What is lens?
is a package which provides the type synonym Lens
which is one of a few implementations of the concept of lenses, or functional references. lens
also provides a number of generalizations of lenses including Prism
s, Traversal
s, Iso
s, and Fold
Why do I care?
Lenses and their cousins are a way of declaring how to focus deeply into a complex structure. They form a combinator library with sensible, general behavior for things like composition, failure, multiplicity, transformation, and representation.
Lenses let you apply some of the power of libraries like hxt
to all data types in all programs that you write. As this comparison suggests, the initial steps might be very complicated, but, unlike hxt
, lenses are ubiquitous enough to make learning the complexity pay off over time.
Eventually, you can use lenses to bring things like record syntax, lookups in lists or maps, pattern matching, Data.Traversable
, scrap your boilerplate, the newtype
library, and all kinds of type isomorphisms all together under the same mental model.
The end result is a way to efficiently construct and manipulate "methods of poking around inside things" as simple first-class values.
Okay, what is a Lens?
A lens is a first-class reference to a subpart of some data type. For instance, we have _1
which is the lens that "focuses on" the first element of a pair. Given a lens there are essentially three things you might want to do
- View the subpart
- Modify the whole by changing the subpart
- Combine this lens with another lens to look even deeper
The first and the second give rise to the idea that lenses are getters and setters like you might have on an object. This intuition is often morally correct and it helps to explain the lens laws.
The lens laws?
Yep. Like the monad laws, these are expectations you should have about lenses. Lenses that violate them are weird. Here they are
- Get-Put: If you modify something by changing its subpart to exactly what it was before... then nothing happens
- Put-Get: If you modify something by inserting a particular subpart and then viewing the result... you'll get back exactly that subpart
- Put-Put: If you modify something by inserting a particular subpart
, and then modify it again inserting a different subpartb
... it's exactly as if you only did the second step.
Lenses that follow these laws are called "very well-behaved".
What does it look like to use a lens?
Well, let's look at _1
again, the lens focusing on the first part of a tuple. We view the first part of the tuple using view
>>> view _1 ("goal", "chaff")
>>> forall $ \tuple -> view _1 tuple == fst tuple
We modify _1
's focused subpart by using over
(mnemonic: we're mapping our modification "over" the focal point of _1
>>> over _1 (++ "!!!") ("goal", "the crowd goes wild")
("goal!!!", "the crowd goes wild")
>>> forall $ \tuple -> over _1 f tuple == (\(fst, snd) -> (f fst, snd)) tuple
As a special case of modification, we can set the subpart to be a new subpart. This is called set
>>> set _1 "set" ("game", "match")
("set", "match")
>>> forall $ \tuple -> set _1 x tuple = over _1 (const x) tuple
(Sidenote: What is that forall
It's actually a lie, sorry about that. It's meant to be read as a sentence, a statement of fact, like "forall tuples tuple
, view _1 tuple == fst tuple
". You can simulate this behavior by using QuickCheck's quickCheck
function but forall
is much stronger.
Any more examples?
Yeah, here are the lens laws again written using actual code. Below, l
is any "very well-behaved" lens.
-- Get-Put
>>> forall $ \whole -> set l (view l whole) whole == whole
-- Put-Get
>>> forall $ \whole part -> view l (set l part whole) == part
-- Put-Put
>>> forall $ \whole part1 part2 -> set l part2 (set l part1 whole) = set l part2 whole
What are some large scale, practical examples of lens?
Don't expect to be able to read the code yet, but here's an example from lens-aeson
which queries and modifies JSON data.
-- Returns all of the major versions of an
-- array of JSON objects.
someString ^.. _JSON -- a parser/printer prism
. _Array -- another prism
. traverse -- a traversal (using Data.Traversable on Aeson's Vector)
. _Object -- another another prism
. ix "version" -- a traversal across a "map-like thing"
. _1 -- a lens into a tuple (major, minor, patch)
-- Increments all of the versions above
someString & _JSON
. _Array
. traverse
. _Object
. ix "version"
. _1
%~ succ -- apply a function to our deeply focused lens
-- We can factor out the lens
allVersions :: Traversal' ByteString Int
allVersions = _JSON . _Array . traverse . _Object . ix "version" . _1
-- and then rewrite the two examples quickly
someString ^.. allVersions
someString & allVersions %~ succ
-- Because lenses, prisms, traversals, are all first class in Haskell!
Wait a second, GHCi is telling me the types of these things are absurd!
Yeah, sorry about that. "It'll make sense eventually", but the types start out tricky.
Try to look at the type synonyms only. We can use :info
to make sure that GHCi tells us the type synonym instead of the really funky fully expanded types.
I'd show you _1
but it's not a great example of an understandable type. It uses some weird extra machinery. Instead, how about an example.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
type Degrees = Double
type Latitude = Degrees
type Longitude = Degrees
data Meetup = Meetup { _name :: String, _location :: (Latitude, Longitude) }
makeLenses ''Meetup
Let's assume we have lenses name
and location
which focus on the slots _name
and _location
respectively. The underscores are a convention only, but you see them a lot because the Template Haskell magic going on in makeLenses
will automatically make name
and location
if use underscores like that.
The type of these lenses is
>>> :info name
name :: Lens Meetup Meetup String String
>>> :info location
location :: Lens Meetup Meetup (Latitude, Longitude) (Latitude, Longitude)
>>> :type location
location :: Functor f => ((Latitude, Longitude) -> f (Latitude, Longitude)) -> (Meetup -> f Meetup)
-- whoops! Ignore that for now please
Four type parameters? Isn't that a bit much?
You're right, we'll use the simplified forms for now. This is highly recommended until you get the hang of things. The simplified types are appended with apostrophes. Now the types of name
and location
name :: Lens' Meetup String
location :: Lens' Meetup (Latitude, Longitude)
These types tell us that, for instance, the name
lens focuses from a Meetup
and to a String
. Generally we write Lens' s a
and throughout the documentation s
and t
tend to be where a lens is focusing from and a
or b
tend to be where the lens is focusing to.
Okay, that makes sense. Didn't you say we can compose lenses?
Yup, if we've got a Lens' s x
and another lens Lens' x a
we can stick them together to get Lens' s a
. Strangely, we just use regular old (.)
to do it.
la :: Lens' s x
lb :: Lens' x a
la . lb :: Lens' s a
Or, more concretely.
meetupLat = location . _1 :: Lens' Meetup Latitude
meetupLon = location . _2 :: Lens' Meetup Longitude
Lenses compose backwards. Can't we make (.) behave like functions?
You're right, we could. We don't for various reasons, but the intuition is right. Lenses should combine just like functions. One thing that's important about that is id
can either pre- or post- compose with any lens without affecting it.
forall $ \lens -> lens . id == lens
forall $ \lens -> id . lens == lens
(N.B. If you're categorically inclined, lenses-with-apostrophes would form a Category
if we did somehow reverse the composition order---flip (.)
would do it. The instance still cannot be made without a newtype which lens
trades off for uses mentioned below.)
That's still pretty annoying
It's true. On the bright side, lenses often feel a whole lot like OO-style slot access like Person.name
. The reversed composition thing can be thought of as punning on that.
>>> Meetup { ... } ^. location . _1
80.3 :: Latitude
Furthermore, we can do composition using a convenient syntax without using import Prelude hiding ...
What is that (^.)?
Oh, it's just view
written infix. Here's the Put-Get law again
>>> forall $ \lens whole part -> (set lens part whole) ^. lens == part
Actually there are a whole lot of operators in lens
Yup, some people find them convenient.
Actually there are a WHOLE LOT of operators in lens---over 100
Very convenient! But that is a lot. To make it bearable, there are some tricks for remembering them.
- Operators that begin with
are kinds ofview
s. The only example we've seen so far is(^.)
which is... well, it's justview
exactly. - Operators that end with
are likeover
. In fact,(.~) == set
. - Operators that have
in them are usually somehow "basic" - Operators that have
in them usually take functions - Operators that have
in them are just like their cousins where=
is replaced by~
, but instead of taking the whole object as an argument, they apply their modifications in aState
Is that really worth it?
Maybe. Who knows!
If you don't like them, then all of the operators have regular named functions as well.
... Some examples would be nice
(.~) :: Lens' s a -> a -> (s -> s)
(.=) :: Lens' s a -> a -> State s ()
(%~) :: Lens' s a -> (a -> a) -> (s -> s)
(%=) :: Lens' s a -> (a -> a) -> State s ()
Sometimes we get new operators by augmenting tried and true operators like (&&)
with ~
and =
(&&~) :: Lens' s Bool -> Bool -> (s -> s)
(&&=) :: Lens' s Bool -> Bool -> State s ()
lens &&~ bool = lens %~ (bool &&)
lens &&= bool = lens %= (bool &&)
(<>~) :: Monoid m => Lens' s m -> m -> (s -> s)
lens <>~ m = lens %~ (m <>)
What about combinators with (^)? Do they show up anywhere else?
Yes, but we have to talk about Prism
s and Traversal
s first.
Okay. What are Prisms?
They're like lenses for sum types.
What does that mean?
Well, what happens if we try to make lenses for a sum type?
-- This doesn't work... or exist
_left :: Lens' (Either a b) a
>>> view _left (Left ())
() -- okay, I buy that
>>> view _left (Right ())
error! -- oh, there's no subpart there
s are kind of like Lens
es that can fail or miss.
So we use Maybe instead, right?
We could try that.
_left :: Lens' (Either a b) (Maybe a)
>>> view _left (Left ())
Just ()
>>> view _left (Right ())
But it doesn't compose well.
_left . name :: Lens (Either Meetup Meetup) ??? -- String? Maybe String?
We'd need a Lens
that looks into Maybe
_just :: Lens' (Maybe a) (Maybe a)
_just = id
Oh. That doesn't get us anywhere. Let's start over.
Okay. What are Prisms? (Take Two)
Prisms are the duals of lenses. While lenses pick apart some subpart of a product type like a tuple, prisms go down one branch of a sum type like Either
... Or else they fail.
Right, a Lens splits out one subpart of a whole. A Prism takes one subbranch.
Think of a product type as being made of both a subpart and a "whole with a hole in it" where the subpart used to go.
product = (a, b)
subpart = a
whole-with-a-hole = \x -> (x, b)
Whenever we can do that, we can make a lens that focuses just on that subpart.
A sum type can be broken into some particular subbranch and all-the-other-ones
That's how prisms are dual to lenses. They select just one branch to go down.
preview :: Prism' s a -> s -> Maybe a
Which also lets us "go back up" that one branch.
review :: Prism' s a -> a -> s
For instance
_Left :: Prism' (Either a b) a
>>> preview _Left (Left "hi")
Just "hi"
>>> preview _Left (Right "hi")
>>> review _Left "hi"
Left "hi"
_Just :: Prism' (Maybe a) a
>>> preview _Just (Just "hi")
Just "hi"
>>> review _Just "hi"
Just "hi"
>>> Left "hi" ^? _Left
Just "hi"
Oh, there's another (^)-like operator!
Yep, (^?)
is like (^.)
for Prism'
Are there any other interesting Prisms? [Printer/Parsers]
Here's a simple one. We can deconstruct []
s using Prism'
_Cons :: Prism' [a] (a, [a])
>>> preview _Cons []
>>> preview _Cons [1,2,3]
Just (1, [2,3])
_Nil :: Prism' [a] ()
>>> preview _Nil []
Just ()
>>> preview _Nil [1,2,3]
Here's a strange one. String
is a very strange sum type.
No it isn't. It's just a List again.
But Char
can be thought of as the sum of all characters. And if we "flatten" Char
into []
we can think of String
as being the "sum of all possible strings"
data String = "a" | "b" | "c" | "europe" | "curry" | "dosa" | "applejacks" ...
Okay, sure. Is that important?
What if we make Prism'
s that focus on particular branches of String
_ParseTrue :: Prism' String Bool
_ParseFalse :: Prism' String Bool
>>> preview _ParseTrue "True"
Just True
>>> preview _ParseFalse "True"
>>> review _ParseTrue True
This is how printer-parsers can sometimes be valid Prisms.
I think I understand Prisms now. What are Traversals?
Traversals are Lenses which focus on multiple targets simultaneously. We actually don't know how many targets they might be focusing on: it could be exactly 1 (like a Lens) or maybe 0 (like a Prism) or 300.
A very simple Traversal'
traverses all of the items in a list.
items :: Traversal' [a] a
items = traverse -- from Data.Traversable, actually
-- this is our first implementation of anything in `lens`
-- but don't worry about it right now
In fact, Traversal'
s are intimately related to lists since if we have a list we also may have either 1, or 0, or many elements. That's one way to view
a Traversal
toListOf items :: [a] -> [a]
>>> toListOf items [1,2,3]
That's pretty boring.
It is. We can define items
for any Traversable
though using the exact same definition.
items :: Traversable t => Traversal' (t a) a
items = traverse
flatten :: Tree a -> [a]
flatten = toListOf items
That's no big deal, though. It's just another way to use Data.Traversable
For now, but Traversal
will eventually show a close relationship with Lens
and Prism
Do we have another (^)-like operator for Traversals at least?
Yep! It's just toListOf
>>> [1,2,3] ^.. items
What else can we do with Traversals? [How do they relate to Prisms/Lenses?]
We can get just the first target.
firstOf :: Traversal' s a -> Maybe a
firstOf items :: Traversable t => t a -> Maybe a
Or the last target
lastOf :: Traversal' s a -> Maybe a
>>> lastOf items [1,2,3]
Just 3
Why does it use Maybe?
The Traversal
could have no targets.
Is this like preview
Yeah, firstOf
is preview
But I thought preview was preview---and that it was specialized to Prisms?
Nope, preview
just handles access that focuses on either 0 or 1 targets.
Can I use view on Traversals too?
Actually, yes, but you might be in for a surprise.
>>> view items "hello world"
No instance for (Data.Monoid.Monoid Char)
arising from a use of `items'
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for (Data.Monoid.Monoid Char)
In the first argument of `view', namely `items'
In the expression: view items "hello world"
In an equation for `it': it = view items "hello world"
What is Monoid doing here?
It represents the notion of failure. It's just like that Maybe
we tried to use earlier when investigating Prism
Moreover its a way to handle the "0, 1, or many" nature of the targets of a Traversal
. If you think of toListOf
as the canonical way to view a Traversal
, then Monoid
is a canonical way to compress lists into single values.
So we can use view if our targets are Monoids?
Yep. What do you think ["hello ", "world"] ^. items
gets us?
The Monoid product of the items---"hello world"
Exactly! What about [] ^. items
An ambiguous type error!
Okay, yes. What about [] ^. items :: String
The empty string, ""
And [] ^. items :: Monoid m => m
Whatever mempty is for m
So, Traversals generalize Prisms and Lenses somehow?
Yeah. It works because Prism
, Lens
, and Traversal
are all just type synonyms---Those scary types that GHCi sometimes prints out actually do line up. That's a big reason why they're left in.
Is this subtyping?
Kind of! That's what the scary chart on the lens Hackage page shows.
But Haskell doesn't have subtyping
It's a big clever hack, really. Without it there'd be completely separate combinators for Lens
, Prism
, Traversal
, and all the other things in lens
that we haven't talked about yet... even though they all end up with identical code at their core.
That's not even the best part yet.
What's the best part about the subtyping hack?
We can compose Lens
es and Prism
s and Traversal
s all together and the types will "just work out". Admittedly at this point all that means is that compositions of Lenses are Lenses, compositions of Prisms are Prisms, and everything else is a Traversal.
But there are other things in this subtyping hierarchy, like Iso
What are Isos?
Isos are isomorphisms, connections between types that are equivalent in every way.
More concretely, an Iso is a forward mapping and a backward mapping such that the forward mapping inverts the backward mapping and the backward mapping inverts the forward mapping.
fw . bw = id
bw . fw = id
(N.B. This is again exactly a Category
Isos are in the lens subtyping hierarchy?
Yep! They are more primitive than either Lens
or Prism
If we think of a Lens' s a
as a type which splits the product type s
into its subpart a
and the context of that subpart, a -> s
, an Iso
is a trivial lens where the context is just id
If we think of a Prism' s a
as a type which splits the sum type s
into a privileged branch and "all the other" branches then an Iso
is a trivial Prism
where there's just one branch and we're privileging exactly it.
How do Isos compose with Lenses and Prisms?
They can compose on either end of a lens or a prism and the result is a lens or a prism respectively. Isos are "iso" (unchanging) because no matter where you put them in a lens pipeline they leave things as they were.
What are some example Isos?
How about between Maybe
and Either ()
someIso :: Iso' (Maybe a) (Either () a)
>>> Just "hi" ^. someIso
Right "hi"
That's a little boring. How about between strict and lazy ByteString
strict :: Iso' Lazy.ByteString Strict.ByteString
>>> "foobar" ^. strict
>>> "foobar" ^. strict . from strict
Also kind of boring. How about between an XML tree treating element names as strings and an XML tree treating element names as Qualified Names?
qualified :: Iso' (Node String String) (Node (QName String) String)
>>> Element "foaf:Person" [("foaf:name", "Ernest")] [] ^. qualified
Element (QName { qnPrefix = Just "foaf"
, qnLocalPart = "Person"
[ (QName { qnPrefix = Just "foaf"
, qnLocalPart = "name"
>>> Element "foaf:Person" [("foaf:name", "Ernest")] [] ^? qualified
. attributes
. _head . _1 . localPart
Just "name"
What is "from" doing there? [Iso Laws]
"turns an iso around". Since Iso
s are equivalences they're symmetric and we can treat them as maps in both directions between types. In fact, the Iso
laws stated above are just that for any iso, iso
view (iso . from iso) == id
view (from iso . iso) == id
That's pretty cool
s are pretty cool. They're one of my favorite parts of lens
What if I have any more questions?
This list may grow over time. Please ask them and leave any comments.
But for now, go get yourself a peanut butter and marmalade sandwich.
With help from Reddit users penguinland, kqr, markus1189, MitchellSalad, DR6, NruJaC, and rwbarton.