This is tiny cheat sheet, which will help with decoding JSON data to Haskell's ADT.
Simple ADT
Let's start with simple example:
data YesNo = Yes
| No
deriving Show
First of all let's think how we could express our Haskell values in JSON format? According to Aeson's documentation:
So stick to objects (e.g. maps in Haskell) or arrays (lists or vectors in Haskell):
To avoid possible decoding pitfalls we should stick with objects and arrays. Here are possible (or valid) respresentations:
For Yes value: { "value" : "yes" } { "value" : 1 } { "value" : 1.0 }
No value: { "value" : "no" } { "value" : 0 } { "value" : 0.0 }
Let's declare FromJSON
instance for our YesNo
data type:
instance FromJSON YesNo where
-- parseJSON takes a Value, it could be one of follwing data constructors:
-- Object, Array, String, Number, Bool or Null.
-- First of all we expect an Object, it is defined as Object !Object,
-- where second Object is just a type synonym for HashMap Text Value. In
-- our case we should choose somehow our Haskell value constructor
-- according to recieved value.
-- So, `o` is actually a HashMap, and all we need is to lookup key "type"
-- We should use strict Text for key:
parseJSON (Object o) = case HML.lookup (pack "type") o of
-- value of entity has type Value
Just (String t) -> fromString (TL.unpack (TL.fromStrict t))
Just (Number n) -> fromNum n
-- Other cases are invalid
_ -> empty
where fromString :: String -> Parser YesNo
fromString "yes" = pure Yes
fromString "no" = pure No
fromString _ = empty
fromNum n
| n == 1 || n == 1.0 = pure Yes
| n == 0 || n == 0.0 = pure No
| otherwise = empty
Let's also declare ToJSON
instance for our Haskell data type:
instance ToJSON YesNo where
toJSON Yes = object [ "value" .= String "yes" ]
toJSON No = object [ "value" .= String "no" ]
Now we can play with it and test it:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types ( Parser )
import Data.Text ( Text, pack )
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL ( fromStrict, unpack )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL ( toChunks )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C ( fromChunks, unpack )
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HML ( lookup )
import Control.Applicative ( empty, pure )
data YesNo = Yes
| No
deriving Show
instance FromJSON YesNo where
parseJSON (Object o) = case HML.lookup "value" o of
Just (String t) -> fromString (TL.unpack (TL.fromStrict t))
Just (Number n) -> fromNum n
_ -> empty
where fromString :: String -> Parser YesNo
fromString "yes" = pure Yes
fromString "no" = pure No
fromString _ = empty
fromNum n
| n == 1 || n == 1.0 = pure Yes
| n == 0 || n == 0.0 = pure No
| otherwise = empty
instance ToJSON YesNo where
toJSON Yes = object [ "value" .= String "yes" ]
toJSON No = object [ "value" .= String "no" ]
-- show
main = do
let yesJ = encode Yes
yesJS = C.unpack $ C.fromChunks $ BSL.toChunks yesJ
putStrLn "Encoded:"
print yesJS
putStrLn "Decoding:"
print (decode yesJ :: Maybe Value)
print (decode yesJ :: Maybe YesNo)
Complex ADT
Now, let's imagine we are designing some kind of API. Assume that we store in database pairs of person's name and his/her cash amount.
data Command = NotCommand
| WrongArg String
| CommandCreate { name :: Text, value :: Double }
| CommandUpdate { id :: Int, value :: Double }
| CommandDelete { id :: Int }
deriving Show
Here are valid representations of out Command
data type:
command example
{ "type" : "command",
"name" : "create",
"data" : {
"name" : "Arthur",
"value" : 100.0
command example
{ "type" : "command",
"name" : "update",
"data" : {
"id" : 1,
"value" : 90.0
command example
{ "type" : "command",
"name" : "delete",
"data" : 1
So, we expect key type
, which always should be "command"
, to distinguish
commands we use key name
, and each command have third mandatory key data
which differs for each command.
We could declare following FromJSON
instance for Command
instance FromJSON Command where
-- First of all we lookup for mandatory key `type`
parseJSON (Object o) = case HML.lookup "type" o of
Just (String "command") -> let dt = HML.lookup "data" o
in case HML.lookup "name" o of
-- Then we lookup for key `name`, to distinguish commands
Just (String "create") -> createCmd dt
Just (String "update") -> updateCmd dt
Just (String "delete") -> CommandDelete <$> o .: "data"
_ -> unrecognizedCommand
_ -> pure NotCommand
where createCmd Nothing = missingData
createCmd (Just (Object d)) = CommandCreate <$> d .: "name" <*> d .: "value"
createCmd _ = incorrectData
updateCmd Nothing = missingData
updateCmd (Just (Object d)) = CommandUpdate <$> d .: "id" <*> d .: "value"
updateCmd _ = incorrectData
missingData = pure $ WrongArg "Missing mandatory `data` key."
incorrectData = pure $ WrongArg "Incorrect data received."
unrecognizedCommand = pure $ WrongArg "Unrecognized command name."
parseJSON _ = pure NotCommand
There is nothing special about ToJSON
instance, so let's just omit its declaration and test our code!
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Text ( Text, pack )
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL ( fromStrict, unpack )
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HML ( lookup )
import Control.Applicative ( empty, pure, (<$>), (<*>) )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSCL
data Command = NotCommand
| WrongArg String
| CommandCreate { name :: Text, value :: Double }
| CommandUpdate { id :: Int, value :: Double }
| CommandDelete { id :: Int }
deriving Show
instance FromJSON Command where
parseJSON (Object o) = case HML.lookup "type" o of
Just (String "command") -> let dt = HML.lookup "data" o
in case HML.lookup "name" o of
Just (String "create") -> createCmd dt
Just (String "update") -> updateCmd dt
Just (String "delete") -> CommandDelete <$> o .: "data"
_ -> unrecognizedCommand
_ -> pure NotCommand
where createCmd Nothing = missingData
createCmd (Just (Object d)) = CommandCreate <$> d .: "name" <*> d .: "value"
createCmd _ = incorrectData
updateCmd Nothing = missingData
updateCmd (Just (Object d)) = CommandUpdate <$> d .: "id" <*> d .: "value"
updateCmd _ = incorrectData
missingData = pure $ WrongArg "Missing mandatory `data` key."
incorrectData = pure $ WrongArg "Incorrect data received."
unrecognizedCommand = pure $ WrongArg "Unrecognized command name."
parseJSON _ = pure NotCommand
instance ToJSON Command where
toJSON NotCommand = String "Not a command"
toJSON (WrongArg t) = String (pack t)
toJSON (CommandCreate n v) = object [ "type" .= String "command"
, "name" .= String "create"
, "data" .= object [ "name" .= String n
, "value" .= toJSON v
toJSON (CommandUpdate i v) = object [ "type" .= String "command"
, "name" .= String "update"
, "data" .= object [ "id" .= toJSON i
, "value" .= toJSON v
toJSON (CommandDelete i) = object [ "type" .= String "command"
, "name" .= String "delete"
, "data" .= toJSON i
-- show
main = do
let c = encode $ CommandCreate "Svetlana" 100.0
print (decode c :: Maybe Command)
print (decode "{\"type\":\"command\",\"name\":\"create\"}" :: Maybe Command)
print (decode "{\"type\":\"command\",\"name\":\" reate\",\"data\":{\"name\":\"Svetlana\",\"value\":100.0}}" :: Maybe Command)
print (decode "{\"type\":\"command\",\"name\":\"create\",\"data\":{\" ame\":\"Svetlana\",\"value\":100.0}}" :: Maybe Command)