This is intended to be an informal tutorial for pattern synonyms using dates and an IRC bot as motivating examples (we will avoid getting bogged down with details).
Introduction to Pattern Synonyms
Pattern synonyms appeared in GHC 7.8 and allow users to abstract away from the actual implementation of a data type. Combined with the view patterns extension they allow users to move some of the logic in their guards and case expressions into patterns.
Familiarity with the ViewPatterns
extension is assumed. Here are some references if you need to get up to speed: View patterns: lightweight views for Haskell, Guide to GHC Extensions: Pattern and Guard Extensions.
Example with dates
We build on an example from the paper Abstract Value Constructors: Symbolic Constants for Standard ML (PDF). Let's begin by enabling the extension and defining a simple date representation:
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
data Date = Date { month :: Int, day :: Int } deriving Show
Before 7.8 we just limited how we can match on our type right off the bat! Maybe you want to be able to match on the months, in which case this would have been a better representation
data Date = January Int | February Int | … | December Int
But now we can define pattern synonyms! We start by defining synonyms for months and holidays using pattern NewPattern = OldPattern
and match them in a function like we would a regular pattern
-- Months
pattern January day = Date { month = 1, day = day }
pattern February day = Date { month = 2, day = day }
pattern March day = Date { month = 3, day = day }
-- elided
pattern December day = Date { month = 12, day = day }
-- Holidays
pattern Christmas = Date { month = 12, day = 25 }
describe :: Date -> String
describe (January 1) = "First day of year"
describe (February n) = show n ++ "th of February"
describe Christmas = "Presents!"
describe _ = "meh"
The meaning of describe
should be clear: the first clause matches only January first, the second clause matches any day in February and the third pattern matches Christmas day.
Pattern matching on Christmas
is the same as matching on Date { month = 12, day = 25 }
or Date 12 25
— only a lot clearer. Normally it is only possible to pattern match on the constructors of a data type, but now we can do it independently of how it is represented. Let's see some outputs to verify our intuition:
ghci> describe Date { month = 12, day = 25 }
ghci> describe Date { month = 2, day = 5 }
"5th of February"
But here's a trick, you can use these patterns as expressions as well:
ghci> describe Christmas
ghci> describe (February 10)
"10th of February"
ghci> March 5
Date { month = 3, day = 5 }
and not only that but we can define Christmas
in terms of the pattern December
pattern Christmas = December 25
Quite elegant — we can now use Christmas
, December 25
and Date 12 25
interchangably in our code.
All the patterns we've seen so far have been examples of simply bidirectional patterns because they can be used as both patterns and expressions: this is not true of all patterns though.
More complicated dates
Let's say that we wanted to match on the days of December leading up to and following Christmas, it's not clear at all how to do this using the constructions we covered earlier since this depends on a predicate and not only pattern matching. To allow this we need to enable the ViewPatterns
extension and use uni-directional patterns rather than the bidirectional ones we used previously. Uni-directional patterns are defined using pattern
and an arrow <-
rather than =
-- /show
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms, ViewPatterns #-}
data Date = Date { month :: Int, day :: Int } deriving Show
pattern December day = Date { month = 12, day = day }
-- show
pattern BeforeChristmas {-hi-}<-{-/hi-} December (compare 25 -> GT)
pattern Christmas {-hi-}<-{-/hi-} December (compare 25 -> EQ)
pattern AfterChristmas {-hi-}<-{-/hi-} December (compare 25 -> LT)
react :: Date -> String
react BeforeChristmas = "Waiting :("
react Christmas = "Presents!"
react AfterChristmas = "Have to wait a whole year :("
react _ = "It's not even December..."
There are several things to note
- We used a bidirectional pattern (
) to define the new patterns - These uni-directional patterns cannot be used as expressions (it is not obviously what the values of
ought to be anyway) - We used view patterns to compare the given day to 25 in
(compare 25 -> ...)
This is equivalent to:
react' (Date 12 (compare 25 -> GT)) = "Waiting :("
react' (Date 12 (compare 25 -> EQ)) = "Presents!"
react' (Date 12 (compare 25 -> LT)) = "Have to wait a whole year :("
react' _ = "It's not even December..."
-- ...
using view patterns but no pattern synonyms.
We could also have used different predicates such as December ((< 25) -> True)
, December 25
and December ((> 25) -> True)
but this would require running a new predicate for each clause. In the current design, GHC only applies the predicate compare 25
once (see Efficiency part of the GHC user guide) producing something like this:
react date = case date of
Date 12 day -> case compare 25 day of
GT -> "Waiting :("
EQ -> "Presents!"
LT -> "Have to wait a whole year :("
_ -> "It's not even December..."
which would matter given a more expensive predicate.
Accessing values
When matching BeforeChristmas
and AfterChristmas
we know that the date value is some day in December other than 25 but we don't know which day. We can retrieve the entire record using an as-pattern
days'tilChristmas :: Date -> Int
days'tilChristmas d@BeforeChristmas = 25 - day d
days'tilChristmas Christmas = 0
days'tilChristmas d@AfterChristmas = 365 + 25 - day d
but a nicer way might be to write
isItNow :: Int -> (Ordering, Int)
isItNow day = (compare 25 day, day)
pattern BeforeChristmas day <- December (isItNow -> (GT, day))
pattern Christmas <- December (isItNow -> (EQ, _))
pattern AfterChristmas day <- December (isItNow -> (LT, day))
days'tilChristmas :: Date -> Int
days'tilChristmas (BeforeChristmas n) = 25 - n
days'tilChristmas Christmas = 0
days'tilChristmas (AfterChristmas n) = 365 + 25 - n
Exercise: Create a pattern where a Unix time can be used to match our Date
value, something like Epoch 1419470000
should match Christmas.
Exercise: Represent date with a single Unix timestamp and allow matching on it with March 5
and ThirdOf
which matches the third day of any month.
This is not an introduction to writing a bot, go here for that.
Setting the stage
To build the bot we need some basic commands:
import Control.Monad
import Network
import System.IO
-- show
-- Choose a nick
nick :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
nick h name = hPutStrLn h ("NICK " ++ name)
-- Specify username
user :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
user h name = hPutStrLn h ("USER " ++ name ++ " 0 * :" ++ name)
-- Join a channel
joinChan :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
joinChan h chan = hPutStrLn h ("JOIN " ++ chan)
Now we can connect to the server and run our action forever
main = do
h <- connectTo "" (PortNumber 6667)
hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
hSetNewlineMode h (NewlineMode CRLF CRLF)
nick h "PatternBot"
user h "PatternBot"
joinChan h "##patternsynonyms"
forever (action h)
For action = hGetLine >=> putStrLn
the bot should identify itself, join ##patternsynonyms
and output everything it receives.
“Ping — Pong” Pattern
If the server says PING
you must say PONG
An example PING
command may look like
meaning that you need to respond with
to let it know we're still there. Here we can use our patterns!
pattern Ping serv <- (words -> ["PING", serv])
this pattern only matches two-word PING
commands and gives us the server we need to include in our PONG
. Now action
turns into:
pong :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
pong h serv = hPutStrLn h ("PONG " ++ serv)
action :: Handle -> IO ()
action h = do
line <- hGetLine h
case line of
{-hi-}PING serv -> pong h serv{-/hi-}
_ -> return ()
and we can treat line :: String
as if it were a data type of IRC messages.
Glad you could (μ : M² → M) us
If new people come to our channel we want them to feel welcome so the bot should greet people as they join. The JOIN
message looks something like this
:<nick>!<user>@<host> JOIN <channel>
We want to know who joined what channel so let's parse that in an ad-hoc way (there are packages on Hackage that do this properly). The nick goes from the initial colon to the exclamation mark:
-- /show
import Data.List
-- show
getNick :: String -> Maybe String
getNick (':':prefix) = do
index <- findIndex (== '!') prefix
return (take index prefix)
getNick _ = Nothing
Now we create the pattern for joins (and for our bot) and integrate them into the logic
pattern PBot = "PatternBot"
pattern JOIN nick chan
<- (words -> [getNick -> Just nick, "JOIN", chan])
msg :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
msg h chan msg = hPutStrLn h ("PRIVMSG " ++ chan ++ " :" ++ msg)
action :: Handle -> IO ()
action h = do
line <- hGetLine h
case line of
PING serv -> pong h serv
-- Greet channel when we join
{-hi-}JOIN PBot chan -> msg h chan "Halló, heimur!"{-/hi-}
-- Greet nicks that join
{-hi-}JOIN nick chan -> msg h chan (nick ++ ": Welcome to " ++ chan){-/hi-}
_ -> return ()
pattern definition is not very pretty but we're not concerned with that.
Responding to messages
Messages are either sent to a channel or to a single user (private message) and are either:
:<nick>!<user>@<host> PRIVMSG <channel> :<msg>
:<nick>!<user>@<host> PRIVMSG <nick> :<msg>
We would like to pick out the sender, the message and the target channel or nick:
getPriv :: String -> Maybe (String, String, String)
getPriv msg = case words msg of
sender : "PRIVMSG" : target : (':':_) : _ -> do
nick <- getNick sender
return (nick, target, clean msg)
_ -> Nothing
clean = tail . dropWhile (/=':') . dropWhile (/= ' ') . tail
Now we create two patterns that determine whether something is a nick or a channel:
pattern Nick n <- ((\a -> (head a /= '#', a)) -> (True, n))
pattern Chan c <- ((\a -> (head a == '#', a)) -> (True, c))
Yuck. Anyway, we can use these to define the desired patterns
-- Private message to our bot
pattern PM from m <- (getPriv -> Just (from, Nick PBot, m))
-- Message to channel
pattern MSG from to m <- (getPriv -> Just (from, Chan to, m))
This is so nice is almost absolves me of the horrible code above :)
but the good thing is that we can replace the underlying representation with a data type provided by some IRC parsing library without having to change the actual action
code! Now let's put MSG
to use: if anyone mentions “cats” we respond:
-- /show
import Data.Char
-- show
-- Matches any cat
pattern Cat <- (isInfixOf "cat" . map toLower -> True)
-- …
case line of
MSG _ chan Cat -> msg h chan "Meow!"
Now we may want to allow users to run commands starting with >
-- /show
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import System.Random
-- show
pattern Command cmd = '>':' ':cmd
pattern Roll <- Command (map toLower -> "roll")
-- …
case line of
MSG from chan Roll -> do
roll :: Int <- randomRIO (1, 6)
msg h chan (from ++ ": You rolled " ++ show roll)
It's now easy to add additional commands.
Responding to PMs
Bots are snarky
case line of
PM from m -> msg h from ("You said \"" ++ m ++ "\" to me?!")
and now we can have a complete session:
*** PatternBot (~xxxx) has joined channel ##patternsynonyms
<PatternBot> Halló, heimur!
*** SomeNick (~yyyy) has joined channel ##patternsynonyms
<PatternBot> SomeNick: Welcome to ##patternsynonyms
*** SomeNick (~yyyy) has left channel ##patternsynonyms
<Iceland_jack> PatternBot: hey
<Iceland_jack> I should learn category theory
<PatternBot> Meow!
<Iceland_jack> > roll
<PatternBot> Iceland_jack: You rolled 3
and the core logic looks something like this
action :: Handle -> IO ()
action h = do
line <- hGetLine h
case line of
PING serv -> pong h serv
JOIN PBot chan -> msg h chan "Halló, heimur!"
JOIN nick chan -> msg h chan (nick ++ ": Welcome to " ++ chan)
PM from m -> msg h from ("You said \"" ++ m ++ "\" to me?!")
MSG from chan Cat -> msg h chan "Meow!"
MSG from chan Roll -> do
roll :: Int <- randomRIO (1, 6)
msg h chan (from ++ ": You rolled " ++ show roll)
_ -> return ()
This example is absolutely overusing pattern synonyms it but it ends up being quite pleasant.
Some ideas
Infix constructors
There are some things that would be nice to have: currently you can't pattern match on infix non-binary operators
-- This works
data Foo = (:⇒) Sender Recipient Message
pattern (:→) a b c = (:⇒) a b c
pattern To a b c = (:⇒) a b c
-- This works
msg₁ :: Foo
msg₁ = ("Alice" :→ "Bob") "ossifrage"
msg₂ :: Foo
msg₂ = ("Bob" :→ "Alice") "pasta"
-- But {-hi-}this doesn't{-/hi-}
foo msg = case msg of
("Alice" :⇒ "Bob" ) msg → …
("Bob" :→ "Alice") msg → …
(a `To` b ) msg → …
Replace Alice and Bob with nicks and channels and it makes sense for the IRC bot if you're into that sort of thing.
Variadic patterns
More controversial, since patterns are always fully applied they could as well be variadic:
pattern PING <- (words -> ["PING"])
pattern PING serv <- (words -> ["PING", serv])
pattern PING serv₁ serv₂ <- (words -> ["PING", serv₁, serv₂])
It would also allow us to define the BeforeChristmas
and AfterChristmas
both ways
pattern BeforeChristmas <- December (isItNow -> (GT, _))
pattern BeforeChristmas day <- December (isItNow -> (GT, day))
pattern AfterChristmas <- December (isItNow -> (LT, day))
pattern AfterChristmas day <- December (isItNow -> (LT, day))
or any other pattern that may be used for pattern matching only or accessing some value as well:
parity :: Int -> (Bool, Int)
parity n = (even n, n `div` 2)
pattern Even <- (parity -> (True, _))
pattern Even n <- (parity -> (True, n))
pattern Odd <- (parity -> (False, _))
pattern Odd n <- (parity -> (False, n))