Like the term "monad", "monoid" can be a bit intimidating: Why would I want to think about math while I'm doing real world programming?!?
One answer is that thinking in terms of monoids can be very beneficial to parallelism and efficient data structures. Using the Monoid
interface in Haskell allows you to leverage the many convenient functions that work with them.
What's in a Monoid?
A monoid has two things: a 'unit' value, which we call mempty
, and an append operation that combines values, called mappend
. The typeclass for Monoid
looks like:
-- Defined in Data.Monoid
class Monoid a where
mempty :: a
mappend :: a -> a -> a
-- This is here because some types might have a more efficient definition for it.
mconcat :: [a] -> a
mconcat = foldr mappend mempty
The (<>)
operator has become the conventional way to refer to mappend
infixr 6 (<>)
(<>) :: Monoid a => a -> a -> a
(<>) = mappend
So what's so special about this (<>)
thing? Mainly, that it's associative -- this means using (<>)
to merge together a sequence of items results in the same value regardless of the evaluation order. The following laws must hold:
a <> (b <> c) = (a <> b) <> c
mempty <> a = a
a <> mempty = a
These last two laws say that mempty
is the identity for (<>)
, and it doesn't matter which side it's used on. Without mempty
and those laws, associativity is still an interesting property. Types that have this property can be an instance of the "Semigroup" typeclass. However, since Monoid
is in the base libraries, it's much more commonly used.
The main thing to understand about a series of values merged by (<>)
is that the order that they are evaluated doesn't matter. However, often the order of the arguments does matter -- a <> b
is not necessarily the same thing as b <> a
List concatenation is an associative operation, and adding an empty list to either side just results in the same list. It's a monoid!
instance Monoid [a] where
mempty = []
mappend = (++)
Let's test that this makes sense as a monoid:
main = do
let a = [1,1,2]
b = [3,5]
c = [8,13]
putStrLn "These are equal:"
print $ a ++ (b ++ c)
print $ (a ++ b) ++ c
putStrLn "\nThese leave 'a' alone:"
print $ a ++ []
print $ [] ++ a
Yup! It satisfies the laws we want. Let's try using the monoid instance on String
(which uses the list monoid):
import Data.Monoid
main = do
putStrLn "These are equal:"
print $ "Hello there!" <> mempty <> " Monoids are" <> " neat!" <> mempty
print $ "Hello there!" <> (mempty <> " Monoids are") <> " neat!" <> mempty
Many other collection-like structures have Monoid
instances corresponding to concatenation or union. These include many of the datatypes in the containers package - Sequence
, Map
, Set
, IntMap
, and IntSet
Dual Wrapper
If an operation satisfies these laws no matter the input values, then it is by definition a monoid - there may be multiple valid monoids for a given datatype. For example, this is another monoid for lists:
instance Monoid [a] where
mempty = []
mappend = flip (++)
Note: flip
just takes a function of two arguments, and switches them.
It's not a very useful instance! It still concatenate the two lists, but with the second one before the first. In general, if you're going to define an instance of monoid for your datatype, then the most straightforward and useful definition should be chosen.
This particular variation of the list monoid can be generalized - there is a Dual
newtype in "Data.Monoid", which flips the (<>)
of whatever monoid it wraps.
import Data.Monoid
main = print $ Dual "world" <> Dual "hello "
is not used very frequently - but its a useful way of showing that there are often several valid instances of Monoid
for a given datatype.
The Maybe
monoid follows a common pattern found when writing typeclass instances for containers: the type of the element is also constrained to being an instance of the class.
instance Monoid a => Monoid (Maybe a) where
mempty = Nothing
Nothing `mappend` x = x
x `mappend` Nothing = x
Just x `mappend` Just y = Just (x `mappend` y)
The last line of this definition is saying that Just x <> Just y
is merged by using the Monoid a
to merge the two. Let's look at an example:
import Data.Monoid
import Safe (readMay)
main = print numbers
numbers :: Maybe [Int]
numbers = readMay "[1,2,3]" <> readMay "[90" <> readMay "[4,5,6]"
What's happening here is that readMay "[90"
returns Nothing
, because the parse fails. In the Maybe
monoid, Nothing
is mempty
, so due to the monoid laws, we know we can just leave it out. So it becomes just the other two parses merged with <>
numbers = readMay "[1,2,3]" <> readMay "[4,5,6]"
-- = Just [1,2,3] <> Just [4,5,6]
-- = Just [1,2,3,4,5,6]
This isn't the only monoid for Maybe
that's useful! After all, Maybe
is often used to represent failure. What if we just wanted the first thing that worked?
First and Last
The First
/ Last
wrappers in Data.Monoid
wrap Maybe
values to provide a different monoid instance. These instances don't require the type of the inner value to also be a Monoid
, because they don't need to do any operations on them. Here are there definitions:
-- | Maybe monoid returning the leftmost non-Nothing value.
newtype First a = First { getFirst :: Maybe a }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
instance Monoid (First a) where
mempty = First Nothing
r@(First (Just _)) `mappend` _ = r
First Nothing `mappend` r = r
-- | Maybe monoid returning the rightmost non-Nothing value.
newtype Last a = Last { getLast :: Maybe a }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
instance Monoid (Last a) where
mempty = Last Nothing
_ `mappend` r@(Last (Just _)) = r
r `mappend` Last Nothing = r
Let's see an example! This is a convenient time to use mconcat :: Monoid a => [a] -> a
, because then we can just use map
to wrap all of our values:
import Data.Monoid
import Safe (readMay)
vals :: [Maybe Int]
vals = [readMay "ignored", readMay "1", readMay "5", readMay "10"]
main = do
print . mconcat $ map First vals
print . mconcat $ map Last vals
Other Wrappers
Along with Dual
, First
, and Last
, Data.Monoid
defines a few more newtype wrappers. All of them encode the observation that existing, commonly used operations and values are monoids. For example, the Sum
monoid encodes that (+)
and 0
form a monoid:
-- | Monoid under addition.
newtype Sum a = Sum { getSum :: a }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Bounded)
instance Num a => Monoid (Sum a) where
mempty = Sum 0
Sum x `mappend` Sum y = Sum (x + y)
Here's an example:
import Data.Monoid
vals :: [Int]
vals = [1,2,3,4,5]
main = print . mconcat $ map Sum vals
The rest of the newtype wrappers follow this pattern -- the mappend
operation just unwraps the value, and re-wraps them after combining with some operation.
- Sum is `(+)` and `0` (it wraps any
instance) Product
is `(*)` and `1` (it wraps anyNum
is `(&&)` and `True` (it wrapsBool
is `(||)` and `False`Endo
is `(.)` and `id`
This last one, Endo
, is pretty interesting. Its name comes from category theory -- "Endomorphism" -- but its meaning here isn't so complicated. It just means that functions with the type a -> a
can be combined by composition, and the order of the application of composition doesn't matter much:
main = do
let f = (+1) . ((*2) . negate)
g = ((+1) . (*2)) . negate
putStrLn "These are equal:"
print $ f 5
print $ g 5
Using Endo
, this looks like:
import Data.Monoid
f :: Endo Int
f = mconcat $ map Endo [(+1), (*2), negate]
main = print $ f `appEndo` 5
Here, appEndo
extracts the Int -> Int
function from the Endo Int
. Even though it's a field accessor, it can be used infix, because when supplied with an Endo a
, it returns a function a -> a
This property is one of the main things that makes using function composition attractive. If you see "f . g . h" used to define a function, then you know that you could refactor out "f . g" or "g . h" as separate definitions.
v1 :: String -> Int
v1 = length . filter (not . null) . lines
v2 :: String -> Int
v2 = fg . lines
fg = length . filter (not . null)
v3 :: String -> Int
v3 = length . gh
gh = filter (not . null) . lines
main = do
print $ v1 "a\n\nb\nc"
print $ v2 "a\n\nb\nc"
print $ v3 "a\n\nb\nc"
Naturally, practical applications of monoids take advantage of the fact that the operation is associative. This can allow for efficient data structures and parallel computation.
The Foldable
typeclass contains quite a few functions, but the important one is foldMap
class Foldable t where
-- | Combine the elements of a structure using a monoid.
fold :: Monoid m => t m -> m
fold = foldMap id
-- | Map each element of the structure to a monoid, and combine the results.
foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
foldMap f = foldr (mappend . f) mempty
-- | Right-associative fold of a structure.
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldr f z t = appEndo (foldMap (Endo . f) t) z
-- etc.. foldr', foldl, foldl', foldr1, foldl1
allows you to execute a query on some datatype, by providing a function from the "elements" of the datatype to some monoidal value. Let's take LeafyTree
, below, as an example datatype for the t
in Foldable t
data LeafyTree a
= Branch [LeafyTree a]
| Leaf a
Let's say we decide that our Foldable
instance should provide a left-to-right traversal of the leaves. Then, the fact that it takes a Monoid
means that the actual structure of the Branch
parts of the structure don't matter! This means that tree-like data structures can be used to represent efficient sequences, while supporting efficient query (more on this in the next section).
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Monoid
data LeafyTree a
= Branch [LeafyTree a]
| Leaf a
-- show
instance Foldable LeafyTree where
foldMap f (Branch xs) = mconcat $ map (foldMap f) xs
foldMap f (Leaf a) = f a
tree1 = Branch [Leaf "abr", Branch [Branch [Leaf "a", Leaf "ca"], Leaf "dabra"]]
tree2 = Branch [Leaf "abr", Leaf "a", Branch [Leaf "ca", Leaf "dabra"]]
main = do
putStrLn "These are equal:"
print $ foldMap (Sum . length) tree1
print $ foldMap (Sum . length) tree2
-- Since the leaves are Monoids, we can just directly merge them:
putStrLn "Also equal:"
print $ foldMap id tree1
print $ foldMap id tree2
If the implementation of this datatype is hidden, and only functions similar to foldMap
are exported, then the user can't inspect the structure of the tree if they fold it with valid monoids. This allows the tree's structure to be an implementation detail.
Measured Monoids
In quite an excellent article, Heinrich Apfelmus describes the monoidal annotations supported by fingertrees. Such annotations really can be supported by any tree data structure.
Here's the typeclass used for "measured monoids" in the fingertree package:
data FingerTree v a -- = ...
class Monoid v => Measured a v | a -> v where
measure :: a -> v
What this means is that for a given type a
we have a way of creating a monoidal summary of its value. In other words, this measure
function is quite similar to the first parameter of foldMap
. The difference is that since it's in a typeclass, the types themselves specify the function rather than requiring a function to be passed in.
This means that when we create a FingerTree v a
, where the leaves have type a
and the inner nodes always cache the monoidal summary (v
) of that subtree. As Apfelmus describes, this lets us efficiently search and seek in the tree, by navigating by the cached monoid.
I'll leave my summary of the material at that -- no reason to re-do his excellent article! However, I would like to throw in a few comments:
While the
only supports one monoidal summary, you can easily use the datatype with multiple monoids by relying on the tuple instances ofMonoid
. For example:
For many reasonable uses of these monoidal annotations, the
above is a "monoid homomorphism". This is a very fancy way of saying that if the leaf valuea
is also a monoid, then if youmconcat
-ed the whole sequence together, and appliedmeasure
to getv
, you'd get the same result as if you just looked at thev
annotation at the root.
In his Monoid Pearl, Brent Yorgey describes the usage of monoids in the diagrams libraries. A lot of the primitives in the system are monoids:
- Diagrams. The core representation of diagrams is a monoid where
above <> below
means thatabove
is drawn on top ofbelow
. - Envelopes - bounding area of a diagram
- Traces - line intersections with a diagram
- Styles - color / line width / stroke style / etc
- Transformations - stuff like scaling / rotation / shift
- Bounding boxes
One of the core Diagram
type is really a DUAL tree, a tree that supports both upwards and downwards monoidal annotations. This means that attributes like styles and transformations can be accumulated downwards, while
Beyond discussing a very practical yet theory-motivated usage of Monoids, this article is also worth a read for going into the details of "Monoid Actions", "Deep Embeddings", and "Difference Lists".
Here's an example of using the Monoid
instance for Diagram
example = mconcat [ circle 0.1 # fc green
, eqTriangle 1 # scale 0.4 # fc yellow
, square 1 # fc blue
, circle 1 # fc red
The 'Writer' type, from the "mtl" or the preferred "transformers" package, allows you to write monadic computations that write down data without reading it. The usage of "transformers" is the same, but the definition in "mtl" is simpler, so I'll use that for explanation:
class (Monoid w, Monad m) => MonadWriter w m | m -> w where
tell :: w -> m ()
listen :: m a -> m (a, w)
pass :: m (a, w -> w) -> m a
The main reason to use a Writer
is that you can't arbitrarily set or modify the value of w
, the accumulator. You can only use (<>)
to merge in more information, by using tell
. You can still inspect the information (using listen
), and even apply transformations to it (using pass
), but these operations must happen as transformations outside the actual monad. In other words, even with these methods, you can't get an action foo :: MonadWriter w m => m a
that uses something other than (<>)
to mutate w
This excellent monoids tutorial (which covers some similar content) has a good section about using the Writer monad.
Monoids are a very useful abstraction for parallel programming. If you are dealing with a monoidal reduction (many "reduces" in map-reduce fit this pattern), then you are allowed to make many different decisions about the division of labor.