) t

    -- pshow replaces "\n" by "\n"++pref
    pshow pref x = replace '\n' ("\n"++pref) (show x)

    -- replaces one char by another string
    replace c new string =
      concatMap (change c new) string
          change c new x
              | x == c = new
              | otherwise = x:[] -- "x"

treeFromList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> BinTree a
treeFromList [] = Empty
treeFromList (x:xs) = Node x (treeFromList (filter (<x) xs))
                             (treeFromList (filter (>x) xs))
-- show
main = do
  putStrLn "\nTree of Binary trees of Char binary trees:"
  print $ (treeFromList . map (treeFromList . map treeFromList))
             [ ["YO","DAWG"]
             , ["I","HEARD"]
             , ["I","HEARD"]
             , ["YOU","LIKE","TREES"] ]
-- /show

Which is equivalent to

print ( treeFromList (
          map treeFromList
             [ map treeFromList ["YO","DAWG"]
             , map treeFromList ["I","HEARD"]
             , map treeFromList ["I","HEARD"]
             , map treeFromList ["YOU","LIKE","TREES"] ]))

Notice how duplicate trees aren't inserted; there is only one tree corresponding to "I","HEARD". We have this for (almost) free, because we have declared Tree to be an instance of Eq.

See how awesome this structure is. We can make trees containing not only integers, strings and chars, but also other trees. And we can even make a tree containing a tree of trees!

Infinite Structures


It is often stated that Haskell is lazy.

In fact, if you are a bit pedantic, you should state that Haskell is non-strict. Laziness is just a common implementation for non-strict languages.

Then what does not-strict means? From the Haskell wiki:

Reduction (the mathematical term for evaluation) proceeds from the outside in.

so if you have (a+(b*c)) then you first reduce + first, then you reduce the inner (b*c)

For example in Haskell you can do:

-- numbers = [0,1,2,..]
numbers :: [Integer]
numbers = 0:map (1+) numbers

take' n [] = []
take' 0 l = []
take' n (x:xs) = x:take' (n-1) xs

main = print $ take' 10 numbers

And it stops.


Instead of trying to evaluate numbers entirely, it evaluates elements only when needed.

Also, note in Haskell there is a notation for infinite lists

[1..]   ⇔ [1,2,3,4...]
[1,3..] ⇔ [1,3,5,7,9,11...]

And most functions will work with them. Also, there is a built-in function take which is equivalent to our take'.

Suppose we don't mind having an ordered binary tree. Here is an infinite binary tree:

nullTree = Node 0 nullTree nullTree

A complete binary tree where each node is equal to 0. Now I will prove you can manipulate this object using the following function:

-- take all element of a BinTree
-- up to some depth
treeTakeDepth _ Empty = Empty
treeTakeDepth 0 _     = Empty
treeTakeDepth n (Node x left right) = let
          nl = treeTakeDepth (n-1) left
          nr = treeTakeDepth (n-1) right
              Node x nl nr

See what occurs for this program:

import Data.List
data BinTree a = Empty
                 | Node a (BinTree a) (BinTree a)
                  deriving (Eq,Ord)
-- declare BinTree a to be an instance of Show
instance (Show a) => Show (BinTree a) where
  -- will start by a '<' before the root
  -- and put a : a begining of line
  show t = "< " ++ replace '\n' "\n: " (treeshow "" t)
    treeshow pref Empty = ""
    treeshow pref (Node x Empty Empty) =
                  (pshow pref x)

    treeshow pref (Node x left Empty) =
                  (pshow pref x) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "`--" "   " left)

    treeshow pref (Node x Empty right) =
                  (pshow pref x) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "`--" "   " right)

    treeshow pref (Node x left right) =
                  (pshow pref x) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "|--" "|  " left) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "`--" "   " right)

    -- This shows a tree using some prefixes to make it nice
    showSon pref before next t =
                  pref ++ before ++ treeshow (pref ++ next) t

    -- pshow replace "\n" by "\n"++pref
    pshow pref x = replace '\n' ("\n"++pref) (" " ++ show x)

    -- replace on char by another string
    replace c new string =
      concatMap (change c new) string
          change c new x
              | x == c = new
              | otherwise = x:[] -- "x"
nullTree = Node 0 nullTree nullTree
-- take all element of a BinTree
-- up to some depth
treeTakeDepth _ Empty = Empty
treeTakeDepth 0 _     = Empty
treeTakeDepth n (Node x left right) = let
          nl = treeTakeDepth (n-1) left
          nr = treeTakeDepth (n-1) right
              Node x nl nr
-- show
main = print $ treeTakeDepth 4 nullTree
-- /show

This code compiles, runs and stops.

Just to heat up your neurones a bit more, let's make a slightly more interesting tree:

iTree = Node 0 (dec iTree) (inc iTree)
           dec (Node x l r) = Node (x-1) (dec l) (dec r)
           inc (Node x l r) = Node (x+1) (inc l) (inc r)

Another way to create this tree is to use a higher order function. This function should be similar to map, but should work on BinTree instead of list. Here is such a function:

-- apply a function to each node of Tree
treeMap :: (a -> b) -> BinTree a -> BinTree b
treeMap f Empty = Empty
treeMap f (Node x left right) = Node (f x)
                                     (treeMap f left)
                                     (treeMap f right)

Hint: I won't talk more about this here. If you are interested by the generalization of map to other data structures, search for functor and fmap.

Our definition is now:

infTreeTwo :: BinTree Int
infTreeTwo = Node 0 (treeMap (\x -> x-1) infTreeTwo)
                    (treeMap (\x -> x+1) infTreeTwo)

Look at the result for

import Data.List
data BinTree a = Empty
                 | Node a (BinTree a) (BinTree a)
                  deriving (Eq,Ord)
-- declare BinTree a to be an instance of Show
instance (Show a) => Show (BinTree a) where
  -- will start by a '<' before the root
  -- and put a : a begining of line
  show t = "< " ++ replace '\n' "\n: " (treeshow "" t)
    treeshow pref Empty = ""
    treeshow pref (Node x Empty Empty) =
                  (pshow pref x)

    treeshow pref (Node x left Empty) =
                  (pshow pref x) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "`--" "   " left)

    treeshow pref (Node x Empty right) =
                  (pshow pref x) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "`--" "   " right)

    treeshow pref (Node x left right) =
                  (pshow pref x) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "|--" "|  " left) ++ "\n" ++
                  (showSon pref "`--" "   " right)

    showSon pref before next t =
                  pref ++ before ++ treeshow (pref ++ next) t

    -- pshow replace "\n" by "\n"++pref
    pshow pref x = replace '\n' ("\n"++pref) (" " ++ show x)

    -- replace on char by another string
    replace c new string =
      concatMap (change c new) string
          change c new x
              | x == c = new
              | otherwise = x:[] -- "x"
iTree = Node 0 (dec iTree) (inc iTree)
           dec (Node x l r) = Node (x-1) (dec l) (dec r)
           inc (Node x l r) = Node (x+1) (inc l) (inc r)
-- apply a function to each node of Tree
treeMap :: (a -> b) -> BinTree a -> BinTree b
treeMap f Empty = Empty
treeMap f (Node x left right) = Node (f x)
                                     (treeMap f left)
                                     (treeMap f right)
infTreeTwo :: BinTree Int
infTreeTwo = Node 0 (treeMap (\x -> x-1) infTreeTwo)
                    (treeMap (\x -> x+1) infTreeTwo)

treeTakeDepth _ Empty = Empty
treeTakeDepth 0 _     = Empty
treeTakeDepth n (Node x left right) = let
          nl = treeTakeDepth (n-1) left
          nr = treeTakeDepth (n-1) right
              Node x nl nr
-- show
main = print $ treeTakeDepth 4 infTreeTwo
-- /show

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