Basic Syntax Extensions

As of March 2020, School of Haskell has been switched to read-only mode.

These extensions simply enhance Haskell’s core syntax without providing any actually new semantic features.


Available in: All recent GHC versions

The PostfixOperators extension allows you some slight extra leeway with Haskell’s operator section syntax. Normally, when you write, for example:

(4 !)

it expands into:

\x -> 4 ! x

or, equivalently:

\x -> (!) 4 x

PostfixOperators instead expands this left section into:

(!) 4

which may look the same to you initially, and it behaves the same way where they both compile, but the new form allows GHC to be somewhat more lenient about the type of (!).

For example, (!) can now be the factorial function and have the type:

(!) :: Integer -> Integer

Unfortunately, PostfixOperators does not allow you to define operators in postfix fashion, it just allows you to use them that way.

Try it out!

{-# LANGUAGE PostfixOperators #-}

(!) :: Integer -> Integer
(!) n | n == 0    = 1
      | n >  0    = n * ((n - 1) !)
      | otherwise = error "factorial of a negative number"

main = print (4 !)


Available in: GHC 6.12 and later

The TupleSections extension allows you to omit values from the tuple syntax, unifying the standard tuple sugar with the tuple constructor syntax to form one generalized syntax for tuples.

Normally, tuples are constructed with the standard tuple sugar, which looks like this:

(1, "hello", 6.5, Just (), [5, 5, 6, 7])

This could be considered shorthand for the following explicit tuple constructor use:

(,,,,) 1 "hello" 6.5 (Just ()) [5, 5, 6, 7]

However, the explicit tuple constructor (,,,,) could just as easily be considered section sugar for tuples, expanding to:

\v w x y z -> (v, w, x, y, z)

Looking at it this way allows us to ask, “Why can’t we partially section a tuple? After all, (+) is valid, (,) is valid, and (1 +) is valid, but (1,) is not valid. The TupleSections extension fixes this oversight.

With TupleSections you can now write, for example:

(1, "hello",, Just (),)

and have it mean the same as

\x y -> (1, "hello", x, Just (), y)

Try it out!

{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

main = print $ map (1, "hello", 6.5,, [5, 5, 6, 7]) [Just (), Nothing]


Available in: All recent GHC versions

Let’s say you want to import module Data.Module.X from package package-one, but package-two is also installed and also contains a module named Data.Module.X. You could try to mess with package hiding, either manually or through cabal, but sometimes you might want some other module from package-two, so hiding it is not an option.

Enter the PackageImports extension. Rather than writing:

import Data.Module.X

and hoping that GHC gets the one from the right package, PackageImports lets you write:

import "package-one" Data.Module.X

and explicitly specify the package you want to import that module from. You can even import from a specific package version:

import "package-one-" Data.Module.X

You can use PackageImports in combination with any other variant of the import syntax, and you can use both package-qualified imports and regular imports in the same file.

Try it out!

{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
import Data.Monoid (Sum(..))
import "base" Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import qualified "containers" Data.Map as Map

main = print . getSum . foldMap Sum $ Map.fromList [(1, 2), (3, 4)]


Available in: All recent GHC versions

By default, Haskell’s numeric literals are polymorphic over Num (in the case of integer literals) or Fractional (in the case of decimal literals). That is, you can write:

a :: Int
a = 1

b :: Double
b = 1

c :: Float
c = 3.5

d :: Rational
d = 3.5

and it just works as expected.

String literals, on the other hand, are always of type String, and are not polymorphic at all. The OverloadedStrings extension corrects this, making string literals polymorphic over the IsString type class, which is found in the Data.String module in the base package. That is, you can write:

a :: String
a = "hello"

b :: Text
b = "hello"

OverloadedStrings also adds IsString to the list of defaultable type classes, so you can use types like String, Text, and Bytestring in a default declaration.

Try it out!

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T

main = do putStrLn   "Hello as String!"
          T.putStrLn "Hello as Text!"


Available in: All recent GHC versions

With the UnicodeSyntax extension (along with the base-unicode-symbols and containers-unicode-symbols packages), you can use Unicode alternatives to many of the standard operators. The UnicodeSyntax extension itself handles just the operators and symbols that are built into the Haskell language, whereas the base-unicode-symbols package handles the operators and functions provided by the base package and the containers-unicode-symbols package handles the operators and functions provided by the containers package.

For the package-based Unicode symbols, you need to import the appropriate syntax module. For example, if you wanted to use Unicode symbols when working with Data.Map, you would import Data.Map.Unicode.

The various aliased ASCII syntax pieces, values, and types, along with their UnicodeSyntax equivalents, are as follows:

Try it out!

{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
import Data.List.Unicode ((∪))
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map.Unicode ((∆))

main ∷ IO ()
main = do print $ [1, 2, 3] ∪ [1, 3, 5]
          print $ M.fromList [(1, 2), (3, 4)] ∆ M.fromList [(3, 4), (5, 6)]

RecursiveDo and DoRec

Available in: All recent GHC versions

The RecursiveDo extension (as well as its deprecated synonym DoRec) enables syntactic sugar for value recursion in a monadic context. “What on Earth does that mean?” you might ask. To explain, let’s take a look at how let behaves in Haskell.

let in Haskell allows lazy recursion; that is, you can write:

main = print $
-- show
    let x = fst y
        y = (3, x)
    in  snd y
-- /show

However, do in Haskell does not allow lazy recursion; in fact, it doesn’t allow recursion at all. If you try to write a recursive binding in do notation, it will fail; for example, the following code will cause an error that complains about y not being in scope:

{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
import Control.Monad.Identity

deriving instance (Show a) => Show (Identity a)

main = print ((
-- show
    do x <- return $ fst y
       y <- return (3, x)
       return $ snd y
-- /show
    ) :: Identity Integer)

However, sometimes we want to be able to use value recursion but still need to be within a monad. The MonadFix type class, from the Control.Monad.Fix module in the base package, provides an mfix function that helps us do exactly that, but the results, while they work, are not very pretty:

{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
import Control.Monad.Identity

deriving instance (Show a) => Show (Identity a)

main = print ((
-- show
    do y <- mfix $ \y0 -> do x <- return $ fst y0
                             y1 <- return (3, x)
                             return y1
       return $ snd y
-- /show
    ) :: Identity Integer)

The RecursiveDo extension provides sugar for using mfix this way, so that the previous example can be equivalently rewritten as:

{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo, StandaloneDeriving #-}
import Control.Monad.Identity

main = print ((
-- show
    mdo x <- return $ fst y
        y <- return (3, x)
        return $ snd y
-- /show
    ) :: Identity Integer)

RecursiveDo also provides a second type of syntactic sugar for mfix that uses the rec keyword instead of the mdo keyword. The rec-based sugar is somewhat more direct and “low-level” than the mdo-based sugar. In terms of the rec sugar, our running example is expressed as:

{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo, StandaloneDeriving #-}
import Control.Monad.Identity

main = print ((
-- show
    do rec x <- return $ fst y
           y <- return (3, x)
       return $ snd y
-- /show
    ) :: Identity Integer)

The two types of sugar are subtly different in meaning, and the difference has to do with something called segmentation.

When GHC encounters a let binding, rather than naïvely binding all of the variables at once, it will divide (or segment) them into minimal mutually-dependent groups. For example, take this expression:

let x = 1
    y = (x, z)
    z = fst y
    v = snd w
    w = (v, y)
in  (snd y, fst w)

Instead of just binding everything in a single group, GHC improves the code’s efficiency somewhat by treating it as though you’d actually written something like:

let x = 1
in  let y = (x, z)
        z = fst y
    in  let v = snd w
            w = (v, y)
        in  (snd y, fst w)

In a pure let binding, the only way this might matter is performance; the semantics of the code is guaranteed to not change. However, segmenting monadic code might produce unexpected results, because mfix has to deal with the monadic context somehow during the value recursion, and segmenting a set of bindings into minimal groups could potentially change the meaning of the code.

Only mdo segments its bindings. rec does no segmentation at all, instead translating to calls to mfix exactly where you put recs in the original code. This means that, in the following example, the first two of the following three expressions are equivalent to each other, but the third one is not equivalent to either of the first two:

-- | expression 1 (equivalent to expression 2)
mdo x <- return 1
    y <- return $ (x, z)
    z <- return $ fst y
    v <- return $ snd w
    w <- return (v, y)
    return (snd y, fst w)

-- | expression 2 (equivalent to expression 1)
do x <- return 1
   rec y <- return $ (x, z)
       z <- return $ fst y
   rec v <- return $ snd w
       w <- return (v, y)
   return (snd y, fst w)

-- | expression 3 (not equivalent to expression 1 or expression 2)
do rec x <- return 1
       y <- return $ (x, z)
       z <- return $ fst y
       v <- return $ snd w
       w <- return (v, y)
   return (snd y, fst w)

Both expression 1 and expression 2 translate roughly to:

do x <- return 1
   (y, z) <- mfix $ \(y0, z0) -> do y1 <- return $ (x, z0)
                                    z1 <- return $ fst y0
                                    return (y1, z1)
   (v, w) <- mfix $ \(v0, w0) -> do v1 <- return $ snd w0
                                    w1 <- return (v0, y)
                                    return (v1, w1)
   return (snd y, fst w)

On the other hand, expression 3 translates roughly to:

do (x, y, z, v, w) <- mfix $ \(x0, y0, z0, v0, w0) -> do x1 <- return 1
                                                         y1 <- return $ (x0, z0)
                                                         z1 <- return $ fst y0
                                                         v1 <- return $ snd w0
                                                         w1 <- return (v0, y0)
                                                         return (x1, y1, z1, v1, w1)
   return (snd y, fst w)

Try it out!

{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy

comp = do x0 <- get
          modify (+1)
          x1 <- get
          rec y <- return $ (x0, fst z)
              z <- return $ (x1, fst y)
          put 3
          return (y, z)

main = print $ runState comp 1

WARNING: In GHC versions before 7.6, there was a lot of churn in the meanings of the RecursiveDo and DoRec extensions and their relationship to each other. For such older GHC versions, the above discussion may be partially or wholly inaccurate; consult your GHC version’s User’s Guide for more detailed information.


Available in: GHC 7.6 and later

The LambdaCase extension is very simple. Any time you would otherwise have written:

\x -> case x of ...

you can instead simply write

\case ...

which is both shorter and doesn’t bind x as a name. The Layout Rule works as usual with LambdaCase, so, for example:

[Just 1, Just 2, Nothing, Just 3] `forM_` \x -> case x of
    Just v  -> putStrLn ("just a single" ++ show v)
    Nothing -> putStrLn "no numbers at all"

can be shortened to:

[Just 1, Just 2, Nothing, Just 3] `forM_` \case
    Just v  -> putStrLn ("just a single" ++ show v)
    Nothing -> putStrLn "no numbers at all"

Try it out!

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
import Control.Monad (forM_)

-- | should print:
--   @["just a single 1","just a single 2","no numbers at all","just a single 3"]@
main = [Just 1, Just 2, Nothing, Just 3] `forM_` \case
    Just v  -> putStrLn ("just a single " ++ show v)
    Nothing -> putStrLn "no numbers at all"


Available in: GHC 7.8 and later

The EmptyCase extension allows you to write a case statement that has no clauses; the syntax is case e of {} (where e is any expression). If you also have LambdaCase enabled, you can abbreviate \x -> case x of {} to \case {}

This is most useful when you have a type that you know for sure has no values, but Haskell‘s syntax and type system force you to do something with a hypothetical such value anyway. Without EmptyCase, you could just use error or undefined, or otherwise diverge, and such an action is still possible; however, using an empty case statement for such things is more indicative of intent, and holds some promise of being better supported by the exhaustivity checker in the future.


Available in: GHC 7.6 and later

The MultiWayIf extension allows you to use the full power of Haskell’s guard syntax in an if expression. For example, this code:

if x == 1
   then "a"
   else if y < 2
           then "b"
           else "c"

can be rewritten as:

if | x == 1    -> "a"
   | y <  2    -> "b"
   | otherwise -> "d"

which is much nicer.

Try it out!

{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}

fn :: Int -> Int -> String
fn x y = if | x == 1    -> "a"
            | y <  2    -> "b"
            | otherwise -> "c"

-- | should print:
--   @c@
main = putStrLn $ fn 3 4

WARNING: In GHC 7.6, the use of MultiWayIf doesn’t affect layout, instead allowing the previous layout (prior to the if keyword) to remain unchanged. This was changed shortly afterwards; in GHC 7.8 and later, MultiWayIf affects layout, just like ordinary function guards do.


Available in: GHC 7.10 and later

Standard Haskell allows you to write integer literals in decimal (without any prefix), hexadecimal (preceded by 0x or 0X), and octal (preceded by 0o or 0O). The BinaryLiterals extension adds binary (preceded by 0b or 0B) to the list of acceptable integer literal styles.

Try it out!

{-# LANGUAGE BinaryLiterals #-}

-- | should print:
--   @(1458,1458,1458,1458)@
main = print (1458, 0x5B2, 0o2662, 0b10110110010)


Available in: GHC 7.8 and later

Standard Haskell desugars negative numeric literals (of either integer or fractional form) by applying the negate function from the Num type class to the corresponding positive numeric literal (which is then expanded again using either fromInteger or fromRational, as appropriate). That is, the standard full desugaring of the literal -1458 is negate (fromInteger 1458). The NegativeLiterals extension changes this, making negative numeric literals instead desugar as fromInteger or fromRational applied directly to a negative Integer or Rational value; that is, -1458 is desugared as fromInteger (-1458). In a sense, NegativeLiterals swaps the positions of negation and conversion in the desugaring of numeric literals.

This doesn’t make a difference for the common cases, but certain edge cases can behave differently (and usually better) under NegativeLiterals than otherwise. The example that the GHC User’s guide gives is 8-bit signed arithmetic, in which 128 is not representable but -128 is representable. The naïve desugaring of -128 to negate (fromInteger 128) results in an overflow from 128 to -128 followed by a negation to 128 followed by another overflow back to -128; meanwhile, the NegativeLiterals desugaring to fromInteger (-128) doesn’t waste cycles (or risk trapping on some architectures), but instead produces the appropriate value from the start. Other examples might actually change behavior rather than simply be less efficient; you should make sure that you understand a piece of numeric Haskell code fairly well before enabling or disabling NegativeLiterals for it.

Try it out!

{-# LANGUAGE NegativeLiterals #-}

main = do print (-1 :: ExplicitNegation Integer)
          print (negate 1 :: ExplicitNegation Integer)
          print (-1.5 :: ExplicitNegation Rational)
          print (negate 1 :: ExplicitNegation Rational)

-- /show
-- this type exists solely to explicitly mark where negation happens
data ExplicitNegation n = Value n | Negate (ExplicitNegation n) deriving Show

collapseNegation :: Num n => ExplicitNegation n -> n
collapseNegation (Value x) = x
collapseNegation (Negate v) = negate $ collapseNegation v

instance (Eq n, Num n) => Eq (ExplicitNegation n) where
    v == w = collapseNegation v == collapseNegation w
instance (Ord n, Num n) => Ord (ExplicitNegation n) where
    v `compare` w = collapseNegation v `compare` collapseNegation w
instance Num n => Num (ExplicitNegation n) where
    v + w = Value $ collapseNegation v + collapseNegation w
    v * w = Value $ collapseNegation v * collapseNegation w
    negate = Negate
    abs = Value . abs . collapseNegation
    signum = Value . signum . collapseNegation
    fromInteger = Value . fromInteger
instance Fractional n => Fractional (ExplicitNegation n) where
    recip = Value . recip . collapseNegation
    fromRational = Value . fromRational


Available in: GHC 7.8 and later

Standard Haskell gives the polymorphic type (Fractional a) => a to otherwise-unconstrained fractional numeric literals; however, some such literals are guaranteed to actually be integers, because they have an exponent (whether implicit or explicit) that is larger than the distance from the decimal point at which their last non-zero digit occurs (for example, 4.65690e4 is “the same number” as 46569, which is clearly an integer). The NumDecimals extension exploits this fact by giving fractional literals which are “really just integers” the more general type (Num a) => a instead.

Try it out!

{-# LANGUAGE NumDecimals #-}

-- notice that this code will not compile if
-- '1.6e1' isn't allowed to be an 'Integer'
main = print (1.6e1 `div` 5 :: Integer)


Available in: GHC 7.0 and later



Available in: GHC 7.2 and later


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