Algebraic Data Types (ADTs) with Aeson

As of March 2020, School of Haskell has been switched to read-only mode.

This is tiny cheat sheet, which will help with decoding JSON data to Haskell's ADT.

Simple ADT

Let's start with simple example:

data YesNo = Yes
           | No
    deriving Show

First of all let's think how we could express our Haskell values in JSON format? According to Aeson's documentation:

So stick to objects (e.g. maps in Haskell) or arrays (lists or vectors in Haskell):

To avoid possible decoding pitfalls we should stick with objects and arrays. Here are possible (or valid) respresentations:

For Yes value: { "value" : "yes" } { "value" : 1 } { "value" : 1.0 }
     No value: { "value" : "no" }  { "value" : 0 } { "value" : 0.0 }

Let's declare FromJSON instance for our YesNo data type:

instance FromJSON YesNo where

    -- parseJSON takes a Value, it could be one of follwing data constructors:
    -- Object, Array, String, Number, Bool or Null.
    -- First of all we expect an Object, it is defined as Object !Object,
    -- where second Object is just a type synonym for HashMap Text Value. In
    -- our case we should choose somehow our Haskell value constructor
    -- according to recieved value.
    -- So, `o` is actually a HashMap, and all we need is to lookup key "type"
    -- We should use strict Text for key:
    parseJSON (Object o) = case HML.lookup (pack "type") o of
        -- value of entity has type Value
        Just (String t) -> fromString (TL.unpack (TL.fromStrict t))
        Just (Number n) -> fromNum n
        -- Other cases are invalid
        _               -> empty
        where fromString :: String -> Parser YesNo
              fromString "yes" = pure Yes
              fromString "no"  = pure No
              fromString _     = empty
              fromNum n
                  | n == 1 || n == 1.0 = pure Yes
                  | n == 0 || n == 0.0 = pure No
                  | otherwise = empty

Let's also declare ToJSON instance for our Haskell data type:

instance ToJSON YesNo where
    toJSON Yes = object [ "value" .= String "yes" ]
    toJSON No  = object [ "value" .= String "no" ]

Now we can play with it and test it:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types                          ( Parser )

import Data.Text                                 ( Text, pack )
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL            ( fromStrict, unpack )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL     ( toChunks )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C ( fromChunks, unpack )

import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HML        ( lookup )

import Control.Applicative                       ( empty, pure )

data YesNo = Yes
           | No
    deriving Show
instance FromJSON YesNo where
    parseJSON (Object o) = case HML.lookup "value" o of
        Just (String t) -> fromString (TL.unpack (TL.fromStrict t))
        Just (Number n) -> fromNum n
        _               -> empty
        where fromString :: String -> Parser YesNo
              fromString "yes" = pure Yes
              fromString "no"  = pure No
              fromString _     = empty
              fromNum n
                  | n == 1 || n == 1.0 = pure Yes
                  | n == 0 || n == 0.0 = pure No
                  | otherwise = empty
instance ToJSON YesNo where
    toJSON Yes = object [ "value" .= String "yes" ]
    toJSON No  = object [ "value" .= String "no" ]

-- show
main = do
    let yesJ  = encode Yes
        yesJS = C.unpack $ C.fromChunks $ BSL.toChunks yesJ
    putStrLn "Encoded:"
    print yesJS
    putStrLn "Decoding:"
    print (decode yesJ :: Maybe Value)
    print (decode yesJ :: Maybe YesNo)

Complex ADT

Now, let's imagine we are designing some kind of API. Assume that we store in database pairs of person's name and his/her cash amount.

data Command = NotCommand
             | WrongArg      String
             | CommandCreate { name :: Text, value :: Double }
             | CommandUpdate { id   :: Int,  value :: Double }
             | CommandDelete { id   :: Int }
    deriving Show

Here are valid representations of out Command data type:

Create command example

{ "type" : "command",
  "name" : "create",
  "data" : {
     "name" : "Arthur",
     "value" : 100.0

Update command example

{ "type" : "command",
  "name" : "update",
  "data" : {
     "id" : 1,
     "value" : 90.0

Delete command example

{ "type" : "command",
  "name" : "delete",
  "data" : 1

So, we expect key type, which always should be "command", to distinguish commands we use key name, and each command have third mandatory key data, which differs for each command.

We could declare following FromJSON instance for Command:

instance FromJSON Command where
    -- First of all we lookup for mandatory key `type`
    parseJSON (Object o) = case HML.lookup "type" o of
        Just (String "command") -> let dt = HML.lookup "data" o
                                   in case HML.lookup "name" o of
            -- Then we lookup for key `name`, to distinguish commands
            Just (String "create") -> createCmd dt
            Just (String "update") -> updateCmd dt
            Just (String "delete") -> CommandDelete <$> o .: "data"
            _                      -> unrecognizedCommand
        _ -> pure NotCommand
        where createCmd Nothing           = missingData
              createCmd (Just (Object d)) = CommandCreate <$> d .: "name" <*> d .: "value"
              createCmd _                 = incorrectData
              updateCmd Nothing           = missingData
              updateCmd (Just (Object d)) = CommandUpdate <$> d .: "id"   <*> d .: "value"
              updateCmd _                 = incorrectData

              missingData         = pure $ WrongArg "Missing mandatory `data` key."
              incorrectData       = pure $ WrongArg "Incorrect data received."
              unrecognizedCommand = pure $ WrongArg "Unrecognized command name."
    parseJSON _ = pure NotCommand

There is nothing special about ToJSON instance, so let's just omit its declaration and test our code!

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Data.Aeson

import Data.Text                                 ( Text, pack )
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL            ( fromStrict, unpack )

import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HML        ( lookup )

import Control.Applicative                       ( empty, pure, (<$>), (<*>) )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSCL

data Command = NotCommand
             | WrongArg      String
             | CommandCreate { name :: Text, value :: Double }
             | CommandUpdate { id   :: Int,  value :: Double }
             | CommandDelete { id   :: Int }
    deriving Show

instance FromJSON Command where
    parseJSON (Object o) = case HML.lookup "type" o of
        Just (String "command") -> let dt = HML.lookup "data" o
                                   in case HML.lookup "name" o of
            Just (String "create") -> createCmd dt
            Just (String "update") -> updateCmd dt
            Just (String "delete") -> CommandDelete <$> o .: "data"
            _                      -> unrecognizedCommand
        _ -> pure NotCommand
        where createCmd Nothing           = missingData
              createCmd (Just (Object d)) = CommandCreate <$> d .: "name" <*> d .: "value"
              createCmd _                 = incorrectData
              updateCmd Nothing           = missingData
              updateCmd (Just (Object d)) = CommandUpdate <$> d .: "id"   <*> d .: "value"
              updateCmd _                 = incorrectData

              missingData         = pure $ WrongArg "Missing mandatory `data` key."
              incorrectData       = pure $ WrongArg "Incorrect data received."
              unrecognizedCommand = pure $ WrongArg "Unrecognized command name."
    parseJSON _ = pure NotCommand

instance ToJSON Command where
    toJSON NotCommand = String "Not a command"
    toJSON (WrongArg t) = String (pack t)
    toJSON (CommandCreate n v) = object [ "type" .= String "command"
                                        , "name" .= String "create"
                                        , "data" .= object [ "name" .= String n
                                                           , "value" .= toJSON v
    toJSON (CommandUpdate i v) = object [ "type" .= String "command"
                                        , "name" .= String "update"
                                        , "data" .= object [ "id" .= toJSON i
                                                           , "value" .= toJSON v
    toJSON (CommandDelete i)   = object [ "type" .= String "command"
                                        , "name" .= String "delete"
                                        , "data" .= toJSON i
-- show
main = do
    let c = encode $ CommandCreate "Svetlana" 100.0
    print (decode c :: Maybe Command)
    print (decode "{\"type\":\"command\",\"name\":\"create\"}" :: Maybe Command)
    print (decode "{\"type\":\"command\",\"name\":\" reate\",\"data\":{\"name\":\"Svetlana\",\"value\":100.0}}" :: Maybe Command)
    print (decode "{\"type\":\"command\",\"name\":\"create\",\"data\":{\" ame\":\"Svetlana\",\"value\":100.0}}" :: Maybe Command)
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