Part VI: A Most Significant Comparison

As of March 2020, School of Haskell has been switched to read-only mode.

I was going to finally get to the point, but I decided it would be good to consolidate our understanding of "the most significant difference" from the previous parts into a single short summary.

The groundhog has seen his shadow and you are in for six more weeks of winter.

Morton Order Redux

Recall our rather boring definition of a Morton-ordered Key.

import Data.Word

-- show
data Key = Key {-# UNPACK #-} !Word {-# UNPACK #-} !Word
-- /show
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

main = putStrLn "It typechecks."

I want to refactor the trick for comparing in Morton order from Part 2 that we revisited in Part 4 into a more reusable form.

To that end, let us consider how to compare two unsigned words for how they differ in the placement of their most significant bit.

Logically I want to on compare msb, without paying for calculating the position of the most significant bit directly.

To do I first observe that we can first compare our two values a and b.

If they match, then trivially they agree on the position of their most significant set bit!

If they don't, then either a < b or b < a.

Without loss of generality, let's assume a < b. Then either a had the same msb as b or it doesn't.

If a had the same msb as b then xor a b will not have that bit set, so a < xor a b will be False as a as a more significant bit set than xor a b does.

If a does not have the same msb as b, and a < b, then b has it set, and a does not, so the more significant bit will be set in xor a b, and a < xor a b will be True.

Putting all of this logic together yields the following combinator:

import Data.Bits
import Data.Word

-- show
compares :: Word -> Word -> Ordering
compares a b = case compare a b of
  LT | a < xor a b -> LT
  GT | b < xor a b -> GT
  _ -> EQ
main = print $ compares 4 7
-- /show

We can similarly reason through specialized scenaros to obtain <, <=, ==, /=, >=, > restricted to the most significant bit.

import Data.Bits
import Data.Word

-- show
lts, les, eqs, nes, ges, gts :: Word -> Word -> Bool
lts a b = a < b && a < xor a b
les a b = a <= b || xor a b <= b
-- /show
eqs a b = a >= min b c && b >= max a c where c = xor a b
nes a b = a <  min b c || b <  min a c where c = xor a b
-- show ...
gts a b = a > b && xor a b > b
ges a b = a >= b || a >= xor a b

main = print $ les 4 7
-- /show

With that we can see our earlier Ord instance for Key is just:

import Data.Bits
import Data.Word

data Key = Key {-# UNPACK #-} !Word {-# UNPACK #-} !Word
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

lts :: Word -> Word -> Bool
lts a b = a < b && a < xor a b

-- show
instance Ord Key where
  Key a b `compare` Key c d
    | xor a c `lts` xor b d = compare b d
    | otherwise             = compare a c
-- /show

main = putStrLn "It typechecks."

Now that is much easier to read:

If the most significant difference betwen a and c is less significant than the most significant difference between b and d, then we should just compare b and d, otherwise we compare a with c.

One of these things is not like the others

This makes it clear why we had three uses of xor in the original, the first two were to calculate the differences themselves, while the last xor was simply to compare by most significant bit!

Switching to these internally made almost a factor of two difference in the performance of the overall multiplier relative to actually performing the masking! This bodes well for the practicality of the as-yet-still-unbenchmarked IntMap alternative described in part 4.

-Edward Kmett

August 25 2013

P.S. This also means I effectively just claimed No-Prize #5 for myself. ;)

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