Reifying Instance Resolution

As of March 2020, School of Haskell has been switched to read-only mode.

A week or two ago, Chris Done and I were talking about how it'd be excellent if GHC could tell you why an instance exists. If this feature was in GHCI, here's roughly what it might look like:

Prelude> :explain Ord [Maybe Int]
instance Ord a => Ord [a] -- Defined in 'GHC.Classes'
  with a ~ Maybe Int

  instance Ord a => Ord (Maybe a) -- Defined in 'Data.Maybe'
    with a ~ Int

    instance Ord Int -- Defined in 'GHC.Classes'

This traces GHC's reasoning when resolving instances for a particular type. The first line tells us that the Ord a => Ord [a] instance will be used for Ord [Maybe Int]. Nested under this is a with clause, which shows how the type variables are instantiated. In this case, it tells us that a in that instance is instantiated to Maybe Int.

After the with clause comes the instances that are needed to satisfy the instance context. In this case, an instance for Ord (Maybe Int) is needed due to the Ord a constraint in the instance for Ord [a].

Anyway, Chris posed a challenge:

hmm, i wonder if there's some uber general way to debug the way haskell's types are resolved by generating clever code

I pondered this for a bit, and concluded that this is indeed possible! Last weekend I had a crack at implementing it, and it worked out well beyond my expectations!

Ord demo

{-# START_FILE Demo.hs #-}
-- Usually not all of these pragmas are necessary. But they are
-- needed for some invocations of 'explainInstance'.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

import ExplainInstance
-- show
explainInstance [t| Ord [Maybe Int] |]
-- /show
{-# START_FILE ExplainInstance.hs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

-- show
-- /show
module ExplainInstance where

import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
import qualified Data.Set as S

import           Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import           Control.Monad (filterM)
import           Data.Function (on)
import           Data.Generics
import           Data.List (groupBy, sortBy, sort, group, find)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Ord (comparing)
import           Language.Haskell.TH
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (addTopDecls)

-- TODO:
-- * Rename to "explain-instance"
-- * Show info about type families by using Typeable
-- * Use a parser so that type vars can be provided.  Or, have a
-- wildcard datatype.
-- * Apply inverse renaming on output types (relevant to constraints
-- that end up in the types, as well as data types with contexts)

-- Issues due to TH limitations:
-- * No ConstraintKinds
-- * No PolyKinds
-- * No info about whether an instance is overlapping / incoherent
--   (TODO: is this truly an issue?)
-- * No GHCI support. This is because 'explainInstances' can't yield
-- an Exp, as:
--   Only function, value, and foreign import declarations may be
--   added with addTopDecl
-- Which seems to be a rather arbitrary limitation...
-- TODO: Followup on these limitations on trac / mailinglists

explainInstance :: Q Type -> Q [Dec]
explainInstance = explainInstance' False

explainInstanceError :: Q Type -> Q [Dec]
explainInstanceError = explainInstance' True

explainInstance' :: Bool -> Q Type -> Q [Dec]
explainInstance' addErrorInstance qty = do
    ty <- qty
    case unAppsT ty of
        (ConT clazz : tys) -> do
            (decs, methodMap, renameMap) <- instanceResolvers addErrorInstance [clazz]
            let tys' = applySubstMap renameMap tys
            decs' <- [d| main = putStrLn (displayInst $(return (invokeResolve methodMap clazz tys'))) |]
            return (decs' ++ decs)
        _ -> fail "explainInstance input should be a constraint"

-- | An explanation of why some constraint is satisfied.
data Inst = Inst
    { -- | Like an instance declaration, but without the declarations.
      instHead :: String
      -- | Describes how type variables are instantiated in the head.
    , instTypes :: [(String, TypeRep)]
      -- | Explanations of how the instance's constraints are satisfied.
    , instConstraints :: [Inst]
    deriving (Show)

-- | Provides an indented string presentation of the instance resolution tree.
displayInst :: Inst -> String
displayInst = go 0
    go i (Inst decl vars cxt) =
        addIndent i (decl ++ displayVars vars) ++
        concatMap (("\n" ++) . go (i + 2)) cxt
    displayVars [] = ""
    displayVars (var0 : vars) =
        "\n  with " ++ displayVar var0 ++
        "\n" ++ unlines (map (("       " ++) . displayVar) vars)
    displayVar (n, ty) = n ++ " ~ " ++ showsPrec 9 ty ""

instanceResolvers :: Bool -> [Name] -> Q ([Dec], M.Map Name Name, M.Map Name Name)
instanceResolvers addErrorInstance initial = do
    infos <- reifyMany recurse initial
    methodMap <- M.fromList <$> sequence
        [ (n, ) <$> chooseUnusedName True ("resolve" ++ nameBase n)
        | (n, ClassI {}) <- infos
    let names = map fst infos ++ concatMap (map conName . infoCons . snd) infos
    renameMap <- M.fromList <$>
        mapM (\n -> (n, ) <$> chooseUnusedName False (nameBase n)) names
    decs <- mapM (resolver methodMap) (concatMap (infoToDecs . snd) infos)
    return (map (applySubst (flip M.lookup renameMap)) decs, methodMap, renameMap)
    -- Recursively enumerate all of the top level declarations which
    -- need to be copied / renamed.
    recurse :: (Name, Info) -> Q (Bool, [Name])
    recurse (name, info) = return $ do
        case info of
            ClassI (ClassD cxt _name tvs _fds decs) insts ->
                (True, allNames (cxt, filter isFamilyDec decs) ++
                       concatMap tvKindNames tvs ++
                       concatMap instNames insts)
            TyConI (TySynD _name tvs ty) ->
                (True, allNames ty ++ concatMap tvKindNames tvs)
            -- Only need to clone data declarations when they have
            -- datatype contexts.
            TyConI (DataD cxt _name _tvs _cons _deriving) ->
                (not (null cxt), allNames cxt)
            TyConI (NewtypeD cxt _name _tvs _con _deriving) ->
                (not (null cxt), allNames cxt)
            -- We might encounter this due to DataKinds.
            DataConI _name _ty typeName _fixity ->
                (False, [typeName])
            -- FamilyI dec insts -> return (True, [])
            _ -> (False, [])
    instNames :: Dec -> [Name]
    instNames (InstanceD cxt ty decs) =
        allNames cxt ++ allNames ty ++ allNames (filter isFamilyDec decs)
    instNames _ = []
    infoToDecs :: Info -> [Dec]
    -- TODO: check fundeps?
    infoToDecs (ClassI dec@(ClassD _ name tvs _ _) insts) =
        case addErrorInstance && not hasDefaultCase of
            False -> dec : insts
            True ->
                let errInst = InstanceD
                        (appsT $ ConT name : map (VarT . tvName) tvs)
                in dec : errInst : insts
        -- If true then an overlapping instance like (Class v1 ..),
        -- where all arguments are type variables, already exists.
        -- In this case omit the error instance.
        hasDefaultCase = isJust $ find isDefaultCase insts
        isDefaultCase (InstanceD _ (unAppsT -> (_:tys)) _) =
            all isTyVar tys
        isDefaultCase _ = False
        isTyVar (VarT _) = True
        isTyVar _ = False
    infoToDecs (ClassI _ _) = error "impossible: ClassI which doesn't contain ClassD"
    infoToDecs (TyConI dec) = [dec]
    infoToDecs (FamilyI dec insts) = dec : insts
    infoToDecs (VarI _name _ty mdec _fixity) = maybeToList mdec
    infoToDecs ClassOpI {} = []
    infoToDecs PrimTyConI {} = []
    infoToDecs DataConI {} = []
    infoToDecs TyVarI {} = []
    errorInstanceDecs = [FunD (mkName "x") []]
    -- Modify a class or instance to instead just have a single
    -- "resolver*" function.
    resolver :: M.Map Name Name -> Dec -> Q Dec
    resolver methodMap (ClassD cxt' name tvs fds decs) = do
        let method = lookupMethod methodMap name
            ty = funT $
                map (AppT (ConT ''Proxy) . VarT . tvName) tvs ++
                [ConT ''Inst]
        cxt <- mapM trimConstraint cxt'
        return $ ClassD cxt name tvs fds $
            filter isFamilyDec decs ++
            [SigD method ty]
    resolver methodMap (InstanceD cxt' ty' decs) = do
        cxt <- mapM trimConstraint cxt'
        ty <- trimInstanceType ty'
        let substs = varTSubsts (cxt, ty)
            cleanTyVars = applySubstMap (M.fromList substs)
        cleanedHead <- cleanTyCons $ cleanTyVars $ InstanceD cxt ty []
        let (ConT clazzName : tvs) = unAppsT ty
            method = lookupMethod methodMap clazzName
            msg = case addErrorInstance of
                True | decs == errorInstanceDecs -> "ERROR " ++ pprint cleanedHead
                _ -> pprint cleanedHead
            expr = appsE'
                [ ConE 'Inst
                , LitE $ StringL msg
                , ListE $ flip map substs $ \(ty, cty) -> TupE
                    [ LitE (StringL (pprint cty))
                    , AppE (VarE 'typeRep) (proxyE (VarT ty))
                , ListE $ flip mapMaybe cxt $ \case
                    EqualP {} -> Nothing
                    ClassP n tys -> Just (invokeResolve methodMap n tys)
            -- Need extra typeable constraints in order to use typeRep.
            extraCxt = map (ClassP ''Typeable . (: []) . VarT . fst) substs
        return $ InstanceD (cxt ++ extraCxt) ty $
            filter isFamilyDec decs ++
            [FunD method [Clause (map (\_ -> WildP) tvs) (NormalB expr) []]]
    resolver _ dec = return dec

invokeResolve :: M.Map Name Name -> Name -> [Type] -> Exp
invokeResolve methodMap name tys =
    appsE' $ VarE (lookupMethod methodMap name) : map proxyE tys

lookupMethod :: M.Map Name Name -> Name -> Name
lookupMethod methodMap name =
    fromMaybe (error ("Couldn't find resolve* method name for " ++ show name))
              (M.lookup name methodMap)

allNames :: Data a => a -> [Name]
allNames = listify (\_ -> True)

tvKindNames :: TyVarBndr -> [Name]
tvKindNames (KindedTV _name kind) = allNames kind
tvKindNames PlainTV {} = []

tvName :: TyVarBndr -> Name
tvName (KindedTV name _kind) = name
tvName (PlainTV name) = name

isFamilyDec FamilyD {} = True
isFamilyDec DataInstD {} = True
isFamilyDec NewtypeInstD {} = True
isFamilyDec TySynInstD {} = True
isFamilyDec ClosedTypeFamilyD {} = True
isFamilyDec _ = False

-- Work around a TH bug where PolyKinded constraints get too many
-- arguments.
trimConstraint :: Pred -> Q Pred
trimConstraint (ClassP n tys) = do
    ClassI (ClassD _ _ tvs _ _) _ <- reify n
    return $ ClassP n (drop (length tys - length tvs) tys)
trimConstraint x = return x

trimInstanceType :: Type -> Q Type
trimInstanceType (unAppsT -> (ConT n : tys)) = do
    ClassI (ClassD _ _ tvs _ _) _ <- reify n
    return $ appsT (ConT n : (drop (length tys - length tvs) tys))

chooseUnusedName :: Bool -> String -> Q Name
chooseUnusedName allowUnmodified name = do
    -- This will always match, since there can only be finite names.
    Just str <- findM (\str -> not <$> exists str) choices
    return (mkName str)
    choices = map (name ++) $
        (if allowUnmodified then ("" : ) else id) $
        "_" : map ('_':) (map show [1..])
    -- 'recover' is used to handle errors due to ambiguous identifier names.
    exists str = recover (return True) $ do
        mtype <- lookupTypeName str
        mvalue <- lookupValueName str
        return $ isJust mtype || isJust mvalue

findM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m (Maybe a)
findM f (x:xs) = do
    b <- f x
    if b
        then return (Just x)
        else findM f xs

applySubst :: (Data a, Typeable b) => (b -> Maybe b) -> a -> a
applySubst f = everywhere (id `extT` (\x -> fromMaybe x (f x)))

applySubstMap :: (Data a, Ord b, Typeable b) => M.Map b b -> a -> a
applySubstMap m = applySubst (flip M.lookup m)

funT :: [Type] -> Type
funT [x] = x
funT (x:xs) = AppT (AppT ArrowT x) (funT xs)

appsT :: [Type] -> Type
appsT = go . reverse
    go [x] = x
    go (x:xs) = AppT (go xs) x

unAppsT :: Type -> [Type]
unAppsT ty = go ty []
    go (AppT l r) = go l . (r :)
    go ty = (ty :)

appsE' :: [Exp] -> Exp
appsE' = go . reverse
    go [x] = x
    go (x:xs) = AppE (go xs) x

proxyE :: Type -> Exp
proxyE = SigE (ConE 'Proxy) . AppT (ConT ''Proxy)

freeVarsT :: Type -> [Name]
freeVarsT (ForallT tvs _ ty) = filter (`notElem` (map tvName tvs)) (freeVarsT ty)
freeVarsT (AppT l r) = freeVarsT l ++ freeVarsT r
freeVarsT (SigT ty k) = freeVarsT ty ++ freeVarsT k
freeVarsT (VarT n) = [n]
freeVarsT _ = []

-- Dequalify names which are unambiguous.
cleanTyCons :: Data a => a -> Q a
cleanTyCons = everywhereM (return `extM` subst1 `extM` subst2)
    rename :: Name -> Q Name
    rename n = do
        inScope <- typeNameInScope n
        return $ if inScope then mkName (nameBase n) else n
    subst1 (ConT n) = ConT <$> rename n
    subst1 x = return x
    subst2 (ClassP n tys) = ClassP <$> rename n <*> return tys
    subst2 x = return x

typeNameInScope :: Name -> Q Bool
typeNameInScope n =
    recover (return False)
            ((Just n ==) <$> lookupTypeName (nameBase n))

-- Chooses prettier names for type variables.  Assumes that all type
-- variable names are unique.
varTSubsts :: Data a => a -> [(Name, Name)]
varTSubsts =
    concatMap munge . groupSortOn nameBase . sortNub . varTNames
    munge = zipWith (\s x -> (x, mkName (nameBase x ++ s))) ("" : map show [1..])

varTNames :: Data a => a -> [Name]
varTNames x = [n | VarT n <- listify (\_ -> True) x]

infoCons :: Info -> [Con]
infoCons (TyConI (DataD _ _ _ cons _)) = cons
infoCons (TyConI (NewtypeD _ _ _ con _)) = [con]
infoCons _ = []

conName :: Con -> Name
conName (NormalC name _) = name
conName (RecC name _) = name
conName (InfixC _ name _) = name
conName (ForallC _ _ con) = conName con

groupSortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [[a]]
groupSortOn f = groupBy ((==) `on` f) . sortBy (comparing f)

sortNub :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
sortNub = map head . group . sort

addIndent :: Int -> String -> String
addIndent cnt = unlines . map (replicate cnt ' ' ++) . lines

reifyMany :: ((Name, Info) -> Q (Bool, [Name]))
          -> [Name]
          -> Q [(Name, Info)]
reifyMany recurse initial =
    State.evalStateT (fmap concat $ mapM go initial) S.empty
    go :: Name -> State.StateT (S.Set Name) Q [(Name, Info)]
    go n = do
        seen <- State.get
        if S.member n seen
            then return []
            else do
                State.put (S.insert n seen)
                minfo <- State.lift $ recover (return Nothing) (fmap Just (reify n))
                case minfo of
                    Just info -> do
                        (shouldEmit, ns) <- State.lift $ recurse (n, info)
                        (if shouldEmit
                             then fmap ((n, info):)
                             else id) $ fmap concat $ mapM go ns
                    _ -> return []

Neat, it works!

Ord instances are pretty easy to follow since they tend to just be structurally recursive. Let's try this out on something a little more interesting!

Printf demo

Initially, it can be a bit tricky to grok how typeclasses allow Haskell to have polyvariadic functions. Lets see how explainInstances can clarify!

{-# START_FILE Demo.hs #-}
-- Usually not all of these pragmas are necessary. But they are
-- needed for some invocations of 'explainInstance'.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

import ExplainInstance
-- show
import Text.Printf

explainInstance [t| PrintfType (Int -> Int -> String) |]
-- /show
{-# START_FILE ExplainInstance.hs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

-- show
-- /show
module ExplainInstance where

import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
import qualified Data.Set as S

import           Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import           Control.Monad (filterM)
import           Data.Function (on)
import           Data.Generics
import           Data.List (groupBy, sortBy, sort, group, find)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Ord (comparing)
import           Language.Haskell.TH
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (addTopDecls)

-- TODO:
-- * Rename to "explain-instance"
-- * Show info about type families by using Typeable
-- * Use a parser so that type vars can be provided.  Or, have a
-- wildcard datatype.
-- * Apply inverse renaming on output types (relevant to constraints
-- that end up in the types, as well as data types with contexts)

-- Issues due to TH limitations:
-- * No ConstraintKinds
-- * No PolyKinds
-- * No info about whether an instance is overlapping / incoherent
--   (TODO: is this truly an issue?)
-- * No GHCI support. This is because 'explainInstances' can't yield
-- an Exp, as:
--   Only function, value, and foreign import declarations may be
--   added with addTopDecl
-- Which seems to be a rather arbitrary limitation...
-- TODO: Followup on these limitations on trac / mailinglists

explainInstance :: Q Type -> Q [Dec]
explainInstance = explainInstance' False

explainInstanceError :: Q Type -> Q [Dec]
explainInstanceError = explainInstance' True

explainInstance' :: Bool -> Q Type -> Q [Dec]
explainInstance' addErrorInstance qty = do
    ty <- qty
    case unAppsT ty of
        (ConT clazz : tys) -> do
            (decs, methodMap, renameMap) <- instanceResolvers addErrorInstance [clazz]
            let tys' = applySubstMap renameMap tys
            decs' <- [d| main = putStrLn (displayInst $(return (invokeResolve methodMap clazz tys'))) |]
            return (decs' ++ decs)
        _ -> fail "explainInstance input should be a constraint"

-- | An explanation of why some constraint is satisfied.
data Inst = Inst
    { -- | Like an instance declaration, but without the declarations.
      instHead :: String
      -- | Describes how type variables are instantiated in the head.
    , instTypes :: [(String, TypeRep)]
      -- | Explanations of how the instance's constraints are satisfied.
    , instConstraints :: [Inst]
    deriving (Show)

-- | Provides an indented string presentation of the instance resolution tree.
displayInst :: Inst -> String
displayInst = go 0
    go i (Inst decl vars cxt) =
        addIndent i (decl ++ displayVars vars) ++
        concatMap (("\n" ++) . go (i + 2)) cxt
    displayVars [] = ""
    displayVars (var0 : vars) =
        "\n  with " ++ displayVar var0 ++
        "\n" ++ unlines (map (("       " ++) . displayVar) vars)
    displayVar (n, ty) = n ++ " ~ " ++ showsPrec 9 ty ""

instanceResolvers :: Bool -> [Name] -> Q ([Dec], M.Map Name Name, M.Map Name Name)
instanceResolvers addErrorInstance initial = do
    infos <- reifyMany recurse initial
    methodMap <- M.fromList <$> sequence
        [ (n, ) <$> chooseUnusedName True ("resolve" ++ nameBase n)
        | (n, ClassI {}) <- infos
    let names = map fst infos ++ concatMap (map conName . infoCons . snd) infos
    renameMap <- M.fromList <$>
        mapM (\n -> (n, ) <$> chooseUnusedName False (nameBase n)) names
    decs <- mapM (resolver methodMap) (concatMap (infoToDecs . snd) infos)
    return (map (applySubst (flip M.lookup renameMap)) decs, methodMap, renameMap)
    -- Recursively enumerate all of the top level declarations which
    -- need to be copied / renamed.
    recurse :: (Name, Info) -> Q (Bool, [Name])
    recurse (name, info) = return $ do
        case info of
            ClassI (ClassD cxt _name tvs _fds decs) insts ->
                (True, allNames (cxt, filter isFamilyDec decs) ++
                       concatMap tvKindNames tvs ++
                       concatMap instNames insts)
            TyConI (TySynD _name tvs ty) ->
                (True, allNames ty ++ concatMap tvKindNames tvs)
            -- Only need to clone data declarations when they have
            -- datatype contexts.
            TyConI (DataD cxt _name _tvs _cons _deriving) ->
                (not (null cxt), allNames cxt)
            TyConI (NewtypeD cxt _name _tvs _con _deriving) ->
                (not (null cxt), allNames cxt)
            -- We might encounter this due to DataKinds.
            DataConI _name _ty typeName _fixity ->
                (False, [typeName])
            -- FamilyI dec insts -> return (True, [])
            _ -> (False, [])
    instNames :: Dec -> [Name]
    instNames (InstanceD cxt ty decs) =
        allNames cxt ++ allNames ty ++ allNames (filter isFamilyDec decs)
    instNames _ = []
    infoToDecs :: Info -> [Dec]
    -- TODO: check fundeps?
    infoToDecs (ClassI dec@(ClassD _ name tvs _ _) insts) =
        case addErrorInstance && not hasDefaultCase of
            False -> dec : insts
            True ->
                let errInst = InstanceD
                        (appsT $ ConT name : map (VarT . tvName) tvs)
                in dec : errInst : insts
        -- If true then an overlapping instance like (Class v1 ..),
        -- where all arguments are type variables, already exists.
        -- In this case omit the error instance.
        hasDefaultCase = isJust $ find isDefaultCase insts
        isDefaultCase (InstanceD _ (unAppsT -> (_:tys)) _) =
            all isTyVar tys
        isDefaultCase _ = False
        isTyVar (VarT _) = True
        isTyVar _ = False
    infoToDecs (ClassI _ _) = error "impossible: ClassI which doesn't contain ClassD"
    infoToDecs (TyConI dec) = [dec]
    infoToDecs (FamilyI dec insts) = dec : insts
    infoToDecs (VarI _name _ty mdec _fixity) = maybeToList mdec
    infoToDecs ClassOpI {} = []
    infoToDecs PrimTyConI {} = []
    infoToDecs DataConI {} = []
    infoToDecs TyVarI {} = []
    errorInstanceDecs = [FunD (mkName "x") []]
    -- Modify a class or instance to instead just have a single
    -- "resolver*" function.
    resolver :: M.Map Name Name -> Dec -> Q Dec
    resolver methodMap (ClassD cxt' name tvs fds decs) = do
        let method = lookupMethod methodMap name
            ty = funT $
                map (AppT (ConT ''Proxy) . VarT . tvName) tvs ++
                [ConT ''Inst]
        cxt <- mapM trimConstraint cxt'
        return $ ClassD cxt name tvs fds $
            filter isFamilyDec decs ++
            [SigD method ty]
    resolver methodMap (InstanceD cxt' ty' decs) = do
        cxt <- mapM trimConstraint cxt'
        ty <- trimInstanceType ty'
        let substs = varTSubsts (cxt, ty)
            cleanTyVars = applySubstMap (M.fromList substs)
        cleanedHead <- cleanTyCons $ cleanTyVars $ InstanceD cxt ty []
        let (ConT clazzName : tvs) = unAppsT ty
            method = lookupMethod methodMap clazzName
            msg = case addErrorInstance of
                True | decs == errorInstanceDecs -> "ERROR " ++ pprint cleanedHead
                _ -> pprint cleanedHead
            expr = appsE'
                [ ConE 'Inst
                , LitE $ StringL msg
                , ListE $ flip map substs $ \(ty, cty) -> TupE
                    [ LitE (StringL (pprint cty))
                    , AppE (VarE 'typeRep) (proxyE (VarT ty))
                , ListE $ flip mapMaybe cxt $ \case
                    EqualP {} -> Nothing
                    ClassP n tys -> Just (invokeResolve methodMap n tys)
            -- Need extra typeable constraints in order to use typeRep.
            extraCxt = map (ClassP ''Typeable . (: []) . VarT . fst) substs
        return $ InstanceD (cxt ++ extraCxt) ty $
            filter isFamilyDec decs ++
            [FunD method [Clause (map (\_ -> WildP) tvs) (NormalB expr) []]]
    resolver _ dec = return dec

invokeResolve :: M.Map Name Name -> Name -> [Type] -> Exp
invokeResolve methodMap name tys =
    appsE' $ VarE (lookupMethod methodMap name) : map proxyE tys

lookupMethod :: M.Map Name Name -> Name -> Name
lookupMethod methodMap name =
    fromMaybe (error ("Couldn't find resolve* method name for " ++ show name))
              (M.lookup name methodMap)

allNames :: Data a => a -> [Name]
allNames = listify (\_ -> True)

tvKindNames :: TyVarBndr -> [Name]
tvKindNames (KindedTV _name kind) = allNames kind
tvKindNames PlainTV {} = []

tvName :: TyVarBndr -> Name
tvName (KindedTV name _kind) = name
tvName (PlainTV name) = name

isFamilyDec FamilyD {} = True
isFamilyDec DataInstD {} = True
isFamilyDec NewtypeInstD {} = True
isFamilyDec TySynInstD {} = True
isFamilyDec ClosedTypeFamilyD {} = True
isFamilyDec _ = False

-- Work around a TH bug where PolyKinded constraints get too many
-- arguments.
trimConstraint :: Pred -> Q Pred
trimConstraint (ClassP n tys) = do
    ClassI (ClassD _ _ tvs _ _) _ <- reify n
    return $ ClassP n (drop (length tys - length tvs) tys)
trimConstraint x = return x

trimInstanceType :: Type -> Q Type
trimInstanceType (unAppsT -> (ConT n : tys)) = do
    ClassI (ClassD _ _ tvs _ _) _ <- reify n
    return $ appsT (ConT n : (drop (length tys - length tvs) tys))

chooseUnusedName :: Bool -> String -> Q Name
chooseUnusedName allowUnmodified name = do
    -- This will always match, since there can only be finite names.
    Just str <- findM (\str -> not <$> exists str) choices
    return (mkName str)
    choices = map (name ++) $
        (if allowUnmodified then ("" : ) else id) $
        "_" : map ('_':) (map show [1..])
    -- 'recover' is used to handle errors due to ambiguous identifier names.
    exists str = recover (return True) $ do
        mtype <- lookupTypeName str
        mvalue <- lookupValueName str
        return $ isJust mtype || isJust mvalue

findM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m (Maybe a)
findM f (x:xs) = do
    b <- f x
    if b
        then return (Just x)
        else findM f xs

applySubst :: (Data a, Typeable b) => (b -> Maybe b) -> a -> a
applySubst f = everywhere (id `extT` (\x -> fromMaybe x (f x)))

applySubstMap :: (Data a, Ord b, Typeable b) => M.Map b b -> a -> a
applySubstMap m = applySubst (flip M.lookup m)

funT :: [Type] -> Type
funT [x] = x
funT (x:xs) = AppT (AppT ArrowT x) (funT xs)

appsT :: [Type] -> Type
appsT = go . reverse
    go [x] = x
    go (x:xs) = AppT (go xs) x

unAppsT :: Type -> [Type]
unAppsT ty = go ty []
    go (AppT l r) = go l . (r :)
    go ty = (ty :)

appsE' :: [Exp] -> Exp
appsE' = go . reverse
    go [x] = x
    go (x:xs) = AppE (go xs) x

proxyE :: Type -> Exp
proxyE = SigE (ConE 'Proxy) . AppT (ConT ''Proxy)

freeVarsT :: Type -> [Name]
freeVarsT (ForallT tvs _ ty) = filter (`notElem` (map tvName tvs)) (freeVarsT ty)
freeVarsT (AppT l r) = freeVarsT l ++ freeVarsT r
freeVarsT (SigT ty k) = freeVarsT ty ++ freeVarsT k
freeVarsT (VarT n) = [n]
freeVarsT _ = []

-- Dequalify names which are unambiguous.
cleanTyCons :: Data a => a -> Q a
cleanTyCons = everywhereM (return `extM` subst1 `extM` subst2)
    rename :: Name -> Q Name
    rename n = do
        inScope <- typeNameInScope n
        return $ if inScope then mkName (nameBase n) else n
    subst1 (ConT n) = ConT <$> rename n
    subst1 x = return x
    subst2 (ClassP n tys) = ClassP <$> rename n <*> return tys
    subst2 x = return x

typeNameInScope :: Name -> Q Bool
typeNameInScope n =
    recover (return False)
            ((Just n ==) <$> lookupTypeName (nameBase n))

-- Chooses prettier names for type variables.  Assumes that all type
-- variable names are unique.
varTSubsts :: Data a => a -> [(Name, Name)]
varTSubsts =
    concatMap munge . groupSortOn nameBase . sortNub . varTNames
    munge = zipWith (\s x -> (x, mkName (nameBase x ++ s))) ("" : map show [1..])

varTNames :: Data a => a -> [Name]
varTNames x = [n | VarT n <- listify (\_ -> True) x]

infoCons :: Info -> [Con]
infoCons (TyConI (DataD _ _ _ cons _)) = cons
infoCons (TyConI (NewtypeD _ _ _ con _)) = [con]
infoCons _ = []

conName :: Con -> Name
conName (NormalC name _) = name
conName (RecC name _) = name
conName (InfixC _ name _) = name
conName (ForallC _ _ con) = conName con

groupSortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [[a]]
groupSortOn f = groupBy ((==) `on` f) . sortBy (comparing f)

sortNub :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
sortNub = map head . group . sort

addIndent :: Int -> String -> String
addIndent cnt = unlines . map (replicate cnt ' ' ++) . lines

reifyMany :: ((Name, Info) -> Q (Bool, [Name]))
          -> [Name]
          -> Q [(Name, Info)]
reifyMany recurse initial =
    State.evalStateT (fmap concat $ mapM go initial) S.empty
    go :: Name -> State.StateT (S.Set Name) Q [(Name, Info)]
    go n = do
        seen <- State.get
        if S.member n seen
            then return []
            else do
                State.put (S.insert n seen)
                minfo <- State.lift $ recover (return Nothing) (fmap Just (reify n))
                case minfo of
                    Just info -> do
                        (shouldEmit, ns) <- State.lift $ recurse (n, info)
                        (if shouldEmit
                             then fmap ((n, info):)
                             else id) $ fmap concat $ mapM go ns
                    _ -> return []

How it works

This leverages Template Haskell in a rather extreme way - by duplicating and renaming every top level declaration that could possibly have anything to do with resolving the instance. It turns out that TH's reify function is actually quite sufficient for recursively enumerating type declarations - something I'd previously realized with my th-reify-many package.

For example, lets look at what happens to a made up typeclass and its instances:

{-# START_FILE Demo.hs #-}
-- Usually not all of these pragmas are necessary. But they are
-- needed for some invocations of 'explainInstance'.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

import ExplainInstance
-- show
class Size a where
    size :: a -> Int

instance Size Int where
    size = id

instance Size a => Size (Maybe a) where
    size = maybe 0 size

instance (Size a, Size b) => Size (a, b) where
    size (a, b) = size a + size b

$(explainInstance [t| Size (Maybe Int, Int) |])
-- /show
{-# START_FILE ExplainInstance.hs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

-- show
-- /show
module ExplainInstance where

import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
import qualified Data.Set as S

import           Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import           Control.Monad (filterM)
import           Data.Function (on)
import           Data.Generics
import           Data.List (groupBy, sortBy, sort, group, find)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Ord (comparing)
import           Language.Haskell.TH
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (addTopDecls)

-- TODO:
-- * Rename to "explain-instance"
-- * Show info about type families by using Typeable
-- * Use a parser so that type vars can be provided.  Or, have a
-- wildcard datatype.
-- * Apply inverse renaming on output types (relevant to constraints
-- that end up in the types, as well as data types with contexts)

-- Issues due to TH limitations:
-- * No ConstraintKinds
-- * No PolyKinds
-- * No info about whether an instance is overlapping / incoherent
--   (TODO: is this truly an issue?)
-- * No GHCI support. This is because 'explainInstances' can't yield
-- an Exp, as:
--   Only function, value, and foreign import declarations may be
--   added with addTopDecl
-- Which seems to be a rather arbitrary limitation...
-- TODO: Followup on these limitations on trac / mailinglists

explainInstance :: Q Type -> Q [Dec]
explainInstance = explainInstance' False

explainInstanceError :: Q Type -> Q [Dec]
explainInstanceError = explainInstance' True

explainInstance' :: Bool -> Q Type -> Q [Dec]
explainInstance' addErrorInstance qty = do
    ty <- qty
    case unAppsT ty of
        (ConT clazz : tys) -> do
            (decs, methodMap, renameMap) <- instanceResolvers addErrorInstance [clazz]
            let tys' = applySubstMap renameMap tys
            decs' <- [d| main = putStrLn (displayInst $(return (invokeResolve methodMap clazz tys'))) |]
            return (decs' ++ decs)
        _ -> fail "explainInstance input should be a constraint"

-- | An explanation of why some constraint is satisfied.
data Inst = Inst
    { -- | Like an instance declaration, but without the declarations.
      instHead :: String
      -- | Describes how type variables are instantiated in the head.
    , instTypes :: [(String, TypeRep)]
      -- | Explanations of how the instance's constraints are satisfied.
    , instConstraints :: [Inst]
    deriving (Show)

-- | Provides an indented string presentation of the instance resolution tree.
displayInst :: Inst -> String
displayInst = go 0
    go i (Inst decl vars cxt) =
        addIndent i (decl ++ displayVars vars) ++
        concatMap (("\n" ++) . go (i + 2)) cxt
    displayVars [] = ""
    displayVars (var0 : vars) =
        "\n  with " ++ displayVar var0 ++
        "\n" ++ unlines (map (("       " ++) . displayVar) vars)
    displayVar (n, ty) = n ++ " ~ " ++ showsPrec 9 ty ""

instanceResolvers :: Bool -> [Name] -> Q ([Dec], M.Map Name Name, M.Map Name Name)
instanceResolvers addErrorInstance initial = do
    infos <- reifyMany recurse initial
    methodMap <- M.fromList <$> sequence
        [ (n, ) <$> chooseUnusedName True ("resolve" ++ nameBase n)
        | (n, ClassI {}) <- infos
    let names = map fst infos ++ concatMap (map conName . infoCons . snd) infos
    renameMap <- M.fromList <$>
        mapM (\n -> (n, ) <$> chooseUnusedName False (nameBase n)) names
    decs <- mapM (resolver methodMap) (concatMap (infoToDecs . snd) infos)
    return (map (applySubst (flip M.lookup renameMap)) decs, methodMap, renameMap)
    -- Recursively enumerate all of the top level declarations which
    -- need to be copied / renamed.
    recurse :: (Name, Info) -> Q (Bool, [Name])
    recurse (name, info) = return $ do
        case info of
            ClassI (ClassD cxt _name tvs _fds decs) insts ->
                (True, allNames (cxt, filter isFamilyDec decs) ++
                       concatMap tvKindNames tvs ++
                       concatMap instNames insts)
            TyConI (TySynD _name tvs ty) ->
                (True, allNames ty ++ concatMap tvKindNames tvs)
            -- Only need to clone data declarations when they have
            -- datatype contexts.
            TyConI (DataD cxt _name _tvs _cons _deriving) ->
                (not (null cxt), allNames cxt)
            TyConI (NewtypeD cxt _name _tvs _con _deriving) ->
                (not (null cxt), allNames cxt)
            -- We might encounter this due to DataKinds.
            DataConI _name _ty typeName _fixity ->
                (False, [typeName])
            -- FamilyI dec insts -> return (True, [])
            _ -> (False, [])
    instNames :: Dec -> [Name]
    instNames (InstanceD cxt ty decs) =
        allNames cxt ++ allNames ty ++ allNames (filter isFamilyDec decs)
    instNames _ = []
    infoToDecs :: Info -> [Dec]
    -- TODO: check fundeps?
    infoToDecs (ClassI dec@(ClassD _ name tvs _ _) insts) =
        case addErrorInstance && not hasDefaultCase of
            False -> dec : insts
            True ->
                let errInst = InstanceD
                        (appsT $ ConT name : map (VarT . tvName) tvs)
                in dec : errInst : insts
        -- If true then an overlapping instance like (Class v1 ..),
        -- where all arguments are type variables, already exists.
        -- In this case omit the error instance.
        hasDefaultCase = isJust $ find isDefaultCase insts
        isDefaultCase (InstanceD _ (unAppsT -> (_:tys)) _) =
            all isTyVar tys
        isDefaultCase _ = False
        isTyVar (VarT _) = True
        isTyVar _ = False
    infoToDecs (ClassI _ _) = error "impossible: ClassI which doesn't contain ClassD"
    infoToDecs (TyConI dec) = [dec]
    infoToDecs (FamilyI dec insts) = dec : insts
    infoToDecs (VarI _name _ty mdec _fixity) = maybeToList mdec
    infoToDecs ClassOpI {} = []
    infoToDecs PrimTyConI {} = []
    infoToDecs DataConI {} = []
    infoToDecs TyVarI {} = []
    errorInstanceDecs = [FunD (mkName "x") []]
    -- Modify a class or instance to instead just have a single
    -- "resolver*" function.
    resolver :: M.Map Name Name -> Dec -> Q Dec
    resolver methodMap (ClassD cxt' name tvs fds decs) = do
        let method = lookupMethod methodMap name
            ty = funT $
                map (AppT (ConT ''Proxy) . VarT . tvName) tvs ++
                [ConT ''Inst]
        cxt <- mapM trimConstraint cxt'
        return $ ClassD cxt name tvs fds $
            filter isFamilyDec decs ++
            [SigD method ty]
    resolver methodMap (InstanceD cxt' ty' decs) = do
        cxt <- mapM trimConstraint cxt'
        ty <- trimInstanceType ty'
        let substs = varTSubsts (cxt, ty)
            cleanTyVars = applySubstMap (M.fromList substs)
        cleanedHead <- cleanTyCons $ cleanTyVars $ InstanceD cxt ty []
        let (ConT clazzName : tvs) = unAppsT ty
            method = lookupMethod methodMap clazzName
            msg = case addErrorInstance of
                True | decs == errorInstanceDecs -> "ERROR " ++ pprint cleanedHead
                _ -> pprint cleanedHead
            expr = appsE'
                [ ConE 'Inst
                , LitE $ StringL msg
                , ListE $ flip map substs $ \(ty, cty) -> TupE
                    [ LitE (StringL (pprint cty))
                    , AppE (VarE 'typeRep) (proxyE (VarT ty))
                , ListE $ flip mapMaybe cxt $ \case
                    EqualP {} -> Nothing
                    ClassP n tys -> Just (invokeResolve methodMap n tys)
            -- Need extra typeable constraints in order to use typeRep.
            extraCxt = map (ClassP ''Typeable . (: []) . VarT . fst) substs
        return $ InstanceD (cxt ++ extraCxt) ty $
            filter isFamilyDec decs ++
            [FunD method [Clause (map (\_ -> WildP) tvs) (NormalB expr) []]]
    resolver _ dec = return dec

invokeResolve :: M.Map Name Name -> Name -> [Type] -> Exp
invokeResolve methodMap name tys =
    appsE' $ VarE (lookupMethod methodMap name) : map proxyE tys

lookupMethod :: M.Map Name Name -> Name -> Name
lookupMethod methodMap name =
    fromMaybe (error ("Couldn't find resolve* method name for " ++ show name))
              (M.lookup name methodMap)

allNames :: Data a => a -> [Name]
allNames = listify (\_ -> True)

tvKindNames :: TyVarBndr -> [Name]
tvKindNames (KindedTV _name kind) = allNames kind
tvKindNames PlainTV {} = []

tvName :: TyVarBndr -> Name
tvName (KindedTV name _kind) = name
tvName (PlainTV name) = name

isFamilyDec FamilyD {} = True
isFamilyDec DataInstD {} = True
isFamilyDec NewtypeInstD {} = True
isFamilyDec TySynInstD {} = True
isFamilyDec ClosedTypeFamilyD {} = True
isFamilyDec _ = False

-- Work around a TH bug where PolyKinded constraints get too many
-- arguments.
trimConstraint :: Pred -> Q Pred
trimConstraint (ClassP n tys) = do
    ClassI (ClassD _ _ tvs _ _) _ <- reify n
    return $ ClassP n (drop (length tys - length tvs) tys)
trimConstraint x = return x

trimInstanceType :: Type -> Q Type
trimInstanceType (unAppsT -> (ConT n : tys)) = do
    ClassI (ClassD _ _ tvs _ _) _ <- reify n
    return $ appsT (ConT n : (drop (length tys - length tvs) tys))

chooseUnusedName :: Bool -> String -> Q Name
chooseUnusedName allowUnmodified name = do
    -- This will always match, since there can only be finite names.
    Just str <- findM (\str -> not <$> exists str) choices
    return (mkName str)
    choices = map (name ++) $
        (if allowUnmodified then ("" : ) else id) $
        "_" : map ('_':) (map show [1..])
    -- 'recover' is used to handle errors due to ambiguous identifier names.
    exists str = recover (return True) $ do
        mtype <- lookupTypeName str
        mvalue <- lookupValueName str
        return $ isJust mtype || isJust mvalue

findM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m (Maybe a)
findM f (x:xs) = do
    b <- f x
    if b
        then return (Just x)
        else findM f xs

applySubst :: (Data a, Typeable b) => (b -> Maybe b) -> a -> a
applySubst f = everywhere (id `extT` (\x -> fromMaybe x (f x)))

applySubstMap :: (Data a, Ord b, Typeable b) => M.Map b b -> a -> a
applySubstMap m = applySubst (flip M.lookup m)

funT :: [Type] -> Type
funT [x] = x
funT (x:xs) = AppT (AppT ArrowT x) (funT xs)

appsT :: [Type] -> Type
appsT = go . reverse
    go [x] = x
    go (x:xs) = AppT (go xs) x

unAppsT :: Type -> [Type]
unAppsT ty = go ty []
    go (AppT l r) = go l . (r :)
    go ty = (ty :)

appsE' :: [Exp] -> Exp
appsE' = go . reverse
    go [x] = x
    go (x:xs) = AppE (go xs) x

proxyE :: Type -> Exp
proxyE = SigE (ConE 'Proxy) . AppT (ConT ''Proxy)

freeVarsT :: Type -> [Name]
freeVarsT (ForallT tvs _ ty) = filter (`notElem` (map tvName tvs)) (freeVarsT ty)
freeVarsT (AppT l r) = freeVarsT l ++ freeVarsT r
freeVarsT (SigT ty k) = freeVarsT ty ++ freeVarsT k
freeVarsT (VarT n) = [n]
freeVarsT _ = []

-- Dequalify names which are unambiguous.
cleanTyCons :: Data a => a -> Q a
cleanTyCons = everywhereM (return `extM` subst1 `extM` subst2)
    rename :: Name -> Q Name
    rename n = do
        inScope <- typeNameInScope n
        return $ if inScope then mkName (nameBase n) else n
    subst1 (ConT n) = ConT <$> rename n
    subst1 x = return x
    subst2 (ClassP n tys) = ClassP <$> rename n <*> return tys
    subst2 x = return x

typeNameInScope :: Name -> Q Bool
typeNameInScope n =
    recover (return False)
            ((Just n ==) <$> lookupTypeName (nameBase n))

-- Chooses prettier names for type variables.  Assumes that all type
-- variable names are unique.
varTSubsts :: Data a => a -> [(Name, Name)]
varTSubsts =
    concatMap munge . groupSortOn nameBase . sortNub . varTNames
    munge = zipWith (\s x -> (x, mkName (nameBase x ++ s))) ("" : map show [1..])

varTNames :: Data a => a -> [Name]
varTNames x = [n | VarT n <- listify (\_ -> True) x]

infoCons :: Info -> [Con]
infoCons (TyConI (DataD _ _ _ cons _)) = cons
infoCons (TyConI (NewtypeD _ _ _ con _)) = [con]
infoCons _ = []

conName :: Con -> Name
conName (NormalC name _) = name
conName (RecC name _) = name
conName (InfixC _ name _) = name
conName (ForallC _ _ con) = conName con

groupSortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [[a]]
groupSortOn f = groupBy ((==) `on` f) . sortBy (comparing f)

sortNub :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
sortNub = map head . group . sort

addIndent :: Int -> String -> String
addIndent cnt = unlines . map (replicate cnt ' ' ++) . lines

reifyMany :: ((Name, Info) -> Q (Bool, [Name]))
          -> [Name]
          -> Q [(Name, Info)]
reifyMany recurse initial =
    State.evalStateT (fmap concat $ mapM go initial) S.empty
    go :: Name -> State.StateT (S.Set Name) Q [(Name, Info)]
    go n = do
        seen <- State.get
        if S.member n seen
            then return []
            else do
                State.put (S.insert n seen)
                minfo <- State.lift $ recover (return Nothing) (fmap Just (reify n))
                case minfo of
                    Just info -> do
                        (shouldEmit, ns) <- State.lift $ recurse (n, info)
                        (if shouldEmit
                             then fmap ((n, info):)
                             else id) $ fmap concat $ mapM go ns
                    _ -> return []

Here are the declarations generated by the explainInstance TH splice, with comments and syntax sugar added:

-- Calling 'resolveSize' yields an instance resolution tree which
-- explains concrete instances of the 'Size' typeclass.  Its first
-- argument is a Proxy type, allowing the caller to specify 'a', even
-- if its kind is not *.
class Size_ a where
    resolveSize :: Proxy a -> Inst

-- Prints out the instance resolution tree for (Size (Maybe Int, Int)).
main = putStrLn $ displayInst $ resolveSize (Proxy :: Proxy (Maybe Int, Int))

The following are exported by ExplainInstance:

-- | An explanation of why some constraint is satisfied.
data Inst = Inst
    { -- | Like an instance declaration, but without the method declarations.
      instHead :: String
      -- | Describes how type variables are instantiated in the head.
    , instTypes :: [(String, TypeRep)]
      -- | Explanations of how the instance's constraints are satisfied.
    , instConstraints :: [Inst]
    deriving (Show)

-- | Provides an indented string presentation of the instance resolution tree.
displayInst :: Inst -> String

Ok, so that's how the main function / class works. Here's how the actual instances look:

instance Size_ Int where
  -- The explanation for (Size Int) is simple - there are no type
  -- variables or constraints, so it just needs to provide the
  -- instance head.
  resolveSize _ = Inst "instance Size Int" [] []

-- Here, things get a little more complicated as there's a type
-- variable and a constraint.
instance (Size_ a, Typeable a) => Size_ (Maybe a) where
  resolveSize _
    = Inst
        "instance Size a => Size (Maybe a)"
        -- We use the added 'Typeable' constraint to create a runtime
        -- representation of the type that 'a' got instantiated to.
        -- This provides the "with" clause in the output.
        [("a", typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy a))]
        -- We use the 'Size_' constraint to recursively explain why
        -- (Size a) has an instance.
        [resolveSize (Proxy :: Proxy a)]

instance (Size_ a, Size_ b, Typeable a, Typeable b) =>
         Size_ (a, b) where
  resolveSize _
    = Inst
        "instance (Size a, Size b) => Size ((a, b))"
        [("a", typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy a)),
         ("b", typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy b))]
        [resolveSize (Proxy :: Proxy a),
         resolveSize (Proxy :: Proxy b)]

So, in summary, the trick here is to copy and rename typeclass hierarchies, giving all of them a single resolve* method. Calling this method provides a value representing the instance resolution tree. By directly piggy backing GHC's instance resolution, we can be sure that this tool never gives misinformation!

Explaining unsatisfied constraints

While the above is quite handy for explaining instances used in code that compiles, it isn't so handy when you're faced with a compilation error.

Turns out that with OverlappingInstances, it's possible to catch a subset of such errors in a much more descriptive way than GHC. Take, for example, the type error in this code:

import Text.Printf

data Thing = Thing

main = printf "" Thing

This yields the error

No instance for (PrintfArg Thing) arising from a use of printf
In the expression: printf "" Thing
In an equation for ‘main’: main = printf "" Thing

While the error itself is pretty good, if you're new to printf, one might wonder "where the heck did this (PrintfArg Thing) constraint come from anyway?". With explainInstanceError, we can answer this question!

{-# START_FILE Demo.hs #-}
-- Usually not all of these pragmas are necessary. But they are
-- needed for some invocations of 'explainInstance'.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

import ExplainInstance
-- show
import Data.Typeable
import Text.Printf

data Thing = Thing deriving (Typeable)

$(explainInstanceError [t| PrintfType (Thing -> IO ()) |])
-- /show
{-# START_FILE ExplainInstance.hs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

-- show
-- /show
module ExplainInstance where

import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
import qualified Data.Set as S

import           Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import           Control.Monad (filterM)
import           Data.Function (on)
import           Data.Generics
import           Data.List (groupBy, sortBy, sort, group, find)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Ord (comparing)
import           Language.Haskell.TH
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (addTopDecls)

-- TODO:
-- * Rename to "explain-instance"
-- * Show info about type families by using Typeable
-- * Use a parser so that type vars can be provided.  Or, have a
-- wildcard datatype.
-- * Apply inverse renaming on output types (relevant to constraints
-- that end up in the types, as well as data types with contexts)

-- Issues due to TH limitations:
-- * No ConstraintKinds
-- * No PolyKinds
-- * No info about whether an instance is overlapping / incoherent
--   (TODO: is this truly an issue?)
-- * No GHCI support. This is because 'explainInstances' can't yield
-- an Exp, as:
--   Only function, value, and foreign import declarations may be
--   added with addTopDecl
-- Which seems to be a rather arbitrary limitation...
-- TODO: Followup on these limitations on trac / mailinglists

explainInstance :: Q Type -> Q [Dec]
explainInstance = explainInstance' False

explainInstanceError :: Q Type -> Q [Dec]
explainInstanceError = explainInstance' True

explainInstance' :: Bool -> Q Type -> Q [Dec]
explainInstance' addErrorInstance qty = do
    ty <- qty
    case unAppsT ty of
        (ConT clazz : tys) -> do
            (decs, methodMap, renameMap) <- instanceResolvers addErrorInstance [clazz]
            let tys' = applySubstMap renameMap tys
            decs' <- [d| main = putStrLn (displayInst $(return (invokeResolve methodMap clazz tys'))) |]
            return (decs' ++ decs)
        _ -> fail "explainInstance input should be a constraint"

-- | An explanation of why some constraint is satisfied.
data Inst = Inst
    { -- | Like an instance declaration, but without the declarations.
      instHead :: String
      -- | Describes how type variables are instantiated in the head.
    , instTypes :: [(String, TypeRep)]
      -- | Explanations of how the instance's constraints are satisfied.
    , instConstraints :: [Inst]
    deriving (Show)

-- | Provides an indented string presentation of the instance resolution tree.
displayInst :: Inst -> String
displayInst = go 0
    go i (Inst decl vars cxt) =
        addIndent i (decl ++ displayVars vars) ++
        concatMap (("\n" ++) . go (i + 2)) cxt
    displayVars [] = ""
    displayVars (var0 : vars) =
        "\n  with " ++ displayVar var0 ++
        "\n" ++ unlines (map (("       " ++) . displayVar) vars)
    displayVar (n, ty) = n ++ " ~ " ++ showsPrec 9 ty ""

instanceResolvers :: Bool -> [Name] -> Q ([Dec], M.Map Name Name, M.Map Name Name)
instanceResolvers addErrorInstance initial = do
    infos <- reifyMany recurse initial
    methodMap <- M.fromList <$> sequence
        [ (n, ) <$> chooseUnusedName True ("resolve" ++ nameBase n)
        | (n, ClassI {}) <- infos
    let names = map fst infos ++ concatMap (map conName . infoCons . snd) infos
    renameMap <- M.fromList <$>
        mapM (\n -> (n, ) <$> chooseUnusedName False (nameBase n)) names
    decs <- mapM (resolver methodMap) (concatMap (infoToDecs . snd) infos)
    return (map (applySubst (flip M.lookup renameMap)) decs, methodMap, renameMap)
    -- Recursively enumerate all of the top level declarations which
    -- need to be copied / renamed.
    recurse :: (Name, Info) -> Q (Bool, [Name])
    recurse (name, info) = return $ do
        case info of
            ClassI (ClassD cxt _name tvs _fds decs) insts ->
                (True, allNames (cxt, filter isFamilyDec decs) ++
                       concatMap tvKindNames tvs ++
                       concatMap instNames insts)
            TyConI (TySynD _name tvs ty) ->
                (True, allNames ty ++ concatMap tvKindNames tvs)
            -- Only need to clone data declarations when they have
            -- datatype contexts.
            TyConI (DataD cxt _name _tvs _cons _deriving) ->
                (not (null cxt), allNames cxt)
            TyConI (NewtypeD cxt _name _tvs _con _deriving) ->
                (not (null cxt), allNames cxt)
            -- We might encounter this due to DataKinds.
            DataConI _name _ty typeName _fixity ->
                (False, [typeName])
            -- FamilyI dec insts -> return (True, [])
            _ -> (False, [])
    instNames :: Dec -> [Name]
    instNames (InstanceD cxt ty decs) =
        allNames cxt ++ allNames ty ++ allNames (filter isFamilyDec decs)
    instNames _ = []
    infoToDecs :: Info -> [Dec]
    -- TODO: check fundeps?
    infoToDecs (ClassI dec@(ClassD _ name tvs _ _) insts) =
        case addErrorInstance && not hasDefaultCase of
            False -> dec : insts
            True ->
                let errInst = InstanceD
                        (appsT $ ConT name : map (VarT . tvName) tvs)
                in dec : errInst : insts
        -- If true then an overlapping instance like (Class v1 ..),
        -- where all arguments are type variables, already exists.
        -- In this case omit the error instance.
        hasDefaultCase = isJust $ find isDefaultCase insts
        isDefaultCase (InstanceD _ (unAppsT -> (_:tys)) _) =
            all isTyVar tys
        isDefaultCase _ = False
        isTyVar (VarT _) = True
        isTyVar _ = False
    infoToDecs (ClassI _ _) = error "impossible: ClassI which doesn't contain ClassD"
    infoToDecs (TyConI dec) = [dec]
    infoToDecs (FamilyI dec insts) = dec : insts
    infoToDecs (VarI _name _ty mdec _fixity) = maybeToList mdec
    infoToDecs ClassOpI {} = []
    infoToDecs PrimTyConI {} = []
    infoToDecs DataConI {} = []
    infoToDecs TyVarI {} = []
    errorInstanceDecs = [FunD (mkName "x") []]
    -- Modify a class or instance to instead just have a single
    -- "resolver*" function.
    resolver :: M.Map Name Name -> Dec -> Q Dec
    resolver methodMap (ClassD cxt' name tvs fds decs) = do
        let method = lookupMethod methodMap name
            ty = funT $
                map (AppT (ConT ''Proxy) . VarT . tvName) tvs ++
                [ConT ''Inst]
        cxt <- mapM trimConstraint cxt'
        return $ ClassD cxt name tvs fds $
            filter isFamilyDec decs ++
            [SigD method ty]
    resolver methodMap (InstanceD cxt' ty' decs) = do
        cxt <- mapM trimConstraint cxt'
        ty <- trimInstanceType ty'
        let substs = varTSubsts (cxt, ty)
            cleanTyVars = applySubstMap (M.fromList substs)
        cleanedHead <- cleanTyCons $ cleanTyVars $ InstanceD cxt ty []
        let (ConT clazzName : tvs) = unAppsT ty
            method = lookupMethod methodMap clazzName
            msg = case addErrorInstance of
                True | decs == errorInstanceDecs -> "ERROR " ++ pprint cleanedHead
                _ -> pprint cleanedHead
            expr = appsE'
                [ ConE 'Inst
                , LitE $ StringL msg
                , ListE $ flip map substs $ \(ty, cty) -> TupE
                    [ LitE (StringL (pprint cty))
                    , AppE (VarE 'typeRep) (proxyE (VarT ty))
                , ListE $ flip mapMaybe cxt $ \case
                    EqualP {} -> Nothing
                    ClassP n tys -> Just (invokeResolve methodMap n tys)
            -- Need extra typeable constraints in order to use typeRep.
            extraCxt = map (ClassP ''Typeable . (: []) . VarT . fst) substs
        return $ InstanceD (cxt ++ extraCxt) ty $
            filter isFamilyDec decs ++
            [FunD method [Clause (map (\_ -> WildP) tvs) (NormalB expr) []]]
    resolver _ dec = return dec

invokeResolve :: M.Map Name Name -> Name -> [Type] -> Exp
invokeResolve methodMap name tys =
    appsE' $ VarE (lookupMethod methodMap name) : map proxyE tys

lookupMethod :: M.Map Name Name -> Name -> Name
lookupMethod methodMap name =
    fromMaybe (error ("Couldn't find resolve* method name for " ++ show name))
              (M.lookup name methodMap)

allNames :: Data a => a -> [Name]
allNames = listify (\_ -> True)

tvKindNames :: TyVarBndr -> [Name]
tvKindNames (KindedTV _name kind) = allNames kind
tvKindNames PlainTV {} = []

tvName :: TyVarBndr -> Name
tvName (KindedTV name _kind) = name
tvName (PlainTV name) = name

isFamilyDec FamilyD {} = True
isFamilyDec DataInstD {} = True
isFamilyDec NewtypeInstD {} = True
isFamilyDec TySynInstD {} = True
isFamilyDec ClosedTypeFamilyD {} = True
isFamilyDec _ = False

-- Work around a TH bug where PolyKinded constraints get too many
-- arguments.
trimConstraint :: Pred -> Q Pred
trimConstraint (ClassP n tys) = do
    ClassI (ClassD _ _ tvs _ _) _ <- reify n
    return $ ClassP n (drop (length tys - length tvs) tys)
trimConstraint x = return x

trimInstanceType :: Type -> Q Type
trimInstanceType (unAppsT -> (ConT n : tys)) = do
    ClassI (ClassD _ _ tvs _ _) _ <- reify n
    return $ appsT (ConT n : (drop (length tys - length tvs) tys))

chooseUnusedName :: Bool -> String -> Q Name
chooseUnusedName allowUnmodified name = do
    -- This will always match, since there can only be finite names.
    Just str <- findM (\str -> not <$> exists str) choices
    return (mkName str)
    choices = map (name ++) $
        (if allowUnmodified then ("" : ) else id) $
        "_" : map ('_':) (map show [1..])
    -- 'recover' is used to handle errors due to ambiguous identifier names.
    exists str = recover (return True) $ do
        mtype <- lookupTypeName str
        mvalue <- lookupValueName str
        return $ isJust mtype || isJust mvalue

findM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m (Maybe a)
findM f (x:xs) = do
    b <- f x
    if b
        then return (Just x)
        else findM f xs

applySubst :: (Data a, Typeable b) => (b -> Maybe b) -> a -> a
applySubst f = everywhere (id `extT` (\x -> fromMaybe x (f x)))

applySubstMap :: (Data a, Ord b, Typeable b) => M.Map b b -> a -> a
applySubstMap m = applySubst (flip M.lookup m)

funT :: [Type] -> Type
funT [x] = x
funT (x:xs) = AppT (AppT ArrowT x) (funT xs)

appsT :: [Type] -> Type
appsT = go . reverse
    go [x] = x
    go (x:xs) = AppT (go xs) x

unAppsT :: Type -> [Type]
unAppsT ty = go ty []
    go (AppT l r) = go l . (r :)
    go ty = (ty :)

appsE' :: [Exp] -> Exp
appsE' = go . reverse
    go [x] = x
    go (x:xs) = AppE (go xs) x

proxyE :: Type -> Exp
proxyE = SigE (ConE 'Proxy) . AppT (ConT ''Proxy)

freeVarsT :: Type -> [Name]
freeVarsT (ForallT tvs _ ty) = filter (`notElem` (map tvName tvs)) (freeVarsT ty)
freeVarsT (AppT l r) = freeVarsT l ++ freeVarsT r
freeVarsT (SigT ty k) = freeVarsT ty ++ freeVarsT k
freeVarsT (VarT n) = [n]
freeVarsT _ = []

-- Dequalify names which are unambiguous.
cleanTyCons :: Data a => a -> Q a
cleanTyCons = everywhereM (return `extM` subst1 `extM` subst2)
    rename :: Name -> Q Name
    rename n = do
        inScope <- typeNameInScope n
        return $ if inScope then mkName (nameBase n) else n
    subst1 (ConT n) = ConT <$> rename n
    subst1 x = return x
    subst2 (ClassP n tys) = ClassP <$> rename n <*> return tys
    subst2 x = return x

typeNameInScope :: Name -> Q Bool
typeNameInScope n =
    recover (return False)
            ((Just n ==) <$> lookupTypeName (nameBase n))

-- Chooses prettier names for type variables.  Assumes that all type
-- variable names are unique.
varTSubsts :: Data a => a -> [(Name, Name)]
varTSubsts =
    concatMap munge . groupSortOn nameBase . sortNub . varTNames
    munge = zipWith (\s x -> (x, mkName (nameBase x ++ s))) ("" : map show [1..])

varTNames :: Data a => a -> [Name]
varTNames x = [n | VarT n <- listify (\_ -> True) x]

infoCons :: Info -> [Con]
infoCons (TyConI (DataD _ _ _ cons _)) = cons
infoCons (TyConI (NewtypeD _ _ _ con _)) = [con]
infoCons _ = []

conName :: Con -> Name
conName (NormalC name _) = name
conName (RecC name _) = name
conName (InfixC _ name _) = name
conName (ForallC _ _ con) = conName con

groupSortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [[a]]
groupSortOn f = groupBy ((==) `on` f) . sortBy (comparing f)

sortNub :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
sortNub = map head . group . sort

addIndent :: Int -> String -> String
addIndent cnt = unlines . map (replicate cnt ' ' ++) . lines

reifyMany :: ((Name, Info) -> Q (Bool, [Name]))
          -> [Name]
          -> Q [(Name, Info)]
reifyMany recurse initial =
    State.evalStateT (fmap concat $ mapM go initial) S.empty
    go :: Name -> State.StateT (S.Set Name) Q [(Name, Info)]
    go n = do
        seen <- State.get
        if S.member n seen
            then return []
            else do
                State.put (S.insert n seen)
                minfo <- State.lift $ recover (return Nothing) (fmap Just (reify n))
                case minfo of
                    Just info -> do
                        (shouldEmit, ns) <- State.lift $ recurse (n, info)
                        (if shouldEmit
                             then fmap ((n, info):)
                             else id) $ fmap concat $ mapM go ns
                    _ -> return []

This gives us a clear picture of why the PrintfArg came to exist. This works by adding additional typeclass instances like:

instance Typeable t => PrintfType_ t where
  resolvePrintfType _ = Inst "ERROR instance PrintfType t"
                             [("t", typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy t))]

One cool thing about this is that it can tell you about multiple failing constraints at once:

{-# START_FILE Demo.hs #-}
-- Usually not all of these pragmas are necessary. But they are
-- needed for some invocations of 'explainInstance'.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

import ExplainInstance
-- show
import Data.Typeable
import Text.Printf

data Thing = Thing deriving (Typeable)

$(explainInstanceError [t| PrintfType (Thing -> Int -> Maybe (IO ())) |])
-- /show
{-# START_FILE ExplainInstance.hs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

-- show
-- /show
module ExplainInstance where

import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
import qualified Data.Set as S

import           Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import           Control.Monad (filterM)
import           Data.Function (on)
import           Data.Generics
import           Data.List (groupBy, sortBy, sort, group, find)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Ord (comparing)
import           Language.Haskell.TH
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (addTopDecls)

-- TODO:
-- * Rename to "explain-instance"
-- * Show info about type families by using Typeable
-- * Use a parser so that type vars can be provided.  Or, have a
-- wildcard datatype.
-- * Apply inverse renaming on output types (relevant to constraints
-- that end up in the types, as well as data types with contexts)

-- Issues due to TH limitations:
-- * No ConstraintKinds
-- * No PolyKinds
-- * No info about whether an instance is overlapping / incoherent
--   (TODO: is this truly an issue?)
-- * No GHCI support. This is because 'explainInstances' can't yield
-- an Exp, as:
--   Only function, value, and foreign import declarations may be
--   added with addTopDecl
-- Which seems to be a rather arbitrary limitation...
-- TODO: Followup on these limitations on trac / mailinglists

explainInstance :: Q Type -> Q [Dec]
explainInstance = explainInstance' False

explainInstanceError :: Q Type -> Q [Dec]
explainInstanceError = explainInstance' True

explainInstance' :: Bool -> Q Type -> Q [Dec]
explainInstance' addErrorInstance qty = do
    ty <- qty
    case unAppsT ty of
        (ConT clazz : tys) -> do
            (decs, methodMap, renameMap) <- instanceResolvers addErrorInstance [clazz]
            let tys' = applySubstMap renameMap tys
            decs' <- [d| main = putStrLn (displayInst $(return (invokeResolve methodMap clazz tys'))) |]
            return (decs' ++ decs)
        _ -> fail "explainInstance input should be a constraint"

-- | An explanation of why some constraint is satisfied.
data Inst = Inst
    { -- | Like an instance declaration, but without the declarations.
      instHead :: String
      -- | Describes how type variables are instantiated in the head.
    , instTypes :: [(String, TypeRep)]
      -- | Explanations of how the instance's constraints are satisfied.
    , instConstraints :: [Inst]
    deriving (Show)

-- | Provides an indented string presentation of the instance resolution tree.
displayInst :: Inst -> String
displayInst = go 0
    go i (Inst decl vars cxt) =
        addIndent i (decl ++ displayVars vars) ++
        concatMap (("\n" ++) . go (i + 2)) cxt
    displayVars [] = ""
    displayVars (var0 : vars) =
        "\n  with " ++ displayVar var0 ++
        "\n" ++ unlines (map (("       " ++) . displayVar) vars)
    displayVar (n, ty) = n ++ " ~ " ++ showsPrec 9 ty ""

instanceResolvers :: Bool -> [Name] -> Q ([Dec], M.Map Name Name, M.Map Name Name)
instanceResolvers addErrorInstance initial = do
    infos <- reifyMany recurse initial
    methodMap <- M.fromList <$> sequence
        [ (n, ) <$> chooseUnusedName True ("resolve" ++ nameBase n)
        | (n, ClassI {}) <- infos
    let names = map fst infos ++ concatMap (map conName . infoCons . snd) infos
    renameMap <- M.fromList <$>
        mapM (\n -> (n, ) <$> chooseUnusedName False (nameBase n)) names
    decs <- mapM (resolver methodMap) (concatMap (infoToDecs . snd) infos)
    return (map (applySubst (flip M.lookup renameMap)) decs, methodMap, renameMap)
    -- Recursively enumerate all of the top level declarations which
    -- need to be copied / renamed.
    recurse :: (Name, Info) -> Q (Bool, [Name])
    recurse (name, info) = return $ do
        case info of
            ClassI (ClassD cxt _name tvs _fds decs) insts ->
                (True, allNames (cxt, filter isFamilyDec decs) ++
                       concatMap tvKindNames tvs ++
                       concatMap instNames insts)
            TyConI (TySynD _name tvs ty) ->
                (True, allNames ty ++ concatMap tvKindNames tvs)
            -- Only need to clone data declarations when they have
            -- datatype contexts.
            TyConI (DataD cxt _name _tvs _cons _deriving) ->
                (not (null cxt), allNames cxt)
            TyConI (NewtypeD cxt _name _tvs _con _deriving) ->
                (not (null cxt), allNames cxt)
            -- We might encounter this due to DataKinds.
            DataConI _name _ty typeName _fixity ->
                (False, [typeName])
            -- FamilyI dec insts -> return (True, [])
            _ -> (False, [])
    instNames :: Dec -> [Name]
    instNames (InstanceD cxt ty decs) =
        allNames cxt ++ allNames ty ++ allNames (filter isFamilyDec decs)
    instNames _ = []
    infoToDecs :: Info -> [Dec]
    -- TODO: check fundeps?
    infoToDecs (ClassI dec@(ClassD _ name tvs _ _) insts) =
        case addErrorInstance && not hasDefaultCase of
            False -> dec : insts
            True ->
                let errInst = InstanceD
                        (appsT $ ConT name : map (VarT . tvName) tvs)
                in dec : errInst : insts
        -- If true then an overlapping instance like (Class v1 ..),
        -- where all arguments are type variables, already exists.
        -- In this case omit the error instance.
        hasDefaultCase = isJust $ find isDefaultCase insts
        isDefaultCase (InstanceD _ (unAppsT -> (_:tys)) _) =
            all isTyVar tys
        isDefaultCase _ = False
        isTyVar (VarT _) = True
        isTyVar _ = False
    infoToDecs (ClassI _ _) = error "impossible: ClassI which doesn't contain ClassD"
    infoToDecs (TyConI dec) = [dec]
    infoToDecs (FamilyI dec insts) = dec : insts
    infoToDecs (VarI _name _ty mdec _fixity) = maybeToList mdec
    infoToDecs ClassOpI {} = []
    infoToDecs PrimTyConI {} = []
    infoToDecs DataConI {} = []
    infoToDecs TyVarI {} = []
    errorInstanceDecs = [FunD (mkName "x") []]
    -- Modify a class or instance to instead just have a single
    -- "resolver*" function.
    resolver :: M.Map Name Name -> Dec -> Q Dec
    resolver methodMap (ClassD cxt' name tvs fds decs) = do
        let method = lookupMethod methodMap name
            ty = funT $
                map (AppT (ConT ''Proxy) . VarT . tvName) tvs ++
                [ConT ''Inst]
        cxt <- mapM trimConstraint cxt'
        return $ ClassD cxt name tvs fds $
            filter isFamilyDec decs ++
            [SigD method ty]
    resolver methodMap (InstanceD cxt' ty' decs) = do
        cxt <- mapM trimConstraint cxt'
        ty <- trimInstanceType ty'
        let substs = varTSubsts (cxt, ty)
            cleanTyVars = applySubstMap (M.fromList substs)
        cleanedHead <- cleanTyCons $ cleanTyVars $ InstanceD cxt ty []
        let (ConT clazzName : tvs) = unAppsT ty
            method = lookupMethod methodMap clazzName
            msg = case addErrorInstance of
                True | decs == errorInstanceDecs -> "ERROR " ++ pprint cleanedHead
                _ -> pprint cleanedHead
            expr = appsE'
                [ ConE 'Inst
                , LitE $ StringL msg
                , ListE $ flip map substs $ \(ty, cty) -> TupE
                    [ LitE (StringL (pprint cty))
                    , AppE (VarE 'typeRep) (proxyE (VarT ty))
                , ListE $ flip mapMaybe cxt $ \case
                    EqualP {} -> Nothing
                    ClassP n tys -> Just (invokeResolve methodMap n tys)
            -- Need extra typeable constraints in order to use typeRep.
            extraCxt = map (ClassP ''Typeable . (: []) . VarT . fst) substs
        return $ InstanceD (cxt ++ extraCxt) ty $
            filter isFamilyDec decs ++
            [FunD method [Clause (map (\_ -> WildP) tvs) (NormalB expr) []]]
    resolver _ dec = return dec

invokeResolve :: M.Map Name Name -> Name -> [Type] -> Exp
invokeResolve methodMap name tys =
    appsE' $ VarE (lookupMethod methodMap name) : map proxyE tys

lookupMethod :: M.Map Name Name -> Name -> Name
lookupMethod methodMap name =
    fromMaybe (error ("Couldn't find resolve* method name for " ++ show name))
              (M.lookup name methodMap)

allNames :: Data a => a -> [Name]
allNames = listify (\_ -> True)

tvKindNames :: TyVarBndr -> [Name]
tvKindNames (KindedTV _name kind) = allNames kind
tvKindNames PlainTV {} = []

tvName :: TyVarBndr -> Name
tvName (KindedTV name _kind) = name
tvName (PlainTV name) = name

isFamilyDec FamilyD {} = True
isFamilyDec DataInstD {} = True
isFamilyDec NewtypeInstD {} = True
isFamilyDec TySynInstD {} = True
isFamilyDec ClosedTypeFamilyD {} = True
isFamilyDec _ = False

-- Work around a TH bug where PolyKinded constraints get too many
-- arguments.
trimConstraint :: Pred -> Q Pred
trimConstraint (ClassP n tys) = do
    ClassI (ClassD _ _ tvs _ _) _ <- reify n
    return $ ClassP n (drop (length tys - length tvs) tys)
trimConstraint x = return x

trimInstanceType :: Type -> Q Type
trimInstanceType (unAppsT -> (ConT n : tys)) = do
    ClassI (ClassD _ _ tvs _ _) _ <- reify n
    return $ appsT (ConT n : (drop (length tys - length tvs) tys))

chooseUnusedName :: Bool -> String -> Q Name
chooseUnusedName allowUnmodified name = do
    -- This will always match, since there can only be finite names.
    Just str <- findM (\str -> not <$> exists str) choices
    return (mkName str)
    choices = map (name ++) $
        (if allowUnmodified then ("" : ) else id) $
        "_" : map ('_':) (map show [1..])
    -- 'recover' is used to handle errors due to ambiguous identifier names.
    exists str = recover (return True) $ do
        mtype <- lookupTypeName str
        mvalue <- lookupValueName str
        return $ isJust mtype || isJust mvalue

findM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m (Maybe a)
findM f (x:xs) = do
    b <- f x
    if b
        then return (Just x)
        else findM f xs

applySubst :: (Data a, Typeable b) => (b -> Maybe b) -> a -> a
applySubst f = everywhere (id `extT` (\x -> fromMaybe x (f x)))

applySubstMap :: (Data a, Ord b, Typeable b) => M.Map b b -> a -> a
applySubstMap m = applySubst (flip M.lookup m)

funT :: [Type] -> Type
funT [x] = x
funT (x:xs) = AppT (AppT ArrowT x) (funT xs)

appsT :: [Type] -> Type
appsT = go . reverse
    go [x] = x
    go (x:xs) = AppT (go xs) x

unAppsT :: Type -> [Type]
unAppsT ty = go ty []
    go (AppT l r) = go l . (r :)
    go ty = (ty :)

appsE' :: [Exp] -> Exp
appsE' = go . reverse
    go [x] = x
    go (x:xs) = AppE (go xs) x

proxyE :: Type -> Exp
proxyE = SigE (ConE 'Proxy) . AppT (ConT ''Proxy)

freeVarsT :: Type -> [Name]
freeVarsT (ForallT tvs _ ty) = filter (`notElem` (map tvName tvs)) (freeVarsT ty)
freeVarsT (AppT l r) = freeVarsT l ++ freeVarsT r
freeVarsT (SigT ty k) = freeVarsT ty ++ freeVarsT k
freeVarsT (VarT n) = [n]
freeVarsT _ = []

-- Dequalify names which are unambiguous.
cleanTyCons :: Data a => a -> Q a
cleanTyCons = everywhereM (return `extM` subst1 `extM` subst2)
    rename :: Name -> Q Name
    rename n = do
        inScope <- typeNameInScope n
        return $ if inScope then mkName (nameBase n) else n
    subst1 (ConT n) = ConT <$> rename n
    subst1 x = return x
    subst2 (ClassP n tys) = ClassP <$> rename n <*> return tys
    subst2 x = return x

typeNameInScope :: Name -> Q Bool
typeNameInScope n =
    recover (return False)
            ((Just n ==) <$> lookupTypeName (nameBase n))

-- Chooses prettier names for type variables.  Assumes that all type
-- variable names are unique.
varTSubsts :: Data a => a -> [(Name, Name)]
varTSubsts =
    concatMap munge . groupSortOn nameBase . sortNub . varTNames
    munge = zipWith (\s x -> (x, mkName (nameBase x ++ s))) ("" : map show [1..])

varTNames :: Data a => a -> [Name]
varTNames x = [n | VarT n <- listify (\_ -> True) x]

infoCons :: Info -> [Con]
infoCons (TyConI (DataD _ _ _ cons _)) = cons
infoCons (TyConI (NewtypeD _ _ _ con _)) = [con]
infoCons _ = []

conName :: Con -> Name
conName (NormalC name _) = name
conName (RecC name _) = name
conName (InfixC _ name _) = name
conName (ForallC _ _ con) = conName con

groupSortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [[a]]
groupSortOn f = groupBy ((==) `on` f) . sortBy (comparing f)

sortNub :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
sortNub = map head . group . sort

addIndent :: Int -> String -> String
addIndent cnt = unlines . map (replicate cnt ' ' ++) . lines

reifyMany :: ((Name, Info) -> Q (Bool, [Name]))
          -> [Name]
          -> Q [(Name, Info)]
reifyMany recurse initial =
    State.evalStateT (fmap concat $ mapM go initial) S.empty
    go :: Name -> State.StateT (S.Set Name) Q [(Name, Info)]
    go n = do
        seen <- State.get
        if S.member n seen
            then return []
            else do
                State.put (S.insert n seen)
                minfo <- State.lift $ recover (return Nothing) (fmap Just (reify n))
                case minfo of
                    Just info -> do
                        (shouldEmit, ns) <- State.lift $ recurse (n, info)
                        (if shouldEmit
                             then fmap ((n, info):)
                             else id) $ fmap concat $ mapM go ns
                    _ -> return []

This project is quite new, and this is the newest part, so I imagine there's still some problems with it to be worked out. One problem I know of is that it doesn't work for equality constraints. For example:

import Text.Printf

main = putStrLn "hi"
    foo :: Int -> IO String
    foo = printf "%i"

and we get:

Couldn't match type [Char] with ()
In the expression: printf "%i"

Where did that come from?? Why is () correct and String not? The answer is that it comes from an equality constraint:

instance (a ~ ()) => PrintfType (IO a)

I haven't really given this much thought yet, but a general solution to this hasn't yet occurred to me.
