Ex 1.
Write a function that takes an Operator
and returns one of the characters, '+'
, '-'
, '*'
, or '/'
data Operator = Plus | Minus | Times | Div
opToChar :: Operator -> Char
opToChar = undefined
main = print $ opToChar Plus
data Operator = Plus | Minus | Times | Div
opToChar :: Operator -> Char
opToChar Plus = '+'
opToChar Minus = '-'
opToChar Times = '*'
opToChar Div = '/'
main = print $ opToChar Plus
Ex 1. Implement norm
that takes a list of Double
s and returns the square root (sqrt
) of the sum of squares of its elements.
norm :: [Double] -> Double
norm lst = undefined
main = print (norm [1.1, 2.2, 3.3])
norm :: [Double] -> Double
norm lst = sqrt (squares lst)
squares :: [Double] -> Double
squares [] = 0.0
squares (x : xs) = x * x + squares xs
main = print (norm [1.1, 2.2, 3.3])
Ex 2. Implement the function decimate
that skips every other element of a list.
decimate :: [a] -> [a]
decimate = undefined
-- should print [1, 3, 5]
main = print (decimate [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
decimate :: [a] -> [a]
decimate (a:_:rest) = a : decimate rest
decimate (a:_) = [a]
decimate _ = []
main = print (decimate [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
Ex 3. Implement a function that takes a pair of lists and returns a list of pairs. For instance ([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 4, 9])
should produce [(1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 9)]
. Notice that the longer of the two lists is truncated if necessary. Use nested patterns.
zipLst :: ([a], [b]) -> [(a, b)]
zipLst = undefined
main = print $ zipLst ([1, 2, 3, 4], "Hello")
zipLst :: ([a], [b]) -> [(a, b)]
zipLst ((x : xs), (y: ys)) = (x, y) : zipLst (xs, ys)
zipLst (_, _) = []
main = print $ zipLst ([1, 2, 3, 4], "Hello")
Incidentally, there is a two-argument function zip
in the Prelude that does the same thing:
main = print $ zip [1, 2, 3, 4] "Hello"
Single-Character Tokenizer
import Data.Char
data Operator = Plus | Minus | Times | Div
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Token = TokOp Operator
| TokIdent String
| TokNum Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
operator :: Char -> Operator
operator c | c == '+' = Plus
| c == '-' = Minus
| c == '*' = Times
| c == '/' = Div
tokenize :: String -> [Token]
tokenize [] = []
tokenize (c : cs)
| elem c "+-*/" = TokOp (operator c) : tokenize cs
| isDigit c = TokNum (digitToInt c) : tokenize cs
| isAlpha c = TokIdent [c] : tokenize cs
| isSpace c = tokenize cs
| otherwise = error $ "Cannot tokenize " ++ [c]
main = print $ tokenize " 1 + 4 / x "
\x -> expression
Ex 1. Implement function squares
that takes a list of integers and returns the list of their squares. Use higher order functions and lambdas.
squares :: [Int] -> [Int]
squares = undefined
main = print $ squares [1..10]
squares :: [Int] -> [Int]
squares = map (\x -> x * x)
main = print $ squares [1..10]
foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
Ex 1. Use foldl
to calculate the sum of squares given a list of doubles.
squares :: [Int] -> Int
squares = foldl (\acc x -> ???) 0
main = print $ squares [3, 4, 5]
squares :: [Int] -> Int
squares = foldl (\acc x -> acc + x * x) 0
main = print $ squares [3, 4, 5]