I will demonstrate how the Transient monad can process many elements and filter them at the same time using guard
, like the list monad, but in this case, running parallel threads. The programmer can decide how many threads will execute.
I will also use the same primitives for a parallel search in a filesystem, followin an example on the book "parallel and concurrent Haskell" in the chapter Parallel programming using threads from Simon Marlow. We will see that the high level approach used for non-determinism solve the problem of parallel search with more generality and with less modifications of the straighforward single threaded code.
Finally I will show the relation between logic programming in a language like Prolog or curry with the nondeterminist examples.
The naive parallelization of non deterministic computations may produce potentially a big amount of threads and the granularity may be smaller than the optimal if each element has a light processing that does not justify spawning a thread for it. To control this situation, the Transient monad now incorporates primitives for such purpose. These primitives can be used in any other scenario where granularity of paralelization is a problem.
About Transient
In the hardworking programmer series, I develop a "supercharged" EDSL, based on the Transient monad with many high level effects out of the box. Some are classical effect with a new twist, like early termination or state. Some others are high level, including some ones that languages and operating systems do not bring or bring them at a low level, like implicit threading, event handling or backtracking.
The purpose is to enpower the programmer. I just want to ease the introduction of people to haskell and let them be productive from the beginning. Transient has some uncommon effects that makes it to look like a very high level language. In the first article I argued that these effects will permit to program composable software even in the presence of multithreading and events.
Unlike other EDSLs, the transient effects are not created by aggregating monad transformers, neither using an effect system. It is done manipulating continuations in a new way, a kind of meta-programming.
The repository with the last version of Transient and the examples is at
About the Transient Monad
In the transient monad each statement can have access to his own continuation. The monad also carries programmer-defined state. Therefore, it is possible to edit the continuation at run time. It is also possible to notify other statements about some condition by adding information to the state. The best example of this manipulation is the backtracking effect.
Effect primitives in Transient are like the nodes of a living flowchart that could rewire it at run time, to do more than what the original flowchart supposed to do. That kind of metaprogramming is the way the transient statements can create new effects. In category theoretical terms, the effects edit the arrows of the continuations.
This is an unexplored territory. I´m currently researching new possibilities. It is impossible for me to explain the details every step, but I hope that you may catch the power of the concept and forgive me for my bad writing habits. I´m rewriting this from time to time since this is an unfinished work.
from the previous version, I added better and simpler internals, and primitives for thread control threads
, oneThread
and freeThreads
, added for solving parallel indeterminst problems, as well as some primitives for the same purpose: choose
and collect
I will describe them here.
But first, a long disquisition that you may obviate if you are not interested in the details. step over it if you want to go to the "meat"
About Backtracking and Indeterminism
There is a legitimate confusion between backtracking and indeterminism. Backtracking in Transient
means to resume execution at a previous statement, but not only that. The execution can go further back until a cut of backtracking is found. Alternatively it can continue forward depending on some primitives used for flow control.
In the other side, Indeterminism, exemplified in the List monad, is the effect that process and return more than one value. However some people understand that the List monad perform a kind of backtracking. Details about this follows:
After publishing the Backtracking example Jello_Raptor asked me:
*Err, Why not just use List as a monad to get the same effect? I mean that's just what using List for recursive descent parsers does, no? If you need state and things, there's always ListT (or one of many implementations thereof).
And I answered this:
I do not know how to use the list monad for backtracking. I know how to use it for indeterminism
This problem (undoing IO actions) is not similar to the one of the example here that I think is what you have in your mind:
refering to this article
In the above article each combination is filtered against the guard condition. Really in that example there is no backtracking, but indeterminism. It is a list monad that compute all the responses "at the same time". Only the ones that pass the guard condition are shown. As always to remove the magic and understand what is going on, the best thing is to desugar everything. In this case, if you change the bind operation by concatMap
. You will see that it is ordinary list processing going on there.
Lazy evaluation in fact makes the backtracking simulated by the list monad a bit more real, since the list is created on demand, and the guard forces the evaluation of each element of the list by executing the code within 'choose', but this is no different from how any other monad des it executing lazy statements. That is not privative of the List monad. Laziness assures that every pure computation implement "backtracking in some way", since it forces the execution of unevaluated expressions coming from statements above them. But is the hability to carry many values (indeterminism) of the List monad the effect that permits to simulate the execution of different alternatives.
To summarize, non-determinism can simulate backtracking in some problems like this, where a tree of combinations are explored. A deterministic program would need either execute explicit loops or do true backtracking to solve the problem of the above link, but in the case of my article about backtracking, there is no tree of alternatives to explore. The problem is to undo actions which have undo "annotations" attached. and the list monad can do nothing with it.
The backtracking effect demonstrated in my article is different; While in the case of the list it explores alternatives simulating being restarted from the same point again and again choosing of another alternative each time (it is not that, but it simulates this behavior), in my case the backtracking does his job while it is going back (by undoing or compensating actions) This is beyond what any indeterministic monad can do. However my monad can reverse the execution flow and go forward (with retry) then backward (with undo), then forward etc and can simulate an indeterministic effect if onUndo
feed the flow with different values each time. In this case it would be backtracking simulating indeterminism, while the list monad execute indeterminism simulating backtracking. That is closely related, but not the same than exploring a tree deep first versus doing it breath first. Laziness complicates the analogy in the case of the list monad
--- end of response ----
I will not simulate indeterminism doing backtracking, because it is easier to perform indeterminism as such, by mimicking the behaviour of the List monad. But the list monad does not perform parallelization. In addition Transient permits paralelization.
Non-determinism in the List monad
This is the code of the indeterminist example above (that the author call backtracking) using the list monad:
import Control.Monad
solveConstraint :: [(Int,Int)]
solveConstraint = do
x <- choose [1,2,3]
y <- choose [4,5,6]
guard (x*y == 8)
return (x,y)
choose = id
main= print solveConstraint
If we execute and print the result of solveConstraint
we get
the magic is operated by the List monad and the guard
operation. I will not enter in the details. The best way to understand it, as i said above, is to desugar everything until the monad is expressed in terms of pure function application and see that solveConstraint
is normal list processing.
MonadPlus and guard
need the MonadPlus class. It is the indeterminism class. It is in charge of adding results to a computation. the methods of MonadPlus
are mzero
, when no result is added, and mplus
when a result is added to the previous ones.
In the list monad, MonadPlus
is defined as:
instance MonadPlus [] where
mzero = []
mplus = (++)
is defined polimorphically for all the monads that have the MonadPlus
instance as:
guard :: MonadPlus m => Bool -> m ()
guard True = return ()
guard _ = mzero
look at the desugaring of guard in the MonadPlus document to understand how it filter result in the list monad.
MonadPlus and guard in Transient
Let's do it for the Transient monad. The MonadPlus instance would be:
instance MonadPlus TransientIO where
mzero= stop
mplus (Transient x) (Transient y)= Transient $ do
mx <- x
case mx of
Nothing -> y
justx -> return justx
is the call that interrupt the execution of the monad. It is defined as a Transient statement that return Nothing:
stop= Transient $ return Nothing
executes the first expression, if the first gives Nothing, then it executes the second.
Input a list of values and process them in parallel
We need to introduce a list of values in the monad.
-- | slurp a list of values and process them in parallel . To limit the number of processing
-- threads, use `threads`
choose :: [a] -> TransientIO a
choose xs = do
evs <- liftIO $ newMVar xs
parallel $ do
es <- takeMVar evs
putMVar evs $ tail es
case es of
[x] -> return $ Left x
(x:_) return $ Right x
stores the set of values in a IORef, then parallel
extract each value from thar IORef. If there is no more, it stop the computation returning a Left value
choose uses parallel
, the basic primitive of transient, that executes his continuation every time that the IO computation return a value. it has changed. Now the signature is simpler:
parallel :: IO (Either a a) -> TransientIO a
When the IO computation return a Left
value, parallel executes and finish. When it retun a Rigth
value, it does the same, but reexecutes the IO computation until a Left
value arrives
Well, there is a much more elegant way to do choose
choose' :: [a] -> TransientIO a
choose' xs = foldl (<|>) empty $ map (parallel . return . Left) xs
But it is a bit slower, since it uses a number of parallel
statements equal to the number of elements, instead of one.
Control of parallelization
launch a new thread. This thread wait for outputs of the IO procedure passed as the parameter. Then it executes the continuation. Everithing that happens after parallel is in this new thread.
Another new thing is freeThreads
. It avoids thread control. All the threads created after it control their lifecycle themselves. A non free thread can be killed by the parent process with killchilds
It is possible however to restrict the number of threads. The example above would produce nine threads. One for each element of the first choose
. Each one of them launches one thread for each element of the second choose. if there are more elements (N) and more choose's (NC), the number of threads would grow exponentially N^NC. That is not optimal, taking into account also that the processing done by each thread may be very light. In this case, only the processing is just the guard operation. To be effective, one thread must process more than one guard.
To avoid it, threads
set the maximum number of threads that may run simultaneously. If the maximum is reached, each new parallel
statement does not spawn a thread, but execute his loop within the current thread, until some other thread dies. Then the next parallel
will use this free slot.
finally oneThread
assures that all the threads generated after this combinator are killed before continuing the execution. In the previous versions, this was done automatically by parallel
. This decoupling allows for more flexibility.
oneThread :: TransientIO a -> TransientIO a
List-like processing using the Transient monad
Finally, with the definitions of choose
and guard
the code in the Transient monad is almost the same than for the list monad. Remember that choose
is essentially the primitive parallel
feeded with different values:
import Base
import Indeterminism
solveConstraint= do
x <- choose [1,2,3]
y <- choose [4,5,6]
guard $ x * y == 8
return (x,y)
main= keep $ do
s <- threads 4 solveConstraint
liftIO $ print s
is a new call that run the transient monad and keep the application running. It also wait for text input.
Using the parallel non-determinist effects in Transient to perform parallel search
The true power of parallel non-determinism can only be extracted when working with large datasets and combined with other effects. Then, non-determinism can magically convert a single-threaded program into a multithreaded program almost without changes.
Let's see the Simon Marlow example in the Book "parallel and Concurrent programming in Haskell". The program, using a single thread, crawl the filesystem from a given directory to all the subdirectories looking for a file. The program return when a file is found.
find :: String -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
find s d = do
fs <- getDirectoryContents d -- 1
let fs' = sort $ filter (`notElem` [".",".."]) fs -- 2
if any (== s) fs' -- 3
then return (Just (d </> s))
else loop fs' -- 4
loop [] = return Nothing -- 5
loop (f:fs) = do
let d' = d </> f -- 6
isdir <- doesDirectoryExist d' -- 7
if isdir
then do r <- find s d' -- 8
case r of
Just _ -> return r -- 9
Nothing -> loop fs -- 10
else loop fs -- 11
Parallelizing this program is not entirely straightforward because doing it naively could waste a lot of work; if we search multiple subdirectories concurrently and we find the file in one subdirectory, then we would like to stop searching the others as soon as possible. Moreover, if an error is encountered at any point, then we need to propagate the exception correctly. We must be careful to keep the deterministic behavior of the sequential version, too. If we encounter an error while searching a subtree, then the error should not prevent the return of a correct result if the sequential program would have done so.
To use the async library, it is necessary to transform the single threaded program in some contorted ways. Instead, the non-determinist effect with paralelization using the Transient monad as explained above, essentially allows you to parallelize the single-threaded program with few changes.
The transformed program is:
find' :: String -> FilePath -> TransientIO FilePath
find' s d = do
fs <- liftIO $ getDirectoryContents d -- 1
let fs' = sort $ filter (`notElem` [".",".."]) fs -- 2
if any (== s) fs' -- 3
then return $ d</> s
else do
f <- choose fs' -- 4
let d' = d </> f -- 6
isdir <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist d' -- 7
if isdir then find' s d' -- 8
else stop -- not a dir, not the file
-- looked for, end
Instead of the loop, I use choose
, defined above, to carry out the recursive search in the tree of directories.
That's all. This is the whole of it. Well, find' is executed in parallel many times and calls itself. It can return many matches and can execute up to one thread for each choose
if not limited. If we run find'
"as is", it will return files and it will not stop until all the directory tree is explored. In a big filesystem probably will allocate too much RAM since the number of simultaneous threads is unlimited.
To control the execution, we use collect
main= keep $ do
r<- threads 10 . collect 1 $ find' "Main.hs" ".."
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Found= "++ show r
monitors the threads spawned by find'
and the number of responses. When the number of responses are the number requested, it stop all the running find'
processes. If there is no thread active because the process has finished and there a not enough responses, it return the ones found. In this example the search uses ten threads and we look for one file.
Yo can see that there are separated combinators for each functionality: thread control, monitoring and thread spawning. That allows for more use cases and more flexible programs with a few of these combinators.
Running examples
All the examples above and some more can be run below. You must choose the option "nondet". Then you see a submenu with all the examples.
To see the effect of restricting the number of threads, one of the samples, the thread sample, display the result together with the identifier of the thread that generated it. You can input the max number of simultaneous threads and see how the order of the responses and the thread identifiers change.
I also included all the examples of the previous articles, that demonstrates backtracking for undoing IO actions, parallelism, composability, event handling, async-like/futures like/map-reduce-like processing:
{-# START_FILE Main.hs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Main where
import Data.Typeable
import Base
import Backtrack
import Indeterminism
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Monoid
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Network.HTTP
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Network
import System.IO
import Data.IORef
import Data.List hiding (find,map, group)
-- show
solveConstraint= do
x <- choose [1,2,3]
y <- choose [4,5,6]
guard $ x * y == 8
return (x,y)
pythags = do
x <- choose [1..50]
y <- choose ([1..x] :: [Int])
z <- choose [1..round $ sqrt(fromIntegral $ 2*x*x)]
guard (x*x+y*y==z*z)
return (x, y,z)
example1= do
option "ex1" "example 1"
r <- threads 4 solveConstraint
liftIO $ print r
example2= do
option "pyt" "pythagoras"
r<- threads 1 pythags
liftIO $ print r
groupSample= threads 4 $ do
option "coll" "group sample: return results in a list"
r <- group 9 $ do
x <- choose [1,2,3]
y <- choose [4,5,6]
return (x,y)
liftIO $ print r
threadSample= freeThreads $ do
option "th" "threads sample"
liftIO $ print "number of threads? (< 10)"
n <- input ( < 10)
threads n $ do
x <- choose [1,2,3]
y <- choose [4,5,6]
-- added some delay to show tread interleaving better in Linux
th <- liftIO $ threadDelay 100000 >> myThreadId
liftIO $ print (x,y,th)
nonDeterminsm= do
option "nondet" "Non determinism examples"
example1 <|> example2
<|> groupSample
<|> threadSample
<|> fileSearch
find' :: String -> FilePath -> TransientIO FilePath
find' s d = do
fs <- liftIO $ getDirectoryContents d
`catch` \(e:: SomeException) -> return [] -- 1
let fs' = sort $ filter (`notElem` [".",".."]) fs -- 2
if any (== s) fs' -- 3
then return $ d</> s
else do
f <- choose fs' -- 4
let d' = d </> f -- 6
isdir <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist d' -- 7
if isdir then find' s d' -- 8
else stop
fileSearch= do
option "file" "example of file search"
r<- threads 3 $ collect 1 $ find' "Main.hs" ".."
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Found= "++ show r
main= keep $ do
oneThread $ option "main" "to return to the main menu" <|> return ""
liftIO $ putStrLn "MAIN MENU"
nonDeterminsm <|> trans <|>
colors <|> app <|>
futures <|> server
-- / show
trans= do
option "trans" "transaction examples with backtracking for undoing actions"
transaction <|> transaction2
transaction= do
option "back" "backtracking test"
transaction2= do
option "back2" "backtracking test 2"
liftIO $ print "done!"
productNavigation = liftIO $ putStrLn "product navigation"
reserve= liftIO (putStrLn "product reserved,added to cart")
`onUndo` liftIO (putStrLn "product un-reserved")
payment = do
liftIO $ putStrLn "Payment failed"
reserveAndSendMsg= do
liftIO (putStrLn "update other database necesary for the reservation")
`onUndo` liftIO (putStrLn "database update undone")
colors :: TransientIO ()
colors= do
option "colors" "choose between three colors"
r <- color 1 "red" <|> color 2 "green" <|> color 3 "blue"
liftIO $ print r
color :: Int -> String -> TransientIO String
color n str= do
option (show n) str
liftIO . print $ str ++ " color"
return str
app :: TransientIO ()
app= do
option "app" "applicative expression that return a counter in 2-tuples every second"
liftIO $ putStrLn "to stop the sequence, write main(enter)"
counter <- liftIO $ newMVar 0
r <- (,) <$> number counter 1 <*> number counter 1
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "result=" ++ show r
number counter n= waitEvents $ do
threadDelay $ n * 1000000
n <- takeMVar counter
putMVar counter (n+1)
return n
futures= do
option "async" "for parallelization of IO actions with applicative and monioidal combinators"
sum1 <|> sum2
sum1 :: TransientIO ()
sum1= do
option "sum1" "access to two web pages concurrently and sum the number of words using Applicative"
liftIO $ print " downloading data..."
(r,r') <- (,) <$> async (worker "http://www.haskell.org/")
<*> async (worker "http://www.google.com/")
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "result=" ++ show (r + r')
getURL= simpleHTTP . getRequest
worker :: String -> IO Int
worker url=do
r <- getURL url
body <- getResponseBody r
putStrLn $ "number of words in " ++ url ++" is: " ++ show(length (words body))
return . length . words $ body
sum2 :: TransientIO ()
sum2= do
option "sum2" "access to N web pages concurrenty and sum the number of words using map-fold"
liftIO $ print " downloading data..."
rs <- foldl (<>) (return 0) $ map (async . worker)
[ "http://www.haskell.org/"
, "http://www.google.com/"]
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "result=" ++ show rs
instance Monoid Int where
mappend= (+)
mempty= 0
server :: TransientIO ()
server= do
option "server" "A web server in the port 8080"
liftIO $ print "Server Stated"
sock <- liftIO $ listenOn $ PortNumber 8080
(h,_,_) <- spawn $ accept sock
liftIO $ do
hPutStr h msg
putStrLn "new request"
hFlush h
hClose h
`catch` (\(e::SomeException) -> sClose sock)
msg = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 5\r\n\r\nPong!\r\n"
{-# START_FILE Backtrack.hs #-}
-- show
-- /show
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
module Backtrack (registerUndo, onUndo, undo, retry, undoCut) where
import Base
import Data.Typeable
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
import Unsafe.Coerce
import System.Mem.StableName
data Backtrack= forall a b.Backtrack{backtracking :: Bool
,backStack :: [EventF]}
deriving Typeable
-- | assures that backtracking will not go further
undoCut :: TransientIO ()
undoCut= Transient $ do
delSessionData $ Backtrack False []
return $ Just ()
-- | the secod parameter will be executed when backtracking
{-# NOINLINE onUndo #-}
onUndo :: TransientIO a -> TransientIO a -> TransientIO a
onUndo ac bac= do
r<-registerUndo $ Transient $ do
Backtrack back _ <- getSessionData `onNothing` return (Backtrack False [])
runTrans $ if back then bac else ac
return r
-- | register an actions that will be executed when backtracking
{-# NOINLINE registerUndo #-}
registerUndo :: TransientIO a -> TransientIO a
registerUndo f = Transient $ do
cont@(EventF x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) <- get !> "backregister"
md <- getSessionData
ss <- case md of
Just (bss@(Backtrack b (bs@((EventF x' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _):_)))) -> do
addrx <- addr x
addrx' <- addr x' -- to avoid duplicate backtracking points
return $ if addrx == addrx' then bss else Backtrack b $ cont:bs
Nothing -> return $ Backtrack False [cont]
setSessionData ss
runTrans f
addr x = liftIO $ return . hashStableName =<< (makeStableName $! x)
-- | restart the flow forward from this point on
retry :: TransientIO ()
retry= do
Backtrack _ stack <- getSessionData `onNothing` return (Backtrack False [])
setSData $ Backtrack False stack
-- | execute backtracking. It execute the registered actions in reverse order.
-- If the backtracking flag is changed the flow proceed forward from that point on.
--If the backtrack stack is finished or undoCut executed, `undo` will stop.
undo :: TransientIO a
undo= Transient $ do
bs <- getSessionData `onNothing` return nullBack !>"GOBACK"
goBackt bs
nullBack= Backtrack False []
goBackt (Backtrack _ [])= return Nothing !> "END"
goBackt (Backtrack b (stack@(first@(EventF x fs _ _ _ _ _ _ _): bs)))= do
-- put first{replay=True}
setSData $ Backtrack True stack
mr <- runClosure first !> "RUNCLOSURE"
Backtrack back _ <- getSessionData `onNothing` return nullBack
case back of
True -> goBackt $ Backtrack True bs !> "BACK AGAIN"
False -> case mr of
Nothing -> return empty !> "FORWARD END"
Just x -> runContinuation first x !> "FORWARD EXEC"
{-# START_FILE Indeterminism.hs #-}
-- show
-- /show
-- Module : Transient.Indeterminism
-- Copyright :
-- License : GPL (Just (Version {versionBranch = [3], versionTags = []}))
-- Maintainer : [email protected]
-- Stability :
-- Portability :
-- |
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Indeterminism (
choose, choose', collect, group --, found
) where
import Base
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.IORef
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Typeable
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Concurrent.STM as STM
import GHC.Conc
-- | slurp a list of values and process them in parallel . To limit the number of processing
-- threads, use `threads`
choose :: [a] -> TransientIO a
choose []= empty
choose xs = do
evs <- liftIO $ newIORef xs
parallel $ do
es <- atomicModifyIORef' evs $ \es -> let !tes= tail es in (tes,es)
case es of
[x] -> return $ Left $ head es
x:_ -> return $ Right x
-- | group the output of a possible mmultithreaded process in groups of n elements.
group :: Int -> TransientIO a -> TransientIO [a]
group num proc = do
v <- liftIO $ newIORef (0,[])
x <- proc
n <- liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef' v $ \(n,xs) -> let !n'=n +1 in ((n', x:xs),n')
if n < num
then stop
else do
liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef v $ \(n,xs) -> ((0,[]),xs)
choose' :: [a] -> TransientIO a
choose' xs = foldl (<|>) empty $ map (parallel . return . Left) xs
--newtype Collect a= Collect (MVar (Int, [a])) deriving Typeable
-- collect the results of a search done in parallel, usually initiated by
-- `choose` . The results are added to the collection with `found`
(**>) x y= Transient $do
runTrans x
runTrans y
(<**) x y= Transient $ do
r <- runTrans x
runTrans y
return r
-- execute a process and get the first n solutions.
-- if the process end without finding the number of solutions requested, it return the fond ones
-- if he find the number of solutions requested, it kill the threads of the process and return
-- It works monitoring the solutions found and the number of active threads.
collect :: Typeable a => Int -> TransientIO a -> TransientIO [a]
collect n search= do
rv <- liftIO $ atomically $ newTVar (0,[]) !> "NEWMVAR"
endflag <- liftIO $ newTVarIO False
st <- get
let any1 = do
r <- search !> "ANY"
liftIO $ atomically $ do
(n1,rs) <- readTVar rv
writeTVar rv (n1+1,r:rs) !> "MODIFY"
detect= do
stnow <- get
freeThreads $ async $ do
threadDelay 1000 -- to allow the spawning of worker threads
xs <- atomically $ do
(n',xs) <- (readTVar rv ) !> "read"
ns <- readTVar $ children st
-- unsafeIOToSTM $ putStrLn $ "LEN="++show (length ns)++ " "++ show n'++ " "++ show n
if (n' >= n) || (length ns == 1)
then return xs
else retry
th <- myThreadId !> "KILL"
free th stnow
killChildren st
addThread st stnow
return xs
any1 **> detect
{-# START_FILE Base.hs #-}
-- show
-- /show
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- Module : Base
-- Copyright :
-- License : GPL (Just (Version {versionBranch = [3], versionTags = []}))
-- Maintainer : [email protected]
-- Stability :
-- Portability :
-- |
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- show
module Base where
-- /show
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Dynamic
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Monoid
import Debug.Trace
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Unsafe.Coerce
import Control.Exception
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import System.Mem.StableName
import Data.Maybe
import GHC.Conc
import Data.List
import Data.IORef
(!>) =const . id -- flip trace
infixr 0 !>
data Transient m x= Transient {runTrans :: m (Maybe x)}
type SData= ()
type EventId= Int
data EventF = forall a b . EventF{xcomp :: TransientIO a
,fcomp :: [b -> TransientIO b]
,mfData :: M.Map TypeRep SData
,mfSequence :: Int
,threadId :: ThreadId
,freeTh :: Bool
,parent :: Maybe EventF
,children :: TVar[EventF]
,maxThread :: Maybe (P Int)
deriving Typeable
type P= IORef
newp= newIORef
--(=:) :: P a -> (a -> a) -> IO()
(=:) n f= liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef' n $ \v -> ((f v),())
addr x= show $ unsafePerformIO $ do
st <- makeStableName $! x
return $ hashStableName st
waitQSemB sem= atomicModifyIORef' sem $ \n -> if n > 0 then(n-1,True) else (n,False)
signalQSemB sem= atomicModifyIORef' sem $ \n -> (n + 1,())
-- | set the maximun number of threads for a procedure. It is useful for the
threads :: Int -> TransientIO a -> TransientIO a
threads n proc= Transient $do
msem <- gets maxThread
sem <- liftIO $ newIORef n
modify $ \s -> s{maxThread= Just sem}
r <- runTrans proc
modify $ \s -> s{maxThread = msem} -- restore it
return r
instance MonadState EventF TransientIO where
get= Transient $ get >>= return . Just
put x= Transient $ put x >> return (Just ())
type StateIO= StateT EventF IO
type TransientIO= Transient StateIO
--runTrans :: TransientIO x -> StateT EventF IO (Maybe x)
--runTrans (Transient mx) = mx
runTransient :: TransientIO x -> IO (Maybe x, EventF)
runTransient t= do
th <- myThreadId
let eventf0= EventF empty [] M.empty 0
th False Nothing (unsafePerformIO $ newTVarIO []) Nothing
runStateT (runTrans t) eventf0{threadId=th} !> "MAIN="++show th
setEventCont :: TransientIO a -> (a -> TransientIO b) -> StateIO ()
setEventCont x f = do
st@(EventF _ fs d n r applic ch rc bs) <- get
-- if applic
-- then return () else
put $ EventF x ( unsafeCoerce f : fs) d n r applic ch rc bs
resetEventCont :: Maybe a -> StateIO ()
resetEventCont mx =do
st@(EventF _ fs d n r nr ch rc bs) <- get
-- if nr
-- then return ()
-- else do
let f= \mx -> case mx of
Nothing -> empty
Just x -> (unsafeCoerce $ head fs) x
put $ EventF (f mx) ( tailsafe fs)d n r nr ch rc bs
tailsafe []=[]
tailsafe (x:xs)= xs
getCont ::(MonadState EventF m) => m EventF
getCont = get
runCont :: EventF -> StateIO ()
runCont (EventF x fs _ _ _ _ _ _ _)= runTrans ((unsafeCoerce x') >>= compose ( fs)) >> return ()
x'= do
-- modify $ \s -> s{replay=True}
r<- x
-- modify $ \s -> s{replay=False}
return r
runCont cont= do
mr <- runClosure cont
case mr of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just r -> runContinuation cont r
compose []= const empty
compose (f: fs)= \x -> f x >>= compose fs
runClosure :: EventF -> StateIO (Maybe a)
runClosure (EventF x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = unsafeCoerce $ runTrans x
runContinuation :: EventF -> a -> StateIO (Maybe b)
runContinuation (EventF _ fs _ _ _ _ _ _ _) x= runTrans $ (unsafeCoerce $ compose $ fs) x
instance Functor TransientIO where
fmap f mx= -- Transient $ fmap (fmap f) $ runTrans mx
x <- mx
return $ f x
instance Applicative TransientIO where
pure a = Transient . return $ Just a
f <*> g = Transient $ do
rf <- liftIO $ newIORef Nothing
rg <- liftIO $ newIORef Nothing -- !> "NEWIOREF"
cont@(EventF _ fs a b c d peers children g1) <- get -- !> "APLICATIVE DOIT"
appg x = Transient $ do
liftIO $ writeIORef rg $ Just x :: StateIO ()
k <- liftIO $ readIORef rf
return $ k <*> Just x -- !> "RETURNED: " ++ show(isJust k)++ show(isJust x)
appf k = Transient $ do
liftIO $ writeIORef rf $ Just k :: StateIO ()
x<- liftIO $ readIORef rg
return $ Just k <*> x -- !> "RETURNED: " ++ show(isJust k)++ show(isJust x)
put $ EventF f (unsafeCoerce appf: fs)
a b c d peers children g1
k <- runTrans f
liftIO $ writeIORef rf k -- :: StateIO ()
put $ EventF g (unsafeCoerce appg : fs)
a b c d peers children g1
x <- runTrans g
liftIO $ writeIORef rg x
return $ k <*> x
instance Alternative TransientIO where
empty= Transient $ return Nothing
Transient f <|> Transient g= Transient $ do
k <- f
x <- g
return $ k <|> x
-- | delete all the previous childs generated by the expressions and continue execution
-- of the current thread.
oneThread :: TransientIO a -> TransientIO a
oneThread comp= do
chs <- liftIO $ newTVarIO []
r <- comp
modify $ \ s -> s{children= chs}
return r
-- | internal. use `oneThread`
killchilds :: TransientIO()
killchilds= Transient $ do
cont <- get
liftIO $ killChildren cont
return $ Just ()
-- | The threads generated in the process passed as parameter will not be killed.
freeThreads :: TransientIO a -> TransientIO a
freeThreads proc= Transient $ do
st <- get
put st{freeTh= True}
r <- runTrans proc
modify $ \st -> st{freeTh= freeTh st}
return r
-- | The threads will be killed when the parent thread dies
hookedThreads proc= Transient $ do
st <- get
put st{freeTh= False}
r <- runTrans proc
modify $ \st -> st{freeTh= freeTh st}
return r
instance MonadPlus TransientIO where
mzero= stop
mplus (Transient x) (Transient y)= Transient $ do
mx <- x
case mx of
Nothing -> y
justx -> return justx
-- | a sinonym of empty that can be used in a monadic expression. it stop the
-- computation
stop :: TransientIO a
stop= Control.Applicative.empty
instance Monoid a => Monoid (TransientIO a) where
mappend x y = mappend <$> x <*> y
mempty= return mempty
instance Monad TransientIO where
return x = Transient $ return $ Just x
x >>= f = Transient $ do
cont <- setEventCont x f
mk <- runTrans x
resetEventCont mk
case mk of
Just k -> do
runTrans $ f k
Nothing -> return Nothing
instance MonadTrans (Transient ) where
lift mx = Transient $ mx >>= return . Just
instance MonadIO TransientIO where
liftIO = lift . liftIO -- let x= liftIO io in x `seq` lift x
-- | Get the session data of the desired type if there is any.
getSessionData :: (MonadState EventF m,Typeable a) => m (Maybe a)
getSessionData = resp where
resp= gets mfData >>= \list ->
case M.lookup ( typeOf $ typeResp resp ) list of
Just x -> return . Just $ unsafeCoerce x
Nothing -> return $ Nothing
typeResp :: m (Maybe x) -> x
typeResp= undefined
-- | getSessionData specialized for the View monad. if Nothing, the
-- monadic computation does not continue. getSData is a widget that does
-- not validate when there is no data of that type in the session.
getSData :: MonadState EventF m => Typeable a =>Transient m a
getSData= Transient getSessionData
-- | setSessionData :: (StateType m ~ MFlowState, Typeable a) => a -> m ()
setSessionData x=
modify $ \st -> st{mfData= M.insert (typeOf x ) (unsafeCoerce x) (mfData st)}
-- | a shorter name for setSessionData
setSData :: ( MonadState EventF m,Typeable a) => a -> m ()
setSData= setSessionData
delSessionData x=
modify $ \st -> st{mfData= M.delete (typeOf x ) (mfData st)}
delSData :: ( MonadState EventF m,Typeable a) => a -> m ()
delSData= delSessionData
withSData :: ( MonadState EventF m,Typeable a) => (Maybe a -> a) -> m ()
withSData f= modify $ \st -> st{mfData=
let dat = mfData st
mx= M.lookup typeofx dat
mx'= case mx of Nothing -> Nothing; Just x -> unsafeCoerce x
fx= f mx'
typeofx= typeOf $ typeoff f
in M.insert typeofx (unsafeCoerce fx) dat}
typeoff :: (Maybe a -> a) -> a
typeoff = undefined
genNewId :: MonadIO m => MonadState EventF m => m Int
genNewId= do
st <- get
let n= mfSequence st
put $ st{mfSequence= n+1}
return n
refSequence :: IORef Int
refSequence= unsafePerformIO $ newp 0
data Loop= Once | Loop | Multithread deriving Eq
waitEvents :: IO b -> TransientIO b
waitEvents io= do
r <- parallel (Right <$> io)
return r
async :: IO b -> TransientIO b
async io= do
r <- parallel (Left <$>io)
return r
spawn :: IO b -> TransientIO b
spawn io= freeThreads $ do
r <- parallel (Right <$>io)
return r
data EventValue= EventValue SData deriving Typeable
parallel :: IO (Either b b) -> TransientIO b
parallel ioaction= Transient$ do
cont <- getCont -- !> "PARALLEL"
mv <- getSessionData
case mv of
Just (EventValue v) -> do
delSessionData $ EventValue () -- !> "ISJUST "
return $ Just $ unsafeCoerce v
Nothing -> do
liftIO $ loop cont ioaction
return Nothing
loop (cont'@(EventF x fs a b c d peers childs g)) rec = do
chs <- liftIO $ newTVarIO []
let cont = EventF x fs a b c d (Just cont') chs g
iocont dat=
runStateT ( do
setSessionData . EventValue $ unsafeCoerce dat
runCont cont
) cont
>> return ()
loop'= do
mdat <- rec
case mdat of
Left dat -> iocont dat
Right dat -> do
forkMaybe $ iocont dat
forkMaybe proc = do
dofork <- case maxThread cont of
Nothing -> return True
Just sem -> do
dofork <- waitQSemB sem
if dofork then return True else return False
if dofork
then do
th <- forkFinally proc $ \me -> do
case me of -- !> "THREAD ENDED" of
Left e -> do
when (fromException e /= Just ThreadKilled)$ liftIO $ print e
killChildren cont !> "KILL RECEIVED" ++ (show $ unsafePerformIO myThreadId)
Right _ -> do
-- if parent is alive
-- then remove himself from the list (with free)
-- and pass his active children to his parent
return ()
th <- myThreadId
mparent <- free th cont
case mparent of
Nothing -> return()
Just parent -> atomically $ do
chs' <- readTVar $ children cont
chs <- (readTVar $ children parent)
writeTVar (children parent)$ chs ++ chs'
return ()
case maxThread cont of
Just sem -> signalQSemB sem
Nothing -> return ()
addThread cont' cont{threadId=th} -- !> "thread created: "++ show th
else proc -- !> "NO THREAD"
forkMaybe loop'
free th env= do
if isNothing $ parent env
then return Nothing !> show th ++ " orphan"
else do
let msibling= fmap children $ parent env
case msibling of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just sibling -> do
found <- atomically $ do
sbs <- readTVar sibling
let (sbs', found) = drop [] th sbs !> "search "++show th ++ " in " ++ show (map threadId sbs)
when found $ writeTVar sibling sbs'
return found
if (not found && isJust (parent env))
then free th $ fromJust $ parent env !> "toparent"
else return $ Just env
drop processed th []= (processed,False)
drop processed th (ev:evts)| th == threadId ev= (processed ++ evts, True)
| otherwise= drop (ev:processed) th evts
addThread parent child = when(not $ freeTh parent) $ do
let headpths= children parent
atomically $ do
ths <- readTVar headpths
writeTVar headpths $ child:ths
killChildren cont = do
forkIO $ do
let childs= children cont -- !> "killChildren list= "++ addr (children cont)
ths <- atomically $ do
ths <- readTVar childs
writeTVar childs []
return ths
mapM_ (killThread . threadId) ths !> "KILLEVENT " ++ show (map threadId ths)
return ()
type EventSetter eventdata response= (eventdata -> IO response) -> IO ()
type ToReturn response= IO response
:: Typeable eventdata
=> EventSetter eventdata response
-> ToReturn response
-> TransientIO eventdata
react setHandler iob= Transient $ do
cont <- getCont
mEvData <- getSessionData
case mEvData of
Nothing -> do
liftIO $ setHandler $ \dat ->do
-- let cont'= cont{mfData = M.insert (typeOf dat)(unsafeCoerce dat) (mfData cont)}
runStateT (setSData dat >> runCont cont) cont
return Nothing
Just dat -> delSessionData dat >> return (Just dat)
getLineRef= unsafePerformIO $ newTVarIO Nothing
option1 x message= do
waitEvents $ do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ message++"("++show x++")"
th <- myThreadId
atomically $ do
mr <- readTVar getLineRef
case mr of
Nothing -> retry
Just r ->
case reads1 r of -- !> ("received " ++ show r ++ show th) of
(s,_):_ -> if s == x -- !> ("waiting" ++ show x)
then do
writeTVar getLineRef Nothing -- !>"match"
return s
else retry
_ -> retry
reads1 s=x where
x= if typeOf(typeOfr x) == typeOf "" then unsafeCoerce[(s,"")] else readsPrec 0 s
typeOfr :: [(a,String)] -> a
typeOfr = undefined
roption= unsafePerformIO $ newMVar []
-- | install a event receiver that wait for a string and trigger the continuation when this string arrives.
option :: (Typeable b, Show b, Read b, Eq b) =>
b -> [Char] -> TransientIO b
option ret message= do
let sret= show ret
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Enter "++sret++"\tto: " ++ message
liftIO $ modifyMVar_ roption $ \msgs-> return $ sret:msgs
waitEvents $ getLine' (==ret)
liftIO $ putStrLn $ show ret ++ " chosen"
return ret
-- | validates an input entered in the keyboard in non blocking mode. non blocking means that
-- the user can enter also anything else to activate other option
-- unlike `option`, input only wait for one valid response
input :: (Typeable a, Read a) => (a -> Bool) -> TransientIO a
input cond= Transient . liftIO . atomically $ do
mr <- readTVar getLineRef
case mr of
Nothing -> retry
Just r ->
case reads1 r of
(s,_):_ -> if cond s -- !> show (cond s)
then do
writeTVar getLineRef Nothing -- !>"match"
return $ Just s
else return Nothing
_ -> return Nothing
getLine' cond= do
atomically $ do
mr <- readTVar getLineRef
case mr of
Nothing -> retry
Just r ->
case reads1 r of -- !> ("received " ++ show r ++ show (unsafePerformIO myThreadId)) of
(s,_):_ -> if cond s -- !> show (cond s)
then do
writeTVar getLineRef Nothing -- !>"match"
return s
else retry
_ -> retry
reads1 s=x where
x= if typeOf(typeOfr x) == typeOf "" then unsafeCoerce[(s,"")] else readsPrec 0 s
typeOfr :: [(a,String)] -> a
typeOfr = undefined
inputLoop= do
putStrLn "Press end to exit"
inputLoop' -- !> "started inputLoop"
inputLoop'= do
r<- getLine
if r=="end" then putMVar rexit () else do
atomically . writeTVar getLineRef $ Just r
rexit= unsafePerformIO newEmptyMVar
stay= takeMVar rexit
keep mx = do
forkIO $ inputLoop
forkIO $ runTransient mx >> return ()
exit :: TransientIO a
exit= do
liftIO $ putStrLn "Tempus fugit: exit"
liftIO $ putMVar rexit True
return undefined
onNothing iox iox'= do
mx <- iox
case mx of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> iox'
can also be used in context of map-reduce.
To see how the transient EDSL compose programs and how the internals of the EDSL work, see the first article
Constraint Logic programming
In the paper "transforming functional logic programs into monadic functional programs" the authors propose a generic solution that translate the logic expression to any monad with the MonadPlus instance if the logic variables (free variables whose value is unknown) are substituted by generators. Each value generated in each iteration must be shared in the expression being evaluated.
So once we define a generator class, Transient can perform logic programming for all the instances of this class. It is better to show it with an example:
To create a generator it is enough to use choose
defined above, applied to a list of possible values of the data type.
Using choose
we can create the class Free
class Free m a where
free :: m [a]
instance Free TransientIO Bool where
free= choose[True,False]
instance Free TransientIO Int where
free= choose[0..] -- exclude negatives
So this Transient routine
pairs :: TransientIO Int
pairs= do
x <- free
y <- free
guard (x/y == 4)
return (x,y)
or expressed with monad comprehension:
pairs=[(x,y)| x/y == 4, x <- free, y <- free]
Is a constraint logic program quite similar in syntax to the syntax in a functional logic program such is curry with constraints:
pairs= (x,y) where x /y == 4, x free, y free
But also all the rest of the above programs are constraint logic programs too, since choose
is a way to express constraints on the possible values of the logic variables.
I guess that there is a way to program classical examples of logic programming with logic clauses besides constraints. This example designe for the list monad I suppose that is straighforward to translate to Transient.
Conclusions and future work
I used Transient here for some typical toy problems of non-determinism, but also I have show how for some realistic IT problems the non-determinism built-in in the Transient monad can generate elegant multithreaded solutions with the same list monad syntax, while doing the same without this monad requires complex code transformations.
The advantage of using Transient for problems with multiple solutions is that the evaluation model of Transient is multithreaded so it can make use of all the machine cores for the exploration of the possible answers.
And, perhaps more important, the Transient monad is unique for all the effects: It is not necessary to switch from a monad to other with complicated monadic stacks to use multithreading, events, non-determinism, transactions or distributed computing (soon) among others. All the effects can be mixed freely. The code is as simple and clean as it could be.
, the basic primitive of Transient is inherently non-deterministic, since it implicitly uses multithreading and execute the continuation for each event in a new thread. But non-determinism is typically represented by the List monad. Here I demonstrated how Transient can process in parallel and filter many results using the semantics of the List monad with simple but effective and high level threading control.
I have used the parallel non-determinism of Transient to easily paralelize a search program with very little changes and at a higher level programming, more close to the programmer intuitions. In fact it does not need more but less code!. This shows how non-determinism can be in Transient to solve practical problems while maintaining a high-level and soundness of the solution and thus increase the maintainability of the software.
Since all of this machinery can be mixed freely with other effects, there is nothing that I may know with the generality and seamlessness of Transient for parallel processing.
and collect
can also be used in map-reduce scenarios.
For greater flexibility, thread control has been decoupled from parallel
. Now paralell does not perform thread control. there are explicit primitives for it.
Continuations are stored in the state with type erasure. This makes the edition of them difficult since the type system does not help. Using Dynamic would restrict the intermediate result to the Typeable ones and it would slow down execution. Moreover that would only produce errors at runtime, not at compile time. Perhaps some trick can aleviate these problems. Definitively something better than the hacky edition of state is necessary.
Transient will include more effects: thread state persistence in files and source emit are necessary for the integration of MFlow and hplayground as a single "isomorphic" web framework.
Thread state persistence is the effect now provided by the Workflow package. Source emit is the solution for the serialization of code and the execution in another node, including a web browser. It is not clear that it can be feasible.
A cloud effect for the distribution of computing resources, where the transient monad does the distribution automatically depending on the load of each node and his capabilities, including browsers, may be possible in the medium term.